[...]Also, Italy never was a great nation, Rome was one.
And I'm a history student (university level). Sweden was a powerful nation once, even though you RedGuard might not be willing to aknowledge that. If you used to provide balance suggestions the same way "if I don't think/know then it isn't true" then I'm glad you aren't a part of the balance team anymore.
if you provide stupid arguments they way you do now your head will melt down and you will make other mentally slow by looking at you. slughead im glad i cant actually see you
Greece never did anything? Well Alexander might have been Macedonia but most of his soldier were Greek. Culture Powerhouse unmatched by any in history. Is there any period of history in one region that has more great works, from Philosophy, to architecture, art, literature.
Tigerclaw, I'd say a feasible option would be to do a naval invasion on St. Petersburg and then either expand that territory a bit so that you can split the Soviet attention on multiple fronts. The other option, albeit risky, would be to do a naval invasion in st. Petersburg, and then march on to Moscow. The downside to this is that you'll be left with a very long corridor for your supplies which is easily attacked.
Quote from: vonklaus on July 17, 2011, 05:27:03 AMGreece never did anything? Well Alexander might have been Macedonia but most of his soldier were Greek. Culture Powerhouse unmatched by any in history. Is there any period of history in one region that has more great works, from Philosophy, to architecture, art, literature. The Poster seems to forget that the Indian and Chinese cultures are way older than said "Cultural powerhouse" and they survive to this day.