Faction name (Player Name(s)) attack(s) #XX [map name]
Panzer Elite (Simuz) attacks #38 [Ruins of Rouen (2)]Wehrmacht (Yauz) Attacks #39 [Langres (2)]Wehrmacht (Snugz) attacks #47 [Wrecked Train (2)]
Sorry, but I have to disagree. That would totally kill the overview and will only be irritating. One topic for each round is the best way to do this, in my opinion. Players can arrange their meetings here, no need for an own topic for each single game, which won't include more than 2 or 3 posts.
At least put the callouts here, then create a new thread. Makes it easier to check.
And you can just delete topics so there's not really a problem of too many topics
Im alittle confused about something. You see sector #47(Wrecked Train) and #49(Carpiquet). How are Axis attacking them if both only touch sector #36 and one sector can attack once? Is it you can only attack one enemy territory once(no matter how many touch you, you attack as many as you want as long as its adjacent)? Or one single territory (no matter how many touch it) can attack?