Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: My Ostheer vision  (Read 13728 times)

Offline Estheral

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My Ostheer vision
« on: September 04, 2009, 06:48:10 PM »
Hi everybody.

Here you will find my ideas for the Ostheer.

I like that I read in your Soviet Union guide also I decided to present my vision with a similar form.

It was very hard to create new unique army and specially a  soviets nemesis. I think I have found a good concept.

I spend several hours to find all details and I deleted many many ideas and units for keeping forces balance (Elefant + Jagdtiger ? Good bye Jadtiger).

I like the result. I think I have a very unique and fun concept.

Like I said on this forum Red Army must build Observation Post (necessary for a 3 vs 3 with all races). Also Ostheer build OP.

I hope that you will be interrested... I think you are finishing Red Army also I hope there is enought time to propose new concepts like mine.

I know your team is complete but if you need something.... I have lot of ideas like you will can see, I can translate in french (I read english easily but I write bad english), I can create icons, make cofee, or test beta version.



Before fighting, you need to know how we will win against Communists!

Fresh Recruit

Each minutes, a Fresh Recruit go to your Headquarters from behind frontlines. When you have four of them in your HQ you can deploy them as a new Heeresgruppe Grenadier Squad for free but you can’t deploy it if your army is over-populated. You don’t receive other men if you have the maximum Fresh Recruit number on your HQ. At tier 2 or 3, you can wait for having five or six member before deploy it, but of course, you must always buy their weapon upgrades and abilities researches.


The Eastern Front is Hell and your fresh meats know it. Also, if your basic unit (Heeresgruppe Grenadier) loose one unit, the squad have a chance to retreat automatically. This percentage is automatically reduced at tier 2 and disappears at tier 3.


All your infantry squad fight harder when loosing half of their member.

No research in buildings, only units

Except veterans and tiers researches, there is no research in your buildings. In the Eastern Front you don’t have time to develop new technologies. They will come directly from Germany. Instead of global researches, there are personal researches on your unit menu. In fact you must pay a little cost (manpower and fuel) for each unit (to pay convoys) before using abilities (free or with ammunition cost). You also have upgrades which cost ammunition, like other factions. Tiers researches are cheap because valid only in the building where you find it and because they require a number of Observation Post and Light Bunker.

Knowledge of the battlefield

Veterancy in the Ostheer Army is applied for all your units. There are only three expansive researches on your headquarters, one per tier. The bonus is a little more important than equivalent other army bonus when your units are in a linked territory, and less efficient in neutral, enemies and unlinked territories.

Cooldowns Reducer

Ostheer units are not very expansive, in particular infantry units. But they have a bad reinforcement cooldown. This one can be reduced with each Observation Post you build.


The Ostheer army has a new unique tech-tree. There are two unit production building: The Heeresgruppe Barracks and the Ostheer Armoured Center. You must have the first building before construct the second. The barracks contains all infantry units, a car and a truck. The armoured center contains all offensive vehicles. In each production building you can activate a cheap icon to change tier and access to new units. To activate this icon you must have a certain number of Observation Post and Light Bunker. If you loose these buildings you don’t loose the benefice of the last tier. But if you loose and/or create a new production building you need to activate tier for this one and you need to have the required number of Observation Post and Light Bunker to do this. Be careful to your buildings, it’s not real bunkers but wood structures. No time to construct a stronger building in this front line.


This main building permits to deploy your Engineers and receives Fresh Recruits.

Reich Engineer

Engineer can capture points and build the two production building and defensive structure (Light Bunker, Observation Post, barbed Wire, Sand bags, Tank Traps, Mines). They use MP40, can cut barbed wire and repair.
Upgrade 1: Flamethrowers
Research 1 (tiers 2): Shovels
Ability 1: Bury. With their shovels, the squad can bury itself on the ground. Buried, grenadiers can’t do anything but they are invisible. Infantry and vehicles can pass above without wounding them.

Fresh Recruits (Heeresgruppe Grenadier)

Your HQ receives one Fresh Recruit per minute. You can see their number on the Fresh Recruits icon. When you have four, five or six Fresh Recruits, you can deploy it for free as a Heeresgruppe Grenadier Squad.

