I'm not going all in on this position,but I feel like as is, when I'm playing against wher I would much rather see him pop the KT than the Tiger Ace. The speed is really everything, making the Tiger Ace just as survivable in a way, because it can get out of a scrape and go get repaired. 500 HP difference, less shell damage, FAST move speed and turret speed and as a result, maybe more effective at dishing out damage it seems more effective to me as a game changer because it can actually push the enemy off more than one vp, and just as effective as a game clencher. That may just be that it is more effective against my style of play, but I have the concern(though possibly unfounded) that it is due to being the better unit. That apparently doesn't seem to be the consensus though, and the verdict is out here too, but thought it worth mentioning.
Tbh I just think it needs something new some sort of ability to make it worth getting... Why go for the Tiger Ace when you can go Blitz and get an unlimited amount of Tigers that are just as good as the Tiger Ace and not have to worry about losing the Tiger as you can always replace it with another Tiger same stats etc.The Tiger Ace just needs something to improve it otherwise a player may as well choose the Blitz doc over the Terror or just use the KT over the Ace
LMAO, a cloaked TANK?? that is hilarious, lol, not to mention a tiger. that's a good one. anyways, the "abilities" it has is manuverability and speed. its a reward unit, therefore if you like the KT better, use it. the tiger ace doesnt need a buff IMO.
Umm Hetzers can cloak.
Quote from: Fishhunterx on December 08, 2011, 12:29:26 AMUmm Hetzers can cloak. i didnt know that. anyways, my point was to say that the tiger ace is good as it is.