Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: Calliope OMG  (Read 26450 times)

Offline Monos

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Re: Calliope OMG
« Reply #15 on: March 05, 2012, 01:39:12 AM »
Agreed. Calliope is too good. Its arty alone makes it better than a hummel. Then add the fact that IT'S A SHERMAN and you can escape from AT fire alive and get back to your base quickly. The effect of the barrage is also too immediate. If a hummel or howie shoots, you got time, you got time... If a calliope shoots and you react instantly, all Paks in the area=decrewed and infantry take about 30-40% losses with perfect retreat. Without retreat it just pwns everything. At close range or moderately so, it will kill vehicles no sweat. It will make up its cost in about 2 minutes. Many people say that you just need to learn to play and that you should stop n00b blobbing but honestly, it doesn't take a level 20 to figure that this unit is slightly too powerful. The rocket's damage needs to be decreased and you should get some kind of warning (like fog of war view and an audio thing) around 4 seconds before it shoots. Also increase recharge time. It is a strong unit physically, no need to give it strongest arty in game as well.

The ONLY remote success I've had AGAINST SINGLE CALLIOPES is grouping my people into a perpendicular line cus callie shots tend to miss only far or short of the target zone. If you got 2 calliopes, you're good as dead unless you ultra deblob and spread one unit per 3 sectors.

Second that! Actually if you upgrade Smoke screen for your tanks.. You can just pop that if somebody get's close to that Calliope, vollah, even more unkillable :P

Please give reasonable counters to calliopes as PE or wehr that doesn't involve 2 calliopes vs the world.


Offline Pac-Fish

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Re: Calliope OMG
« Reply #16 on: March 05, 2012, 01:54:02 AM »
Okay guys. Before you start an Anti Calliope riot ::) I watched you replay. You most certainly were blobing. You had 6 PG squads next to the same strat point :(! Further more your US opponent knew to attack your cutoffs while you we literally next to his cutoffs and didn't do anything :(. Also your IHT rush was a fail beacuse you rushed it through 4 vet BAR rifle squads AND you didn't retreat when the HT died. You also spammed Panzer IV which you simply stuck them in front of rifles and AT guns and consequently got sticked and AP rounded to death. And you had 6 PANTHERS. That by 1 v 1 standards is shit load of armor. But you didn't really use them well. You just rushed them at his Calliopes and expected to pwn him. Both sides were blobbling but you might have blobbed more. Also you choose to cap the wrong things and teched bad. You needed Marders and ATHTs not Panzer IVs. They are not the ROFLstomp vehcles some games make them out to be. And again, not such a great doctrine. You should have scorched the VP, not kept sending shreck teams to get it. You also didnt know when to retreat and lost many squads due to this.

As a counter a would suggest PAnthers but used efficiently. Also Marders or dual shreck IHT rush is a viable option. Dont try to se HUmmels against a Calliope (which you did). It will simply move ::).

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Offline bopokippo

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Re: Calliope OMG
« Reply #17 on: March 05, 2012, 02:07:54 AM »
Panthers=dead panthers next to stickies, 2 AT guns, and a calliope barrage. Marders=dead marders from calliope barrage which wipes its support (and possibliy the marder itself) and lets AT guns and stickies charge. Dual schrek=dead from stickies and AT guns.

Offline Monos

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Re: Calliope OMG
« Reply #18 on: March 05, 2012, 02:14:11 AM »
Last i checked panzer IV's counter infantry... Marders do not. One of my panzers almost killed 3 squads of riflemen in one engagement. (Almost 810 MP) Marders would've been a waste (?) since he had no armor except a T17 and halftrack.

We were both fighting over the mid right ammo point when the calliope suddently struck. Difference between my and his blobbing was that i used TAB to place my squads into cover.

Panthers were called in just to take of the calliope's. He had no armor on the field to use them against and they are slow and easy to sticky. Better get them to that arty piece fast.

Sometimes you aren't looking at the units you have to retreat and you lose units. Well he lost over twice as many so i think he was worse at that than me at that. He was getting his ass handed to him before he got that calliope out.

Scorched the VP wouldn't really have helped since 1VP each would just have delayed him abit more. I couldn't hit back, in the end i didn't even have a base.

Still don't see how a Marder would help against only calliope, it does the same job as panther just dies twice as fast :P
(Unless it's faster than i thought)

Btw, first time PE vs real people, how do you mean my teching and capping was bad?

(The IHT opperasjon should've been sendt on the Left side of the map instead. Maby all the opperations should be done there.)

Offline bopokippo

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Re: Calliope OMG
« Reply #19 on: March 05, 2012, 02:19:35 AM »
TBH, if the calliope was part of EF, the devs would already have nerfed it. Seriously, calliopes absolutely demolish late game strangleholds.

Offline Pac-Fish

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Re: Calliope OMG
« Reply #20 on: March 05, 2012, 02:24:27 AM »
Jesus Christ you guys act like Calliopes are and end all to any Axis game. There is such a thing as combined arms. You dont just send in units one by one in the same direction (which is what happened in the replay). You send them in an overwhleming assault and you support your units with other units.

And if Calliopes were really as OP as you guys make them out to be why dont high lvl playes spam calliopes to no end? I mean stag spam I can understand but not calliope spam.

