Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: Campaign Structure  (Read 21405 times)

Offline InkvizitoR_51rus

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Re: Campaign Structure
« Reply #60 on: June 01, 2010, 10:33:27 AM »
I propose to use the Russian documentaries. UeArtemis, you watched the series "Great War"?

Offline Aouch

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Re: Campaign Structure
« Reply #61 on: June 01, 2010, 11:14:41 AM »
I'm curious why nearly every thread in the last time quickly turns into an "Enemy at the Gates"-hate-thread.

I think it's OK to tell the DEVs once, that the way soviet soldiers are depicted is EFmod are an "insult" to some russian people.
But then the DEVs explained more than once that EFmod wants to keep the "spirit of vCoH", meaning that not everything has to be completly realistic and that they choose entertainment over historical accuracy.

In the end, I just couldn't resist to comment the article:

The way the author starts, looks like he thinks that Saving Private Ryan is realistic in some way, which is just plain bullshit.
Then he goes on to rant about uniforms, ranks and names and seems to completly forget that this movie is for the avarage western viewer, who has no clue about such things and propably gets confused if they were too realistic or even worse: He won't find the movie cool. After all it's still a commercial project, not a historical documentary.

He justify his rant against the NKVD "blocking detachment" with "In Rome, they did it do!", which is just no argument. Or should we forget about the KZs because of soviet Gulags?
May it be my little knowledge of the English language, but he never said that NKVD "blocking detachments" didn't existed and it seems that the author realist that such things actually happened and he therefore couldn't say "bloody lie".

I also find it funny when he believed that every russian inhabitant was a "good communist" and never cared for their own life but all for Mother Russia's wealth. (I refer to the lines about "Sasha's mother".)

« Last Edit: June 01, 2010, 11:17:23 AM by Aouch »
In memoriam MrScruff
The Wehrmacht in the East

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Offline InkvizitoR_51rus

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Re: Campaign Structure
« Reply #62 on: June 01, 2010, 12:02:38 PM »
Full delirium, brain washing in the west is in full swing. The Soviet people fought to a man against his will. And what was he to do? None of the people of the world could not endure that made our nation. 27 million dead, and of these only 8 million were killed at the front. 19-20 million civilians were killed by the Nazis. Old men, women and children, this horror was not in the history of mankind. What are we supposed to do but fight? Our country has constantly been in ruins, half of the world has come to our land with arms in their hands. If necessary, we will defend segdnya whine country from you, or Chinese. Your statements about the fun and laughter are an insult to our people and our victory. Do not you have won this war, we stopped the German army, to us, no one could beat her.

Offline MultiDoc

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Re: Campaign Structure
« Reply #63 on: June 01, 2010, 12:08:57 PM »
Totally off topic,

But the most devastating losses from the Allies in WW2 were suffered by Greece, that's if you take in mind the percentages of total population/losses.


Offline UeArtemis

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Re: Campaign Structure
« Reply #64 on: June 01, 2010, 12:14:07 PM »
I propose to use the Russian documentaries. UeArtemis, you watched the series "Great War"?
No, I don't. But I like the "Hot Snow".

Did Relic see Soviet films? :) Commandos on the River
Commandos on the River
« Last Edit: June 01, 2010, 12:15:40 PM by UeArtemis »
I believe in one thing only, the power of the human will. © Joseph Stalin

Offline InkvizitoR_51rus

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Re: Campaign Structure
« Reply #65 on: June 01, 2010, 01:01:40 PM »
The crossing of the Dnieper from the "Liberation"? One of the bloodiest battles of the war, I would have devoted to this battle, and each such separate company.

Offline Aouch

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Re: Campaign Structure
« Reply #66 on: June 01, 2010, 01:16:43 PM »
I'm sorry if I insulted you and Russia, InkvizitoR_51rus. I never had the intention to do so. I also never wanted to deny that Russia and all other Nazi-occupied countries suffered a lot under Hitler and his followers.  :(
I also think that soviet Russia was the main factor to final end the Third Reich.

However, I can't understand why some Russians today still believe every Russian in that time, 70 years ago, "fought for their land" and never spent a single thought on his own life and wealth. This would of course also mean, that maybe there were Russians who worked together with the Axis, because of their own life, were forced to do so or they simply didn't agree with Stalin and his policy...

