some general statements:
Played the map yesterday...the wall behind the the HQ 1 is a nuisance. Engineers have to bypass it to build there, which takes ages. please remove it or place holes in the wall.
Except of this, the layout of the map is quite good, but the overall terrain looks a little boring, imho.
Even though the Kursk area is quite flat, that doesnt necessarily mean, that theres nothing. use more
splats and grass types, to make the landscape more appealing. Use differenet kinds of trees,
this is no koniphere area.
Place munitions and defenses in and around the trenches, tell the story of the map.
its not enough to place roads ,some trees and wheat and you are good.
Generallly: I like the layouts of your maps, carpathia looks nice too, but you should work longer at them and
pay more attention to nature and details. look for reference photos and try to build that. small bushes, variaus grasses,
some scrubs near the trees make it look much more interesting. There are some good maps which show how to do that,
like Sphinx and Henrys maps. Try out different atmosphere settings to make it less dull.
Us the stamping tool. Got the tip from Henry, he has whole libaries of stamps with small setups he once made
and the uses in his maps. So once archived, so can have an interesting small tree are within seconds. need another one ?
stamp,again rotate and there you are.
here some examples, battefield of Prokhorovka
the nicer and more alive your map looks, the more people will play it. And thats the purpose for everyone who maps, right ?
Post Merge: August 12, 2009, 08:55:08 AM