Well since Everybody seems to agree that Oshteer with Trcuks is not gonna happen. I did some major changes in my Ostheer concept. I hope you like it anyways. This is rather a whole new concept more than a rework of my original concept.
VETERANCY SISTEM Ostheer is an elite veteran army can either choose to deploy battle-hardened veterans from previous operations
or to field fresh troops recently who have recently arrived from the Reich. You can select the grade of veterancy of the new unit you wish to deploy but the higher the experience the higher the price you have to pay.
-Recruit level: No additional cost
-Veteran: 20% of additional cost
-Crack: 30% of additional cost
-Elite: 40% of additional costSECURING SECTORS AND FORWARD OUTPOSTSIn order to secure a sector, the Ostheer must build up a Forward Outpost. Forward Outpots can be build by Sturmpioneers. When securing a sector it does not produce addiotinal resources due the logistical problems that the long distances and partisans are causing.
You must upgrade your Forward Outposts in order to produce a larger resource bonus.
THE DRANG NACH OSTENThe German high Command has been planning Barbarossa Unternehmen since 1940 so Ostheer Units enjoy from a faster deployment than other armies.But...
The Long Distances, Partisan Operations, Scorched Earth Tactics and the Stubborn (aber futile) Resistence of the Russians have produced a serious resource shortage
in the front lines and have diverted resources among the different Heeresgruppen. Osterheer units does not only reduce the income of manpower your recive ,Ostheer vehicles will also reduce the ammount of fuel you recive and when buying upgrades for your vehicles and infantery or building defensive structures you will also recive less ammunition from your strategic points.A Swift Advance comes for a price...
*The Ostheer begins with one squad of Sturmpioneers and one squad of SpahtruppTECHTREE
HAUPTQUARTIERProduces Sturmpioneers, Spahtrupp, Opel Blitz and can Deploy a Panzer Battlegroup.
*Sturmpioneers: Consist in a Squad of Three men equipped with the kar98k bolt action rifle. They can build up field defences and to build up additional structures for the Ostheer. They are slow when capturing stategic points.
Can build up:
-Defensive Structures*Barbed Wire
*Tank Traps
-FORWARD OUTPOST: A Dirt and wood structure which solidifies your control on a sector.Its slightly weak but can be Upgraded with:
1. Logistical Center: It produces an improved resource bonus.
2. Machine Gun Nest: The outposts becomes more resistent and is equipped with a MG42.
Can be Upgraded to (requires research in WAFFENKAMMER):
Mine Detector Team to disable mines and bobby traps
Anti-Tank Support Team and be equipped with a Panzerbüchse 39 Anti-Tank Rifle.
Heavy Machine Gun Team from they will be equipped with the MG42 heavy machine gun
Mortar Team and they will be equipped with a 8 cm Granatwerfer 34 medium mortar.
*Spähtrupp: fast-moving light infantery. Consist of three men equipped with bolt action rifles a. They are equipped with binoculars for improved scouting. They are fast when capturing sectors.
*Opel Blitz: fast moving, unarmed transport truck. Can transport up to twelve soldiers.
-Can be upgraded to an Ambulence to heal infantery and to clear nearby casualties. When it has recovered four soldiers it deploys a Grenadier Squad (grenadiers like the ones of the Origiinal CoH). Can throw Grenades but cannot be upgraded with heavy weapons.
*PANZER BATTLEGROUP: Allows you to deploy two Panzer IV and one Stubi into the battlefield. It works like a support power. All of them are upgraded with Armor Skirts, MG42s and are Crack Level
*SdKfz 2: Light tractor, perfect for recom missions and since one of his passenger is equipped with a MP40 is suitable for hunting down weapons teams and elusive snipers
*Landerzug: Medium Infantery.Backbone of the 3rd German Army Consists in a Squad of five men armed with the Kar98k bolt-action rifle and an officer fitted with a MP40 they have frag grandes and anti-tank granades.
*Sdf.Kfz. 10:light Half-Track capable of transporting up to twelve men. It can also sacrifice it transport capability to be equipped fitted with a 2 cm FlaK 30 anti-aircraft gun.
*8.8 cm KwK 43: Using the powerful gun that the Tiger II, this Anti-Tank Gun is able to pierce even the thickiest of armor.
WAFFENKAMMERThis is where you perform researchs to gain access to more powerful weapons and abilities.
TIER 1 Research*Specialist Weapons: Enables your Sturmpioneers to be upgraded to Weapon Teams.
*Assault Tactics: Landerzug squads can throw two granades per launch.
*Combat Engenieers: Increase the Speed in which your Sturmpioneers capture strategic points.
TIER 2 Research*Panzer Deployment: Enables your to Deploy Panzer IIIs
*5 cm KwK 39 L/60: Upgrades all your Panzer III with a larger cannon which made them more fit for armored combat but sacrificing ts anti-infantery efectivness.
*Smoke Launchers: Enables your Panzer III to display smoke screensTIER 3 Research*Panzerjager Support: Enables your Panzerkommando Center to deploy Jagdpanzer IVs
*PaK 42 L/70: All your Jagdpanzer IV will be upgraded with a PaK 42 L/70, the same gun as the Panther, althought this slightly reduces their movility.
*On board mechanics: Inmovilized or Damaged engines can be repaired by the highly skilled members of the crew. Requires Ammo.
*Kurzen: Equips all your Panzer IV-based tanks with side skirts.
FELDUNTERSTUTZUNGS CENTER*Kugelblitz: Self-propelled Anti-aircraft Gun. Equipped with a couple of 30mm Zwillingsflak 103/38 it can deal with nfantery, aircraft and light vehicles.
