Im not sure if the first missiong should have buildable units ((or lat least as many as you suggest). The vCOH campaigns in its first missions didn't have many buildable units and it sorta taught you stuff as you went along. Maybe not the mortar. And this campagin mission seems to introduce a lot of other units like T-34 . Maybe just T-70 or T-90.
I was thinking that the first mission would be more of a "Defend the map until our forces retreat" Like the final Falaise Pocket map.Danko is posted to the front lines for punishment posting and soon the war breaks out. So he and his ugly concripts are assigned to defend a town while the bulk of the Russians retreat towards Moscow. For defensive purposes You getZis 5 Medical truckOne outpostConscripts x3Penal troops x1Ingenery x2Tankhunter x1KV-1 x1 (appears as reinforcements)
In the battle of Rostov, as your plot, should the Romanians or the foreign elements are available for the Ostheer, i think this would be more historic accurate and easier for the new player since the troops who were not Germans and Fins fought quite badly against the Soviet ( except for some individual divisions ).
I can't wait till they add british to CoH:O; the extreme forces leveled by the new imbalances will create a black hole around the servers that destroys half of Canada.
The early war soldiers of the RA were very poorly led. Maybe setting the XP values for Red Army units, or at least infantry, to 1000 (the same XP requirement as Wehr units--which can, in fact, get Vet1 if they gain 1000XP via killing shite) would be fitting to reflect the lack of valuable leadership post-Great Purge. The T-34/76 was available in such small numbers that I'm not sure if it's worth including in this first mission; the KV-1 or a re-skinned/modeled Sherman (M4A2) via Lend Lease would be far more fitting. Even ported Stuarts would probably be more at home. The first mission should probably actually include the Sherman to keep some sense of familiarity intact for players that are new to EF, I know that the T-34 "handles" far different then a Sherman in CoH.Try setting up some OH missions first, I think it would be far more valuable to follow the Germans through Operation Barborossa to the gates of Moscow (which might include a Kurt Knipsel mission with a decked out Pz III), swap to the Russions at the turning point of Stalingrad, say, having the 13th Guards a-la CoD2 mount a counterattack on the 6p_Railyard map in likeness to "The Pipeline" in CoD2, which would also benefit from being tied to the period of Stalingrad invloving Pavlov's house (which could be another mission, a mini Operation: Stonewall set on a map resembling the Pavlov's House made popular by CoD1) and the significant fact that Railhouse 1 changed hands so many times within a single day--an opportune time to stick in some extended cutscenes and see some NIS flare from the CoH modding community at large. Then stick with the Russians in a race for Berlin, with set time limits (say, as playing under Zhukov's army to outrace his contemporary to the outskirts), pausing to take a single OH mission defending Seelow Heights with some ported KTs and possibly a Panther or two. Then do the whole "take the Reichstag for glorious Mother Russia yadda yadda yadda" shindig and call it a campeign.However poorly coded the AI was in it, Tripwire Int.'s Red Orchestra 2 had a decent selection of maps (or at the least, a good basic plan and layout for a German campeign) and storyline that might be worth looking at from the angle of adapting a plot on a game-to-game basis rather then the arduous task of ripping it right out of history and slapping it into a game, and then trying to balance it or make the gameplay within it interesting.EDIT: It's my feeling that Kursk isn't worth the mention because the CoH engine simply can't handle that level of destruction without lagging or initiating a Relic shutdown and error report, as well as the fact that when the number of units is magnified in such a way, the human player simply can't keep up with that level of micromanagement and the whole game breaks down into poorly thought out zerg rushes--take late game vCoH games between noobs on bridge maps like Lyon. They just zerg 1000000 tanks and hope it works; that would promote stale gameplay and I'd personally quit to the menu to Mission Select and skip that mission.
There should be a mission where you have several groups of German soldiers with MGs and a bunch of Conscripts and a CS charge you . It just looks so iconic from movies .
Quote from: Trannyhunterx on March 10, 2012, 02:28:42 PMThere should be a mission where you have several groups of German soldiers with MGs and a bunch of Conscripts and a CS charge you . It just looks so iconic from movies .Like the first scene in Enemyat the Gate? Yeah that would be fun.