Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: Campaign Suggestion (WIP) Red Army Mission 1: Battle of Rostov  (Read 8062 times)

Offline Ost_Front_Soldat

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Campaign Suggestion – Red Army & Ostheer

First off, I’m not sure where this is supposed to go, so I’ll try here.
I know you guys are busy with the Ostheer faction but to be honest with you one of the most exciting things about this mod to me when it was announced was a new campaign. I just thought about what would be some good missions for both sides that span the whole conflict and really give us a taste for how the war progressed from 1941-45.

Here is my outline for a possible Red Army campaign:

Red Army campaign:

There are three Soviet commanders you will take control of during the course of the campaign, Major Boris Laptev (Propaganda Strategy), Major Dimitri Menshov (Urban Combat Strategy), and Major Alexei Sakarov (Breaththrough Strategy). I am not sure if you guys will do cutscenes or just dialogues over WWII footage to introduce the missions but I have added some flavour introductions for each mission.

Mission 1: First of Many (Rostov Offensive Operation, November 27th, 1941)
Major Alexei Sakarov

Intro: These dastardly fascists…waging war and bringing death seems to be the only trades they can perform. At Kiev…they encircled  and captured 650,000 men…the 5th army…the 21st...the 26th, in a blink of an eye they all ceased to exist, and without as much as a bark the Red Army was 43 division weaker.

6 days ago they took Rostov, another humiliation. It seems as if everywhere we are losing, everywhere we are fleeing, but not here. Lopatin is confident we can turn these bastards back from Rostov…we’ll attack their fearsome panzer divisions head-on, with pride…with courage…with our heads held high!

Phase 1: Eliminate German anti-tank emplacements.
In order for our armour to crush them we need to clear a path through their antitank defenses. Take those guns positions!

Objective: Destroy German anti-tank emplacements (2).

Ostheer forces:
Emplacement 1:
2x PAK 36
1x MG-34
1x Landser

Emplacement 2:
2x PAK 36
1x MG-34
1x Panzerfusilliers

Red Army has access to:

Added phase units:
1x Strelky (not buildable)

Command Squads
Inspiring Speech (doctrine ability)

Phase 2: Repel German assault.
The fascists are launching a counterattack with mechanized infantry! Quickly, get the anti-tank rifles and put them to use!

Objective: Hold back German counterattack. (6 minutes)

Ostheer forces:
Regenerating forces consist of waves of the following units:
Sd Kfz 251
Landser (mounted)
Panzerfusilliers (mounted)

Red Army has access to:

Added phase units:
1x Tank hunters

Command Squad
Tank hunters
Inspiring speech (doctrine ability)

Phase 3: Crush German armoured column.
Our T-34 tanks have arrived and with them some of our seasoned veterans! Take a moment to gather your forces comrade, and then strike the fascists down with overwhelming firepower!

Objective: Destory all German tanks (6).

Ostheer forces:
6x Panzer III J
Regenerating forces consist of:
Sd Kfz 251
Landser (mounted)
Panzer fusiliers (mounted)

Red Army has accessed to:

Added phase units:
2x T-34/76 (not buildable)
2x Strelky with PPsh-41s (not buildable)

Command Squad
Tank hunters
Inspiring speech (doctrine ability)
Tank riders (doctrine ability)

Phase 4: Eliminate all remaining forces.
We have wrestled their forces to the ground, now comrade, it is time to kick their teeth in! Do not allow them time to regroup, smash their lines quickly and wipe out any resistance. We have called in some heavy support to aide you.

Objective: Eliminate all German forces in 5 minutes.

Ostheer forces:
4x Panzer III J
3x Sd Kfz 251
2x Landser
2x Panzerfusilliers
2x Romanian Infantry
2x MG-34
3x Ofenrohr truppen (PB 39)

Red Army has access to:

Added phase units:
1x KV-1 (not buildable)

Buildable units:
Command Squad
Tank hunters
Inspiring speech (doctrine ability)
Tank riders (doctrine ability)

Excellent comrades! They are fleeing like scared dogs, they have nothing that can stand against our superior armour! Comrades rejoice but make no mistake, today we have shown these pigs our fangs but tomorrow we will show them no mercy!

Sakarov to himself: That…was the first time I held my head high since the war started. As I looked around at all the destroyed German equipment, the dead Germans, our own dead…I realized that this war was not going to be over with surrenders and occupations as the French would have it…no, this war will go on until both sides have beaten and strangled each other to the point where one side can no longer stand…

I'm going to make more of these missions for both sides, please discuss.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2012, 02:21:18 PM by Ost_Front_Soldat »

Offline Pac-Fish

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Re: Campaign Suggestion (WIP) Red Army Mission 1: Battle of Rostov
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2012, 06:09:42 AM »
Im not sure if the first missiong should have buildable units ((or lat least as many as you suggest). The vCOH campaigns in its first missions didn't have many buildable units and it sorta taught you stuff as you went along. Maybe not the mortar. And this campagin mission seems to introduce a lot of other units like T-34 :P. Maybe just T-70 or T-90.