BTW: Even if Relic watched Soviet films, it wouldn't matter. Relic didn't created the Red Army, nore the Eastern Front in CoH. A brilliant mod team did and still do that. :)
In memoriam MrScruff
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Offline InkvizitoR_51rus

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Re: Campaign Structure
« Reply #67 on: June 01, 2010, 03:18:14 PM »
I mean, the other Russian mentality. We used to work and serve for their country, and not for themselves. Perhaps it is negative by our side. When the Soviet Union collapsed, Russia and other countries have begun to chaos.
Now the country's corruption, the government does not care about us, army and navy collapse. All sold, pensions and wages are low. This is what happens to us if we have democracy in the country, in Russia simply can not be democracy. Better to let a leader with brains than a herd of dumb asses, officials, stealing our money. The largest and resource-rich country, and live in poverty.
That is why democracy we do not like. Most importantly, our dignity, to rise in one breath, fight together against the invaders, which is why no one could have won.

Returning to the subject company. For the majority of Russian, this war is sacred, and many pity that the developers let the mass of our guys on the machine guns. What prevents them from doing our group and the company is realistic? The balance will suffer?

Offline UeArtemis

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Re: Campaign Structure
« Reply #68 on: June 01, 2010, 08:58:22 PM »
Not so bad it was. In my native Ukraine was relatively good after the collapse of the Soviet Union, unlike in other countries, where were civil wars, rebellions. Only in the 21 century the Orange Revolution came and then troubles began. But this is offtopic.

Yes, it is really the sacred war for most of ex-Soviet people. Usually in the CIS people for whom this war is "alien", have an ideology what is close to Nazism. (Ultranationalism, not confuse with nationalism and patriotism)
In the east people wait to see how developers will make this heroic, sacred atmosphere.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 01:11:20 PM by UeArtemis »
I believe in one thing only, the power of the human will. © Joseph Stalin

Offline InkvizitoR_51rus

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Re: Campaign Structure
« Reply #69 on: June 01, 2010, 11:12:28 PM »
Yushchenko is nice you have in Ukraine annealed. We all fear was in 1990-2003. My father, Russian army officer, lived in a remote garrison in the north. Penny was paid $ 150 a month salary of a Russian officer rank of Captain. Money for food was not, eating a potato.
Okay, let's not about sad. I have engaged a company has good experience from other games. And with what it do? Map editor?

Ющенко конечно хорошо у вас на Украине отжигал. У нас вообще ужас был в 1990-2003 годах. Мой отец- офицер российской армии, жили в дальнем гарнизоне на севере. Платили копейки- 150$ в месяц зарплата российского офицера звания Капитан. Интересно сколько зарабатывают офицеры США. Денег на еду не было, ели одну картошку.
Ладно, не будем о грустном. Я бы занялся компанией, опыт благо есть из других игр. А с помощью чего её делать? Редактора карт?

Offline UeArtemis

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Re: Campaign Structure
« Reply #70 on: June 02, 2010, 01:17:26 PM »
There is a built-in map editor and manuals in English, which can be found on the official Relic forums.

P.S. Ah, I remember, I ate cod liver in 1992 :) every day :)
I believe in one thing only, the power of the human will. © Joseph Stalin

Offline Saavedra

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Re: Campaign Structure
« Reply #71 on: June 05, 2010, 11:54:38 PM »
Jesus, people, stop being so butthurt. Eastern Front is not a simulator, and Enemy at the Gates was not a documentary. Stop being all indignant and all "THIS IS AN INSULT TO MOTHER RUSSIA!"

According to the media, WWII American soldiers were all uneducated peasants led by blood-thirsty officers, the French were cowardly cheese-eating surrendering monkeys (or blood-thirsty cheese-eating psychopaths when they are the Resistance), the British were tea-sipping douchebags, the Canadians... were not even there, and the Japs and the Germans... the less we talk about them, the better.

But we take it all in good stride because... this is a video-game. Not a text book in our schools.

Explain why the devs of Eastern Front, a mod made for fun with no economic support behind, based on Company of Heroes, an unrealistic, fast-paced RTS with base building and "GERMAN STEEL!"-screaming Nagtsis, should bend backwards to your wishes and make a realistic representation of what you think Russia was like back then.