Knowledge of Ground, Mastery of Ground, Like Home

It’s the three veterancy researches. Knowledge of Ground appears at the beginning. Mastery of Ground requires Knowledge of Ground and tier 2. Like Home requires Mastery of Ground and tier 3.

Heeresgruppe Barracks

This is the production building dedicated to the infantry and the transport of troops.

Advanced Squad

When you have 2 Observation Posts and/or Light Bunkers, you can activate this icon to access to tier 2 infantry units.

Elite Squad

When you have 5 Observation Posts and/or Light Bunkers, you can activate this icon to access to tier 3 infantry units. It’s requires Advanced Squad research.


This car can’t fight but can detect hidden units like snipers and can carry your officer. In the car, an Officer can use his abilities but can’t shoot.

Heeresgruppe Grenadier

Your main infantry unit. They are four men using kar 98 rifles. You can buy MP40 sub machineguns. At tier 2 you can add a fifth member, and a sixth soldier at tier 3. The soldier number of your squad, when you have just bought it, is always four (except in HQ).
Upgrade 1: MP40
Research 1 : Grenades
Research 2 (tiers 2): Shovels
Ability 1 : Throw grenade
Ability 2 : Bury. With their shovels, the squad can bury itself on the ground. Buried, grenadiers can’t do anything but they are invisible. Infantry and vehicles can pass above without wounding them.

Mortar Squad

A tier 2 unit of three men using MP40 and a mortar.
Research 1 : Incendiary mortar
Abilities 1 : Use incendiary mortar instead usual mortar.

Tank Destroyer Squad

A tier 2 unit of three men using two Gewehr 43 and one Panzerschreck.
Research 1: Anti-tank Grenades
Ability 1: Throw anti-tank grenade. At tier 3, they throw two anti-tank grenades.

Transport Truck (Opel Blitz - Kfz 79)

A tier 2 truck without weapon. Two capacities: you can carry two squads with it and you can reinforce unit around it.
Upgrade 1: Medical Truck. Regenerate infantry life around it. You can’t choose the other update and you loose Transport Truck capacities.
Upgrade 2 (tiers 3): Truck of Engineering. Repair vehicle around it. You can’t choose the other update and you loose Transport Truck capacities.

Fanatic Squad

A tier 3 unit of four men using STG44 assault rifles. They are never affected by suppression shoot.
Research 1: Grenades
Research 2: Satchel Charge
Research 3: Intensive Training
Ability 1: Throw grenade
Ability 2: Use satchel charge
Ability 3: Run (require Intensive Training)

Sniper Officer

A tier 3 unit. Sniper officer can motivate troops, have a semi-automatic G43 rifle with ZF4 scope but don’t have camouflage like other snipers.
Ability 1: Motivate. Give a bonus of speed and health to one infantry squad.


A tier 4 unit. You can buy a spy after deploying Sniper Officer and Panzer IV and while having 6 Observation Posts and/or Light Bunkers. The spy is not in your building. After click to the spy icon (after cooldown), you must select a visible enemy infantry unit. It became your spy until he dies. You can’t control him but you see that he see, and enemy player can’t know that. You can have three spies at once.

Ostheer Armoured Center

This is the production building dedicated to half-tracks and tanks.

Medium Tank

When you have 2 Observation Posts and/or Light Bunkers, you can activate this icon to access to tier 2 tank units.

Heavy Tank

When you have 5 Observation Posts and/or Light Bunkers, you can activate this icon to access to tier 3 tank units. It’s requires Medium Tank research.

Sdkfz 233 Stummel

A half-track with 7.5 cm KwK 37 L/24 short gun. No fuel needed to deploy it. When destroyed, a survivor goes to your HQ as a Fresh Recruit.

Panzerkampfwagen II

A fast and small assault tank.
Upgrade 1: Binoculars. Permit to see far on the fog war.


A tier 2 vehicle. Howitzer medium tank.
Research 1: Camouflage
Ability 1: Camouflage. Wespe is invisible until it makes fire or an enemy unit approaches just at side.

