Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: Patch 1.11 'Resolute'  (Read 13964 times)

Offline WartyX

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Patch 1.11 'Resolute'
« on: May 27, 2010, 06:16:00 PM »
Eastern Front Patch 1.11 Changelog

* Modified the stats of the Lead-Lease Sherman to:
   - Health:450
   - Reload Speed: 7
   - Area effect-Damage:
      - Long - 0.2
      - Medium - 0.25
      - Short - 0.8
   - Reduce accuracy against infantry by 0.2
* Lowered the command cost of ISU-152 with 1cp, now at 4cp.
* Reduced firebase population to 6 from 15.
* Added requirements to Strelky, Guards and IS-2. Now require an upgrade from the Support Barracks (and for Guards/IS-2, one from Tank Hall also).
* Increased Strelky cost to 280mp.
* NKVD upgrade cost was changed to 50MU 15FU.
* Lend-Lease Sherman hard capped at 2.
* Reduced Strelky health by 5hp per man.
* Strelky now start with infantry armour and upgrade to airborne once the red banner upgrade is made.

Bug Fixes:
* Fixed a bug that made Shock Guards cost to little, price is now properly at 340mp.
* Fixed price of Lend-Lease Shermans, it's now 620mp.
* Fixed popcap on Conscripts back to 0. Cap of 5 squads remains.
* Fixed a bug where you weren't able to get all the upgrades in Breakthrough.
* Fixed incorrect stats of Sherman 76 Gun.
* Fixed bug where if you call in a barrage then build the tank depot you get heavy barrage which replaces the old one without need of recharging.
* Changed selection group of Command squad - so as to not coincide with Sniper/Sharpshooter.
* Fixed Medic truck so it heals only when deployed.
* Fixed bug with Tank Hunters or Sharpshooter Teams ambush mode, they can no longer move while it's active.
* Fixed crash when Red Banner Strelky Squad Died.
* Fixed bug with Lend-Lease Sherman's Hitbox, which allowed it to pass on Infantry Only Bridges and go past tank traps.
*Fixed error where the Propaganda MG Nest was the same as the base defence one - previously no pop. Propaganda MG Nest now 3 pop.

* Fixed Guard & Shock Guards doesn't have a hotkey for building them. Hotkey now 'K'.
* Fixed that Men against Tanks and AT-Gun upgrade had the same key 'P'. New key for Men against Tanks is 'M'.
* Fixed SU-100 upgrade didn't have a hotkey. Hotkey is now 'U'.

* Updated Cottbus

* Improved/Added Translations for the following Languages: Polish, French, Italian
« Last Edit: August 24, 2011, 05:15:20 PM by Rizz »

Offline Rikard Blixt

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Re: Patch 1.11 'Resolute' Changelog
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2010, 09:39:44 PM »
Eastern Front Patch 1.11.1 Changelog

* Issue resolved when user received a download dialog after he/she was told Eastern Front was up to date.
* Fixed an issue that multiple "Eastern Front is up to date" messages would appear.
* Fixed an issue with missing text in a few of the languages.
* Added Russian Translation.
Valar Morghulis
[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: I'll eat a tree if this won't work now
[CoH:EF-Dev]Rizz: ok
[CoH:EF-Dev]Rizz: I'll hold you to it
<10 minutes later>
[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: I think I really gotta eat a tree...
[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: got a decent one?