Welcome to Ivan Danko's Drill Ground. War is close. And in order to prepare your for it, I will explain to you our new Soviet Union upgrade system.
The Armory
This is the building where the Red Army receives its upgrades. All upgrades are globally and affect all new units of the applying type that are produced. It is important to plan your strategy ahead. Make a basic layout of which doctrine you want to take, the units you want to be your core force, and choose the appropriate upgrades for your army. These upgrades might seem expensive at first, but remember that they are the only expenditure for Soviet ammunition, as doctrine abilites are only restricted by cooldown timers. And, they do not just apply for one squad, but for all units of the according type. Consult "The Guide" on our homepage for further information.
Sturmovie Ingenery (200 MUN) This upgrade will transform your Ingenery into powerful assault troops. Their rifles are replaced with PPSh-43 SMGs, they receive Satchel Charges and are outfitted with SN-42 Body Armor, reducing received accuracy and received suppression.
Conscript Reinforcements (200 MUN)Conscript squads, only the very basic of infantry at first, now receive proper equipment and leadership. All Conscripts are finally equipped with rifles, they receive makeshift Molotov Cocktails and are now lead into combat by an NKVD Commissar. He will properly motivate his squad, giving the ability to break suppression.
Red Flag Strelky (200 MUN)Although Strelky are already good as standard infantry, they now get even better. They receive a Standard Bearer, carrying the Red Flag, giving the ability to sprint. Also, their Mosin-Nagants are replaced by PPSh-43 SMGs and DP-28 LMGs, making them better at close and long range combat.
Shock Guards (200 MUN)Guards already a force to be reckoned with, now become even more versatile. Normal Guards are equipped with semi-automatic SVT-40s, making them deadly at long range, but vulnerable to assault troops. Shock Guards now receive the covering fire ability, being able to slow down charging assault troops, finishing them off with a hail of frag grenades even better. In addition, they get smoke grenades, to lessen the effect of incoming machine gun fire.
Precision Artillery (150 MUN)All Sniper Teams now have the ability to call down precision artillery. Being able to hide in cover, calling this down on unsuspecting units, makes it very deadly. The Sniper Ace receives this ability as well when researched.
Men against Tanks (150 MUN)Seeing the need for extra anti-tank capabilites of Soviet Infantry, PTRD Tank Hunter squads are now made up of four men, two of them bearing anti-tank rifles. Very effective against vehicles and the sides and rear of tanks.
Phosphor Shells (150 MUN)The already powerful Heavy Mortar now receives Phosphor Rounds. With those, heavily dug-in German troops can be burned out quickly.
HEAT Rounds (150 MUN)Using the very latest technology, all ZIS-2 anti-tank guns are now supplied with Heat Rounds. This lets them fight the German Armor even more efficiently.
T-34/85 (250 MUN)The new German zoo of Panther and Tiger tanks has made an upgrade to our T-34/76s necessary. All T-34s are now equipped with new turrets, which are better armored, have better vision slits for more sight and bear a stronger main gun. The T-34 Tank Rider doctrine ability is also affected by this upgrade.
SU-85 Cage Armor (250 MUN)All SU-85s are now equipped with cage armor. Somewhat looking like a bedspring, it is very efficient in reducing the effects of German anti-tank weapons, making the SU-85 even more powerful.
So much for the Armory. Make sure to also checkout our load of new pictures and our brand new video about Armored Warfare on the Eastern Front.
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