Guys if you gave the Brits the RMC, i think you should add one to the US. My suggestion would be the airbourne division as a sub fact. The building will be remained the same but they will concentrate more on air bourne units. I would suggest that the basic infantries of the sub fact is air bourne which is build in barrack but they cant reinforce from the sky without the beacon construted by engineer. They are equipped with M1 carbine and garand then later upgrade with BARs and nade. About beacons, 3 can be constructed in the game in order to call reinforce from planes, this is available for all infantries, each will have a range of a sector that is captured by the alliedand that beacon is deactivated when sector is lost or destroyed( i mean the beacon). And the engineers will have a simpler MG nest, it consisted of sandbags around a 30 cal, and can build AT nest, is a Tripod recoilless AT gun and sanbags surround. And HMG airbourne, mortar airbourne, snuper, especially airborne special squad, maybe like rangers but reskinned, 5 men squad with thompsons, M1 carbine, upgrade with bazooka, M1919 LMG. Give them a 50 cal jeep would be nice. Yawning, ill come back later it is 12 pm in my country.