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Offline Ost_Front_Soldat

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Re: Campaign Suggestion (WIP) Red Army Mission 1: Battle of Rostov
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2012, 06:16:56 AM »
Im not sure if the first missiong should have buildable units ((or lat least as many as you suggest). The vCOH campaigns in its first missions didn't have many buildable units and it sorta taught you stuff as you went along. Maybe not the mortar. And this campagin mission seems to introduce a lot of other units like T-34 :P. Maybe just T-70 or T-90.

Resources should be ofcourse tight so there the player wouldn't be able to bring out everything at once,  I think you are right about the mortar but I wanted to give the Russians a good support unit early on.

I am also just making the unit appearances semi-historical, T-70s were produced from 1942 onwards I think. I think that is important for a campaign that takes place in battle years apart. In vCoH all of the campaigns took place in mid-late 1944, Eastern Front has to cover 4 years. I don't know about you but I really do not want IS-2s during the opening engagements or even stalingrad, lol.

EDIT: Mortars have been removed as buildable units for Red Army Mission 1.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2012, 06:24:15 AM by Ost_Front_Soldat »

Offline Trooper425

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Re: Campaign Suggestion (WIP) Red Army Mission 1: Battle of Rostov
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2012, 06:46:23 AM »
Interesting... Very interesting. I can't wait to see your take on Stalingrad, Leningrad, Kursk, Moscow, Berlin and more.
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Re: Campaign Suggestion (WIP) Red Army Mission 1: Battle of Rostov
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2012, 08:02:52 AM »
I was thinking that the first mission would be more of a "Defend the map until our forces retreat" Like the final Falaise Pocket map.

Danko is posted to the front lines for punishment posting and soon the war breaks out. So he and his ugly concripts are assigned to defend a town while the bulk of the Russians retreat towards Moscow. For defensive purposes You get

Zis 5 Medical truck
One outpost
Conscripts x3
Penal troops x1
Ingenery x2
Tankhunter x1
KV-1 x1 (appears as reinforcements)
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Offline Ost_Front_Soldat

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Re: Campaign Suggestion (WIP) Red Army Mission 1: Battle of Rostov
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2012, 08:21:38 AM »
I was thinking that the first mission would be more of a "Defend the map until our forces retreat" Like the final Falaise Pocket map.

Danko is posted to the front lines for punishment posting and soon the war breaks out. So he and his ugly concripts are assigned to defend a town while the bulk of the Russians retreat towards Moscow. For defensive purposes You get

Zis 5 Medical truck
One outpost
Conscripts x3
Penal troops x1
Ingenery x2
Tankhunter x1
KV-1 x1 (appears as reinforcements)

We'll see plenty of retreating conscripts in the early missions for Ostheer. Each faction has to demonstrate their victories while showcasing the other faction's blunders.

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Re: Campaign Suggestion (WIP) Red Army Mission 1: Battle of Rostov
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2012, 12:48:33 PM »
In the battle of Rostov, as your plot, should the Romanians or the foreign elements are available for the Ostheer, i think this would be more historic accurate and easier for the new player since the troops who were not Germans and Fins fought quite badly against the Soviet ( except for some individual divisions ).
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Offline Ost_Front_Soldat

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Re: Campaign Suggestion (WIP) Red Army Mission 1: Battle of Rostov
« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2012, 02:20:47 PM »
In the battle of Rostov, as your plot, should the Romanians or the foreign elements are available for the Ostheer, i think this would be more historic accurate and easier for the new player since the troops who were not Germans and Fins fought quite badly against the Soviet ( except for some individual divisions ).

I am aware of the Romanian (also Italian and Slovakian) involvement in the 1st Panzer Army but think there are better settings to introduce those units. Nevertheless if would be suiting to have some Romanian infantry during Phase 4, because thats when you have broken the forward lines of the Ostheer and your objective is to mop up the disorganized units, and since the Romanian troops were usually designated as rear-echelon troops due to their poor prepardness, I see good historical flavour to add a couple of Romanian rifle squads at Phase 4. I just do not to show the Foreign doctrine too much just yet.