I say your teching was bad because you went T2 which was fine. Then you went to T3 and got ACs while your opponent got T17s and M3s. Then instead of getting a Marder or T4 you went T1 and got increased squad size which really did not help. Then later you got T4.

A Marder would have detered him from using any vehicles. That T17 was harrasing you the entire time yet you never even tried to stop it. An ATHT would have also helped since it has Focus Fire. ALso you shouldnt just get PAnthers for the sole purpose of Anyi Calliope. They are great units and should be used accordingly.

And schorching the VP would have helped, trust me :P. Especially combined with Hummel Fire

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Offline Monos

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Re: Calliope OMG
« Reply #21 on: March 05, 2012, 02:37:03 AM »
I reserched shreks to deal with it  :P Maby a bad choice. But i didn't see it as that big a threat.

I looked after a shoutcast "tales of Heroes" where calliopes won the game, but didn't find it again. Not spammed since you can't build more than 2 at the same time. And most pro games i've seen the US player goes Armor to get Calliopes.
Those guys even have a maximum cap because their so strong. You see it everywhere written that it is the best artillery.

The question is, would he have won without it?... Ehm, i don't think so. Most my losses was gained by it, or trying to take it out.

I would like playing you Tranny, even though i'm a beginner and would get whopped. Would learn alot, maby even how to counter the most effective artillery in the game!
« Last Edit: March 05, 2012, 02:41:14 AM by Monos »

Offline Pac-Fish

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Re: Calliope OMG
« Reply #22 on: March 05, 2012, 02:41:12 AM »
I wouldn't mind playing you ;). Im no expert but I could try. I do agree that Calliope is probably the best artillery. BUT it is expensive, comes late, cant defend itself and has a hard cap of 2. Its those reasons why its so good.

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Offline Monos

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Re: Calliope OMG
« Reply #23 on: March 05, 2012, 02:43:47 AM »
I wouldn't mind playing you ;). Im no expert but I could try. I do agree that Calliope is probably the best artillery. BUT it is expensive, comes late, cant defend itself and has a hard cap of 2. Its those reasons why its so good.

50MP more than Hummel.. Hummel also late.. Hummel easier to kill and slower both to drive and fire. ^^,
Your an expert compaired to me.

I use tunngle to play, actually today it was 160 players on. :)
You use Skype?

Offline Pac-Fish

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Re: Calliope OMG
« Reply #24 on: March 05, 2012, 02:46:45 AM »
I have Mumble and X-Fire.

Hummels cost less (not alot), less CPs, you can have 3 on the field, and they can be recovered. You theoretically can recover a Calliope but through Allied War Machine.

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Offline Monos

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Re: Calliope OMG
« Reply #25 on: March 05, 2012, 02:51:35 AM »
Name there?

(wow, x-fire seems to have changed ALOT)
« Last Edit: March 05, 2012, 02:53:12 AM by Monos »

Offline Pac-Fish

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Re: Calliope OMG
« Reply #26 on: March 05, 2012, 02:56:38 AM »
Fishhunterx ofc ;)

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Offline bopokippo

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Re: Calliope OMG
« Reply #27 on: March 05, 2012, 02:58:24 AM »
Jesus Christ you guys act like Calliopes are and end all to any Axis game. There is such a thing as combined arms. You dont just send in units one by one in the same direction (which is what happened in the replay). You send them in an overwhleming assault and you support your units with other units.

And if Calliopes were really as OP as you guys make them out to be why dont high lvl playes spam calliopes to no end? I mean stag spam I can understand but not calliope spam.

I say your teching was bad because you went T2 which was fine. Then you went to T3 and got ACs while your opponent got T17s and M3s. Then instead of getting a Marder or T4 you went T1 and got increased squad size which really did not help. Then later you got T4.

A Marder would have detered him from using any vehicles. That T17 was harrasing you the entire time yet you never even tried to stop it. An ATHT would have also helped since it has Focus Fire. ALso you shouldnt just get PAnthers for the sole purpose of Anyi Calliope. They are great units and should be used accordingly.

And schorching the VP would have helped, trust me :P. Especially combined with Hummel Fire


1. Calliope kills combined arms. It can easily eliminate any single component of a combined arms force (AT guns, infantry force, light vehicles, damage heavy vehicles) leaving the rest very vulnerable.

2. There are things that not even pros have discovered. When they do use them, I see that they never lose... :/
In Starcraft II, ghost spam was occasionally used and was considered balanced cause not many people used it. Then one day, a top player (IMMVP)started to use them and then they got nerfed

Offline Monos

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Re: Calliope OMG
« Reply #28 on: March 05, 2012, 03:03:05 AM »
Fishhunterx ofc ;)


2. There are things that not even pros have discovered. When they do use them, I see that they never lose... :/
In Starcraft II, ghost spam was occasionally used and was considered balanced cause not many people used it. Then one day, a top player (IMMVP)started to use them and then they got nerfed

... Good point.

Offline Pac-Fish

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Re: Calliope OMG
« Reply #29 on: March 05, 2012, 03:05:54 AM »
@Monos: Are you Pie ???

@Bopokippo: Honestly if you cant kill a calliope with 2 Panthers thats all on you. And just like any arty if you keeping mvoing you wont tank AS much damage. I mean you can always disable its treads.

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