Which was probably not any close to what you think anyway.

If you want something different from what the mod offers, here is an idea: LEARN TO CODE, AND MAKE YOUR OWN MOD.

Offline vietlord

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Re: Campaign Structure
« Reply #72 on: June 07, 2010, 09:39:27 PM »
back about campaign, and super-heroism ?

why not altern one sov mission and one germ mission ?

the campaign i ever saw is not history but starcraft1 by the way, where unit are gradually deployed, army suffer while working their aim, against time and casualties, on goood maps
and doctrines are here to choose the style
pleeeease criticize or comment my ostheer try

Offline Theodorable

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Re: Campaign Structure
« Reply #73 on: June 23, 2010, 06:25:43 AM »

The Mod in itself follows the guidelines of what Company of Heroes is all about. I have no complaints except that nobody online is ever playing it.


My idea:


I. Back, Back, Back

I. Operation Barbarossa is in full effect. Comrade Stalin was caught napping and now the Soviets are paying for it. Soviet infantry on occupied Poland are being slaughtered left right by the Luftwaffe and the incoming Panzer Groups. The mission here is two-fold. Survive, and, as ordered by your superiors, ensure as many of your brethren survive as possible.

1. Maintain the Front as long as possible while other units retreat. (4 minutes)
2. Hold back the Wehrmacht from taking the road as long as possible.
3. Retreat back to the junction and hold it as long as possible.

Secondary Objectives
1. Protect Comrade Kuzichinko's damaged T-34 until its repaired.

And that will be kind of the " How the Soviet's play " level.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2010, 06:27:20 AM by Theodorable »

Offline Red_Stinger

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Re: Campaign Structure
« Reply #74 on: June 23, 2010, 11:34:34 AM »
Jesus, people, stop being so butthurt. Eastern Front is not a simulator, and Enemy at the Gates was not a documentary. Stop being all indignant and all "THIS IS AN INSULT TO MOTHER RUSSIA!"

According to the media, WWII American soldiers were all uneducated peasants led by blood-thirsty officers, the French were cowardly cheese-eating surrendering monkeys (or blood-thirsty cheese-eating psychopaths when they are the Resistance), the British were tea-sipping douchebags, the Canadians... were not even there, and the Japs and the Germans... the less we talk about them, the better.

But we take it all in good stride because... this is a video-game. Not a text book in our schools.

Explain why the devs of Eastern Front, a mod made for fun with no economic support behind, based on Company of Heroes, an unrealistic, fast-paced RTS with base building and "GERMAN STEEL!"-screaming Nagtsis, should bend backwards to your wishes and make a realistic representation of what you think Russia was like back then.

Which was probably not any close to what you think anyway.

If you want something different from what the mod offers, here is an idea: LEARN TO CODE, AND MAKE YOUR OWN MOD.

They arent "all indignant", they are just noticing some fact.
I'm French and I never hear media saying "WWII American soldiers were all uneducated peasants led by blood-thirsty officers, the French were cowardly cheese-eating surrendering monkeys (or blood-thirsty cheese-eating psychopaths when they are the Resistance), the British were tea-sipping douchebags, the Canadians... were not even there". Its only "joke" prejudice about these soldier.

Of course in France we have our prejudice about "La France Résistante", "la pause thé des Anglais" and others... But in fact we know that without the help of Commonwealth, USA and Resistance, France would be a sad part of Germany. We know precisely how the war was in the West, and I think that other allied nation know this too. But we dont know so much about the fight in the East. I remember that a History teacher tell me in my highschool that the soviet DID fight in Stalingrad with 1 rifle for 2 men (!!!!) , according to recent work of western historian (just like Beevor), and that "red army was a bunch of uneducated communist savage" (almost the same sentence as you Saavedra, funny ist'n it?). I was certain he was about to glorify Werhmacht...

I understand that EF is a (well-made) mod made without economic support behind, and dev want people to play it with fun. But it would be interesting if we can have a more "realistic" campaign, without western prejudice about USSR and Red Army. I know these from plenty of other game about this, and for me its going to be boring  :( There are some good idea here about both german and soviet side, I hope dev will pick up these for the campaign  :D
"Du sublime au ridicule, il n'y a qu'un pas"
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