we do have a big info/media update on the way.
2) IS the ISU-152 more of a StuH or a Jagdpanther?
3)Is there a limit to the number of Katyusha's you can call in?
4) How are the IL-2 Sturmoviks comming out?
5) Have you guys figured out how to mount Guard inf on t-34's yet?
For now, the beta is completely censored, but it isn't like you are being left in the dark; we do have a big info/media update on the way.
Regarding my post:I apologize, at the time I was acting impulsively and didn't even stop to think that I was potentially breaking the NDA. I thought I was doing the developers a favor by answering a few trivial questions.But now I realize and understand that you guys worked very hard on this mod, and would like to answer the questions yourselves - at your own discretion. (the "media updates" can be very exciting)If I could go back, I would have never posted it. I personally don't believe the developers were being harsh by deleting it; they were just protecting their intellectual property. I'm glad they've been understanding of this situation, and it hasn't escalated to an unnecessary point.Thanks everyone,-nbeerbower
Loupblanc please, shut the hell up. I've already explained why the ISU is as it is, and we are not going to change it just because the realism fetishists are complaining of some minor historical inaccuracies. If you don't like the way we've balanced the mod, tough shit. A 60 foot rifleman is in no way comparable to having AP shells instead of HE shells, you're waay over dramatising the situation.