EDIT: 2x Landser have been replaced with 2x Romanian Infantry in Phase 4 of Mission 1 for the Red Army.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2012, 02:24:07 PM by Ost_Front_Soldat »

Offline TheVolskinator

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Re: Campaign Suggestion (WIP) Red Army Mission 1: Battle of Rostov
« Reply #8 on: March 10, 2012, 03:44:32 AM »
The early war soldiers of the RA were very poorly led. Maybe setting the XP values for Red Army units, or at least infantry, to 1000 (the same XP requirement as Wehr units--which can, in fact, get Vet1 if they gain 1000XP via killing shite) would be fitting to reflect the lack of valuable leadership post-Great Purge. The T-34/76 was available in such small numbers that I'm not sure if it's worth including in this first mission; the KV-1 or a re-skinned/modeled Sherman (M4A2) via Lend Lease would be far more fitting. Even ported Stuarts would probably be more at home. The first mission should probably actually include the Sherman to keep some sense of familiarity intact for players that are new to EF, I know that the T-34 "handles" far different then a Sherman in CoH.

Try setting up some OH missions first, I think it would be far more valuable to follow the Germans through Operation Barborossa to the gates of Moscow (which might include a Kurt Knipsel mission with a decked out Pz III), swap to the Russions at the turning point of Stalingrad, say, having the 13th Guards a-la CoD2 mount a counterattack on the 6p_Railyard map in likeness to "The Pipeline" in CoD2, which would also benefit from being tied to the period of Stalingrad invloving Pavlov's house (which could be another mission, a mini Operation: Stonewall set on a map resembling the Pavlov's House made popular by CoD1) and the significant fact that Railhouse 1 changed hands so many times within a single day--an opportune time to stick in some extended cutscenes and see some NIS flare from the CoH modding community at large. Then stick with the Russians in a race for Berlin, with set time limits (say, as playing under Zhukov's army to outrace his contemporary to the outskirts), pausing to take a single OH mission defending Seelow Heights with some ported KTs and possibly a Panther or two. Then do the whole "take the Reichstag for glorious Mother Russia yadda yadda yadda" shindig and call it a campeign.

However poorly coded the AI was in it, Tripwire Int.'s Red Orchestra 2 had a decent selection of maps (or at the least, a good basic plan and layout for a German campeign) and storyline that might be worth looking at from the angle of adapting a plot on a game-to-game basis rather then the arduous task of ripping it right out of history and slapping it into a game, and then trying to balance it or make the gameplay within it interesting.

EDIT: It's my feeling that Kursk isn't worth the mention because the CoH engine simply can't handle that level of destruction without lagging or initiating a Relic shutdown and error report, as well as the fact that when the number of units is magnified in such a way, the human player simply can't keep up with that level of micromanagement and the whole game breaks down into poorly thought out zerg rushes--take late game vCoH games between noobs on bridge maps like Lyon. They just zerg 1000000 tanks and hope it works; that would promote stale gameplay and I'd personally quit to the menu to Mission Select and skip that mission.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 03:56:03 AM by TheVolskinator »
Quote from: Pocketsize
I can't wait till they add british to CoH:O; the extreme forces leveled by the new imbalances will create a black hole around the servers that destroys half of Canada.

Offline Ost_Front_Soldat

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Re: Campaign Suggestion (WIP) Red Army Mission 1: Battle of Rostov
« Reply #9 on: March 10, 2012, 04:39:40 AM »
The early war soldiers of the RA were very poorly led. Maybe setting the XP values for Red Army units, or at least infantry, to 1000 (the same XP requirement as Wehr units--which can, in fact, get Vet1 if they gain 1000XP via killing shite) would be fitting to reflect the lack of valuable leadership post-Great Purge. The T-34/76 was available in such small numbers that I'm not sure if it's worth including in this first mission; the KV-1 or a re-skinned/modeled Sherman (M4A2) via Lend Lease would be far more fitting. Even ported Stuarts would probably be more at home. The first mission should probably actually include the Sherman to keep some sense of familiarity intact for players that are new to EF, I know that the T-34 "handles" far different then a Sherman in CoH.

Try setting up some OH missions first, I think it would be far more valuable to follow the Germans through Operation Barborossa to the gates of Moscow (which might include a Kurt Knipsel mission with a decked out Pz III), swap to the Russions at the turning point of Stalingrad, say, having the 13th Guards a-la CoD2 mount a counterattack on the 6p_Railyard map in likeness to "The Pipeline" in CoD2, which would also benefit from being tied to the period of Stalingrad invloving Pavlov's house (which could be another mission, a mini Operation: Stonewall set on a map resembling the Pavlov's House made popular by CoD1) and the significant fact that Railhouse 1 changed hands so many times within a single day--an opportune time to stick in some extended cutscenes and see some NIS flare from the CoH modding community at large. Then stick with the Russians in a race for Berlin, with set time limits (say, as playing under Zhukov's army to outrace his contemporary to the outskirts), pausing to take a single OH mission defending Seelow Heights with some ported KTs and possibly a Panther or two. Then do the whole "take the Reichstag for glorious Mother Russia yadda yadda yadda" shindig and call it a campeign.