Marder II

A tier 2 tank destroyer vehicle. Medium tank.
Research 1: Perforating Shell.
Ability 1: Use a perforating shell for increase damage against tank.
Ability 2: Tread breaker

Panzerkampfwagen III

A tier 2 medium assault tank.
Upgrade 1: 50 mm KwK38 L/42 gun. Replace 37 mm KwK36 L/45 gun but loose one coaxial machine-gun.
Research 1: Cover Operations.
Ability 1: Covering. Give a defensive bonus to one heavy tank during many seconds.

Sturmgeschutz III

A tier 3 Howitzer vehicle. Heavy tank. Good range.

Panzer IV

A tier 3 heavy assault tank. Efficient against infantry and medium tank.

Panzer Division

A tier 4 “unit”. You can activate this “unit” after deploying Sniper Officer and Panzer IV and while having 7 Observation Posts and/or Light Bunkers. Each five minutes, you can deploy panzers which come from behind frontlines for a very little manpower cost. It can be a Panzer IV (40% of chance) or two Panzer III (60% of chance). You can’t deploy it if your army is over-populated.

Light Bunker

We don’t have the time to build our bunkers with communists at our door. So use these planks of wood…

Upgrade 1: Light Bunker became a Machinegun Position (MG42). You can’t choose the other update.
Upgrade 2 (tiers 2): Light Bunker became Medical Cant. You can pay ammunition to heal infantry around this building. You can’t choose the other update.

Light Bunker, Machinegun Position, and medical Cant are used to determine your tier.

Observation post

You need Observation Post to protect resources points, determine tiers, and reduce cooldowns.

EDIT : Preceding icons are not serious. It is just used to illustrate my text.


The Heeresgruppe Nord is able to deploy an expert infantry coming from Finland for the combat of the large snow-covered countries, and deadly air forces.

Ground Domination

Invisible attack

During 30 seconds, if an enemy vehicle passes to the top of your buried troops, it is destroyed or immobilised by a sticking bomb placed under its frame.

Finnish Elite Troops

You can call a special troop of three men. Two of them have a Gewehr 43 rifle, and the last is a sniper using G43 rifle with ZF4 scope. This squad can use grenades (require Grenades research) and run (require Intensive Training research).

Flak40 128mm

Engineer can now build the best German AA/AT.

Sky Domination

Air interception

During one minute, if an enemy plane appear (recon, fighter, bomber, sailplane…), it is automatically destroyed by one of your Messerschmitt.

Elite Paratroopers

You can deploy three parachutists (Heeresgruppe Fallshimjager) on the battlefield. They have Camouflage ability (require Camouflage research) and can throw grenades (require Grenades research). They use FG42 assault rifles.

Blind Bombardment

You can call a Heinkel He 111 bomber which can drop bomb. If one of your infantry is destroy by this bomb, you receive a new Fresh Recruit in your HQ for each infantry unit lost in the explosion (If you loose a squad of three men, you receive three recruits).


The Heeresgruppe Süd uses artillery to destroy cities and urban troops for capturing what remains.

Infantry Domination

Rumanian Troops

A cheap squad of eight men using kar 98 rifles. They can run (require Intensive Training research) but have no upgrade and can’t use enemy’s weapons.

Heeresgruppe Equipment

Heeresgruppe Grenadiers win two new upgrades. The first is a MG42 light machinegun (tiers 2), and the other is Panzerschreck (tiers 3). The ammunition cost for MP40 upgrade is dividing by two. They can buy the three upgrades (In tiers 3 you can have: 4 MP40, 1 MG42, 1 Panzerschreck)!

Bouncing Betty

Engineers can now burry Mine-S (Schrapnellmine). It’s a vicious weapon against infantry. It can wound or kill out of tens of soldiers in a ray of 100m with its projectiles.

Artillery Domination

Need for reinforcement

You always receive a new Fresh Recruit in your HQ for each complete infantry squad lost (If you loose a squad of three men, you receive only one recruit). That’s a little compensation after enemy artillery strike…

Sturmpanzer IV Brummbär

You can deploy a Sturmpanzer IV Brummbär on battlefield, a short range but powerful howitzer. Heavy tank.

Hidden Artillery

Officers can call an artillery strike which comes behind front lines.


The Heeresgruppe Mitte can use several tanks.

Road Domination

Mechanical improvements

Kubelwagen, Opel Blitz, Stummel, Panzer II, and Wespe move a little faster.

