[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: BULLSHIT[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: I'll eat a tree if this won't work now[CoH:EF-Dev]Rizz: ok[CoH:EF-Dev]Rizz: I'll hold you to it<10 minutes later>[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: I think I really gotta eat a tree...[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: got a decent one?
I've been having problems with my EF install. I recently accquired the patch files for 1.10 and 1.11 rather than downloading that huge 638MB 1.10 setup and ran them over my 1.04 install. I assumed they would patch my 1.04 and everything would be fine. However, after playing some matches, I noticed big problems:-I couldn't find these so-called upgrades that unlock Strelky or Guard squads-My Command Squad function exactly the same as they did in 1.04-I didn't get two seperate Ingenery squads after researching their upgrade in Urban Warfare-My Ingenery also cannot build those American Outposts over captured control pointsThe list pretty much drags on. Obviously I've either done something wrong, or there is a problem with the patches. Anyone possibly know why or if there is a solution? Like I said previously, I do not want to download that 638MB setup file just to be up-to-date because I simply can't for DL reasons.
Like I said, I manually tried to patch 1.04 to 1.10, then 1.11 using patch files on these forums. I did NOT grab the 1.10 Setup File that adds up to 638MB, because I can't DL it. If doing what I did was not the problem, then I don't know what it is.