*Flammapanzerwagen: A Halftrack equipped with that armed with two flamethrowers that are highly effective against Infantery
*Berge Pioneers: Expert Mechanics, armed P-38 Pistols. They can perform advanced repairs.
*Panzer III: Light Tank. Equipped with a 75mm KwK 37 L/24 cannon. Can be upgraded with a MG34 machinegun
in the turret.
*Panzer IV: Medium Tank. It has a 7.5 cm KwK 40 and can be upgraded with a MG42.
1.When choosing the SHOCK TACTICS, they have the "Tank Shock" Special Ability.
2.When chossing the SIEGE TACTICS the have the "Hull Down" special ability.
3.When choosing the ARMORED COMBAT TACTICS all your in game and all the Panzer IV you produce from then on will deploy with the "Veteran level"*Stubi: A Panzer IV fitted with a low velocity gun making it ideal for Infantery Support missions. It also benefits from each doctrine
*Hauptmann: He is escorted by four bodyguards equipped with the Gewehr 43 semi-automatic Rifle. Any unit that is in the territory as the Major is immune tu supression and has a offensive bonus.
MAJOR SPECIAL ABILITIES1.Angriff!!: the Hauptmann and nearby infantery carry out a fearsome assault reciving offensive and speed bonuses
2.Rain of Iron: the Major calls in an off-map Heavy Artillery strike*Jagdpanzer IV: a Tank Destroyer build on the chassis of a Panzer IV fitted with a 7.5 cm PaK 39 L/48. It can use"Tungstene Shells" to pierce heavy armor and has
the "Crippling Shot" special ability whick allows to inflict critical damage to enemy hehicles, damaging their treads, main weanponary or even inmovilize them.
NOW FOR THE DOCTRINES!!SHOCK TACTICSThis set of tactics focuses in Shock and Awe strategies making use of the best of the best Men and Tanks from the Elite Waffen-SS Divions.
Hero Support:*Defenders of the Reich 2 Points(400 Manpower, 8 Population): Request Sopport from the Battle-Hardened Veterans of the Defense Squads
-Calls in a Veteran Level SS Squad. Consist in a a Squad of five men equipped with bolt Action rifles. They can be equipped with MG34s, they have the "Fire PanzerFaust" special ability and can throw an M43 stick granade with a Splittering fragmentation sleeve. They have shorter range than a normal grenade but have a wider action radious*Terror 3 Points(200 Ammunition): Drops leaflets and the squads within its range become supressed.
*Black Tiger 5 Points(1300 Manpower 14 Population): The Armored Knights of the Vaterland will asist in this glorious struggle.
-Calls in an Elite Level Tiger I equipped with a Schrapnellmine Launcher. Only Once per battlePhsycological Warfare:
*Storm the Front!! 2Points: Der Rote kommt niemals zur ruh. Sturmtroopers, Landerzug and SS Squads gain the ability to supress the enemy with focused gun fire
*Sieg oder Bolsche-Wismus!!(200 ammo) 3 points :Fuhr Frieheit und Leben. All your infantery units obtain an offensive bonus and vehicles have a higher fire rate.
*The Sirens of Death(350 Ammo) 4 Points: A JU-87 Sturzkampffleugzeug Dive Bomber executes a bombing along a determined path. Also pinns the enemy squads in its action radious due the noise of the siren
SIEGE TACTICS.Make use of superior defensive operations and crush the foe with all the might of German Artillery!
Fortress Warfare *Belagerung Engenieers 2 Points: Deploy a three men squad of speacially trained combat pioneers who are experts in defensive operations.
Can Build Up:
-Gräben: A large trench wich can garrison up to nine soldiers
-Minefields( a much larger version of the usual minefield)
-AT Outpost: A fortified position equipped with a 8.8 cm KwK 43.
*Devils Gardens 3 Points: Enables your Festung Baumeister to deploy a deadly combination of Anti-Tank and Anti-Personnal mines into their Mine Fields.
*sFH 18 4Points: Enables your Belagrung Engenieers to build the 15 cm schwere Feldhaubitze 18 to devastate the battelfield
Siege Operations*Demolition Teams 2 POints: Your Belagerung Engenieers and Sturmpioneers can throw Satchel Charges
*Das Brummbar 4Points: Deploys a Sturmpanzer IV to crush enemy defenses (Limit 2).
*Morser Strike 5 Points: An off-map Karl-Gerat Siege Howitzer fires a single 60cm concrete-piercing shell into the designated area.
ARMORED COMBAT TACTICSThe russians will be crushed under the iron threads of the superior desings of German Engineering
Logistics*Panzergranaten 2 Points: Enables all your tanks to use the fearsome Panzergranaten 40 to deal with enemy heavy armor.
*Stug III: Deploy a Sturmgeschutz III usuful for supporting infantery and dealing with basic tanks.
*German Zoo 5 Points: Your Panzekommando Centers can now deploy the fearsome Panzer V "Panther" into the battlefield.
Panzer Superiority.
*Ostfront Pioneers 1Point: Your Sturmpioneers and Berge Pioneers to obtain ammo from destroyed vehicles
*Fuel Reserves: You recive more fuel while its active but your income of Manpower reduces after that.
*The Elephant 4 Points (1300 Manpower, 15 Population): Deploys a single very powerful Panzerjäger Tiger to the battlefield. Cannot be more than Elephant on the battlefield at same time.
I hope you like it, see you soon!!