Jagdpanzer IV

An impressive tank destroyer vehicle. Heavy tank.

Convoy Interception

Each enemies loose 30 (or less) fuel resources. You win 50 fuel points (expansive ammunition cost).

Armoured Domination

Armoured Skirts

Sturmgeschütz III, Panzer IV, and Jadpanzer IV can be upgraded with armoured skirts.

Sabotage before retreat

Crew can leave a tank and retreat in your HQ. After many seconds it explodes. Crew members are Fresh Recruits. You can create your Grenadier with them. The number of members depends of the tank (equal to the required tier).

Jagdpanzer Ferdinand “Elefant”

A huge and dangerous tank destroyer vehicle. A 88mm gun on a Tiger I frame. You can deploy only one Elefant per game.

EDIT : I created these icons for fun but very quickly by cut and paste pictures found on web (except for two icons). I'm not very satisfied but it nice to have some pictures on a big text like this. In gift, this is the background i used. I like this colors because white and blue are the opposite of your red and black icons for Soviet union. Light blue and white symbolise snow.
« Last Edit: September 18, 2009, 04:37:56 PM by Estheral »

Offline Dominic 'Dragon' Cassidy

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Re: My Ostheer vision
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2009, 12:50:59 AM »
Very interesting and unique ideas.

I'm loving how you managed to find things that are quite different and yet to be used.

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Offline UltimateTobi

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Re: My Ostheer vision
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2009, 02:39:53 PM »
As a new scout unit for the Ostheer you could use the Kettenkrad of the Panzer Elite and put a German Volksgrenadier on the back with a MP40, so the Kettenkrad can defend itself.

Offline kitekatus

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Re: My Ostheer vision
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2009, 04:55:53 PM »
well i think  armored troops should be upgraded from buildings not  doctrines like kingtiger mentioned in one of his posts.
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Offline Voop_Bakon

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Re: My Ostheer vision
« Reply #4 on: September 05, 2009, 08:24:47 PM »
I like it. With a little bit of tweaking it could be good. The only problem i saw is having up to 3 spies. I personally think it should be only 2 at the max. Spying with 3 units seems like it could reveal everything the enemy has.

Offline gamerisin

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Re: My Ostheer vision
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2009, 07:27:10 AM »
good ideas,I like the "Fresh Recruits,Fresh meat hehe..."but just one question,why when they are buried the troops can't do anything,wouldn't be better that they stay in ambush state?? just a thought don't get me wrong. ;D

Offline Estheral

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Re: My Ostheer vision
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2009, 12:24:01 PM »
armored troops should be upgraded from buildings

Nice idea but not for this army. My concept is personnal researches (in units) instead of global researches (in buildings). "No time to build an develop technologies with Red Army at doors." That's the concept.

The only problem i saw is having up to 3 spies. I personally think it should be only 2 at the max

Why not. I don't know. It's tier 4 ! Only one spy for a tier 4 is not enought, but three is maybe to much. The best thing to do is creating this army and testing it! lol

why when they are buried the troops can't do anything,wouldn't be better that they stay in ambush state?

If "in ambush state" you want say they can shoot like a sniper do, it's not my vision. Buried troops are waiting for  fighting behind ennemies lines. That's why they are completely invisible, even against the vehicles which detects the camouflaged units. A jeep can detect a sniper, the sniper can shoot. A jeep can't detect buried troops also buried troops can't shoot (to powerful if it can). Maybe for the balance, jeep should be able to detect buried troops but only at a very short distance, at contact.
I saw a film in which german troops was buried, waiting for russian tank to stick bombs under tank frames. That's why I have the idea for "Invisible Attack" in the Company Commander.