However poorly coded the AI was in it, Tripwire Int.'s Red Orchestra 2 had a decent selection of maps (or at the least, a good basic plan and layout for a German campeign) and storyline that might be worth looking at from the angle of adapting a plot on a game-to-game basis rather then the arduous task of ripping it right out of history and slapping it into a game, and then trying to balance it or make the gameplay within it interesting.

EDIT: It's my feeling that Kursk isn't worth the mention because the CoH engine simply can't handle that level of destruction without lagging or initiating a Relic shutdown and error report, as well as the fact that when the number of units is magnified in such a way, the human player simply can't keep up with that level of micromanagement and the whole game breaks down into poorly thought out zerg rushes--take late game vCoH games between noobs on bridge maps like Lyon. They just zerg 1000000 tanks and hope it works; that would promote stale gameplay and I'd personally quit to the menu to Mission Select and skip that mission.

First off, thanks for the thought-out reply.

The conscipts stats speak for themselves, so I think they reflect early Soviet infantry losses quite well. The T-34/76 will not been seen in very mission and after 1943 I wouldn't include them into the the campaigns at all, so I figured they would sould see action at some of the early Soviet victories, besides I believe for the sake of the game we should include units to make things interesting (vCoH included Ostwinds even though they were less than 50 ever built).

About the campaign layout, I see where you are going there but I would definately like to see some German mission in 44-45 where even though the battle is lost, you have to inflict X amount of casualties on the enemy before pulling out, etc, and a defiant stand in Berlin would be very enjoyable to play as the Germans, in my opinion. About can stll include a mission that takes place there and bring into CoH scale, the Kursk AO was HUGE, in fact making a level with 12+ tanks in CoH might not even be realistic, considering the size of CoH maps. I definately agree with you CoD: 2 and WaW had some very good ideas for levels, Seelow Heights would be very fun to play as either side in CoH. Berlin is a must, but I also want to touch on Sevastapol and levels like the Battle of Narva and the Tannenberg Line would be great for the German campaign. I plan on having an Operation Spring Awakening level aswell, although from the Soviet side.

I am planning on writing up a layout for a Moscow defense map for the Soviets next, I have some ideas as to which units to introducce next.
« Last Edit: March 10, 2012, 04:44:19 AM by Ost_Front_Soldat »

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Re: Campaign Suggestion (WIP) Red Army Mission 1: Battle of Rostov
« Reply #10 on: March 10, 2012, 02:28:42 PM »
There should be a mission where you have several groups of German soldiers with MGs and a bunch of Conscripts and a CS charge you ;D. It just looks so iconic from movies :P.

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Offline Ost_Front_Soldat

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Re: Campaign Suggestion (WIP) Red Army Mission 1: Battle of Rostov
« Reply #11 on: March 10, 2012, 02:55:01 PM »
There should be a mission where you have several groups of German soldiers with MGs and a bunch of Conscripts and a CS charge you ;D. It just looks so iconic from movies :P.

Like the first scene in Enemyat the Gate? Yeah that would be fun. :)

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Re: Campaign Suggestion (WIP) Red Army Mission 1: Battle of Rostov
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2012, 03:39:30 PM »
There should be a mission where you have several groups of German soldiers with MGs and a bunch of Conscripts and a CS charge you ;D. It just looks so iconic from movies :P.

Like the first scene in Enemyat the Gate? Yeah that would be fun. :)

Yes precisely. Or in Call Of Duty (the first game)

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Offline TheVolskinator

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Re: Campaign Suggestion (WIP) Red Army Mission 1: Battle of Rostov
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2012, 04:41:32 PM »
Too hard to replicate in CoH. Besides, the way suppression works, the whole charge would either get pinned or flat out overwhelm you off the bat. Good idea, but so hard to impliment. Let's not forget that shit like that really never took place.

@Ost_Front, thanks for the feedback on my feedback  ::) . Do you have a take on a Kurt Knipsel 'Panzer Ace' esque mission?
Quote from: Pocketsize
I can't wait till they add british to CoH:O; the extreme forces leveled by the new imbalances will create a black hole around the servers that destroys half of Canada.

Offline Pac-Fish

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Re: Campaign Suggestion (WIP) Red Army Mission 1: Battle of Rostov
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2012, 04:53:55 PM »
FTML breaks all suppression. And you can always use Shaftyne troops instead of Conscripts so they can break suppression.

Om Nom Nom Nom
"Panzer-Guppy ready for battle!"
"Ha Ha Ha! We have the ZEAL!"
"Grenadiers! Fall In!!"