« Last Edit: September 06, 2009, 12:25:56 PM by Estheral »

Offline Juju369

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Re: My Ostheer vision
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2009, 07:18:55 PM »
I can't wait !!!!  ;D

« Last Edit: September 08, 2009, 07:20:56 PM by Juju369 »

Offline Der Deutsche

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Re: My Ostheer vision
« Reply #8 on: September 08, 2009, 07:37:25 PM »
you have some very nice ideas- like the "burried troops" but i cant understand one thing: why do you want german troops to retreat without order? i mean: the germans need a doctrine ( and ammunition) to make enemy soldiers flee. but maybe this is an option for the romanians you have mentioned ;)

Offline Estheral

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Re: My Ostheer vision
« Reply #9 on: September 08, 2009, 07:51:40 PM »
Juju :

That's not official !  ;)

Der Deutsche :

You are right. This is the only point which has left a doubt to myself during the creation of this guide. I wanted to make THE faction opposed to Russian. To do this, I used Soviet union Guide and for the opposed idea to "Russian never retreat", I thought of making German who has a chance to make it without you wanting it. That grants well with the idea of the young recruits.
The percentage of chance to retreat is not big and only for your main units. And it decrease with tiers. To see.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2009, 11:59:10 PM by Estheral »

Offline Der Deutsche

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Re: My Ostheer vision
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2009, 01:54:02 PM »
do you mean with "young recruits" any speciqal unit like maybe volkssturm infantry ( not volsgrenadiers) or do you mean every infantery( panzergrenadiers, stormtroopers etc.) ?

Offline Estheral

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Re: My Ostheer vision
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2009, 08:34:01 PM »
Young recruits are not a special unit. This is just a number of young soldier in your HQ. When the number is enought to create a squad, you can buy a Heeresgruppe Grenadier squad.

Offline DaChief99

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Re: My Ostheer vision
« Reply #12 on: September 12, 2009, 12:47:09 AM »
You dont buy the unit of new recruits if im not mistaken.  I love your ideas.  they are very origional.  I dont understand why u need the p4 on the field to get spy though.  I dont think having armor should determine an infy. 

I would like to suggest something though.  U say u lose your spy when the infy unit u chose dies, wouldn't it be better if he became a new recruit/frsh recruit.

I also had a question about one of your doctrin abilities.  I cant remember name but it said something about enemy losing 30 fuel and user gaining 50?  what was that, clarify plz.

Offline Ghost

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Re: My Ostheer vision
« Reply #13 on: September 12, 2009, 09:10:58 AM »
Jagdpanzer Ferdinand “Elefant”
The most dangerous tank destroyer vehicle. Huge tank. A Flak40 128mm on a Tiger II frame. You can deploy only one Elefant per game.

it is either a Ferdinand (without MG) or a Elefant (with MG). and it was armed with a 88,8-cm-StuK 43/1 L/71 not a 128mm gun and was based on the tiger I frame. perhaps you mixed it up with the Jagdtiger (128mm gun and based on TigerII)

Jagd[tiger] is a buildable replacement for the Kettenkrad... It can cloak and cap points. :P

Offline Estheral

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Re: My Ostheer vision
« Reply #14 on: September 12, 2009, 09:39:52 AM »
I dont understand why u need the p4 on the field to get spy though.

Because if your ennemy never don't try fighting you it's dangerous for him because you tech to T4. And with spies you can see all the map if you choose the good units to spy (not three units who are in the same location).

U say u lose your spy when the infy unit u chose dies, wouldn't it be better if he became a new recruit/frsh recruit.
No because your ennemies never know that one of their units is a spy. Th spy unit is just an ennmy infantry unit which fight against you. The only difference with other ennemy units is that you see it all time. Don't considering this unit as yours.

I cant remember name but it said something about enemy losing 30 fuel and user gaining 50?  what was that, clarify plz.
Convoy Interception, in the Road Domination column, from Army group Centre.
This concept is that your soldiers have captured a logistic convoy, outside the map. The convoy carried fuel ! That's why by paying ammunition cost, you can win fuel and all your ennemies loose a little fuel.

it is either a Ferdinand (without MG) or a Elefant (with MG). and it was armed with a 88,8-cm-StuK 43/1 L/71 not a 128mm gun and was based on the tiger I frame. perhaps you mixed it up with the Jagdtiger (128mm gun and based on TigerII)


You're right. At the beginning I had the jagdtiger on my army list. But where placing the Elefant ? I maked the choice to keep the Elefant because it was used in the Eastern Front and I saw its model on this site. I just forgot to change text. Sorry. On some books I have, they say Ferdinand "Elefant" that's why I write this but I know that the Elefant is an evolution of the ferdinand..
Thanks for your reply kingtiger, i didn't saw my mistake ! I change it now.