Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: CENSORING the INTERNET!?!  (Read 10460 times)


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« Reply #45 on: July 01, 2011, 05:26:30 PM »
I can't help what other people do, man. I've got my own life to focus on.

Offline Tico_1990

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« Reply #46 on: July 01, 2011, 05:39:34 PM »
You do realise the irony of saying what you just said in connection to the part you quoted from wartyx?


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« Reply #47 on: July 01, 2011, 05:43:21 PM »
Hmm, nope...

What i'm trying to say is, i can't control other people. Nobody can. All i want is my basic freedom. Is that too much to ask?

Offline Tico_1990

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« Reply #48 on: July 01, 2011, 06:27:53 PM »
The quote Wartyx gave roughly means the following: "I did not object because they weren't after me, but now that they are after me, it's too late." Pretty much, as long as other people don't bother you, they can do what they want. Your words imply that as long as they don't do it to you, other people can steal, rape, and murder as much as they want.
Specifically  to this case: as long as you aren't bothered by it, it is ok for other people to abuse little children, often mentally damaging them for life.
You want basic freedom, you have it, and this "censoring" of yours is not interfering with your so called "freedom". As you said, you aren't bothered by it, so what does it matter what others want?


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« Reply #49 on: July 01, 2011, 06:33:21 PM »
You misunderstand, dude. I'm sure we all want a peaceful world, but there is nothing i can do to make it happen. I'm trying to say that censoring the Internet holds back our freedom. So, it shouldn't happen.

Offline Tico_1990

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« Reply #50 on: July 01, 2011, 07:02:47 PM »
Censoring the internet to a certain extend also holds back child abuse. As for being able to do nothing:
Unfortunately: giving complete freedom to everyone and wanting world peace don't go hand in hand, that's human nature I'm afraid.
peace and order are achieved by setting boundaries on what is allowed and what isn't. Murder isn't allowed, neither is stealing, these laws help creating a peaceful world. Censoring child abuse websites will lower the profitability of child abuse pornographic material which in turn will diminish child abuse which helps getting a safer and more peaceful world.


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« Reply #51 on: July 01, 2011, 07:17:00 PM »
True. The Allies, Axis, and Soviets all wanted peace, but in their own way... There's just no pleasing everybody, is there?

Offline Paladin88

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« Reply #52 on: July 02, 2011, 01:33:54 PM »
Fundamentally everyone is selfish, really selfish. Communism fails when man thinks for himself. Capitalism creates a divide between rich and poor. The rich get richer and the poor are cast aside. This is our problem.

Most people think about themselves. Its evolution unfortunately (if we didn't we all be dead from starvation, etc).

What would you do if you saw animals being abused by small children, Would you not stop the children abusing animals (birds, dogs, whatever) if you happened to be walking by and you saw it? If you say, it doesn't matter its not happening for me, or someone else will stop it, I think it speaks volumes about a person.

Shouldn't we all help those that need it? If we dont take the first step who will?
OIY! Get your filthy hands off the Maus!

Hee hee, I added colour to the avatar. Isn't it nice?


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« Reply #53 on: July 02, 2011, 04:21:38 PM »
Fundamentally everyone is selfish, really selfish.
Um, no. Where did you find this "fact"? The idea that everyone is selfish is quite absurd. I have met quite a few people on this very forum who are far from selfish. IJoe, MaxiKing6, & blackbishop have been very kind, and helped me in 1 way or another.

In fact, the fact that these Eastern Front developers (including translators, mappers, balancers, etc.) are doing this for everybody who wants to play Company Of Heroes on the Eastern front, and doing it for free, should say to you that many people aren't selfish.

Offline Tico_1990

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« Reply #54 on: July 02, 2011, 05:01:57 PM »
Pariah, the idea that all people are, by nature, evil and selfish is an old one, and is supported by, among others, Machiavelli. In general, it means that people will generally do stuff if it helps them in life. Vice Versa, if it isn't helpful to you, you don't do it.
Also, this idea of everyone being selfish, says that man (as in mankind and such in general, and not individual cases) is selfish by nature. This also means that through social ideas about how to interact with each other, man can control this selfishness.
No one said that the devs are selfish and such (then again, you could argue that they do this for praise and such, but I don't believe that).
You don't want this censoring as you call it to go through because maybe somewhere in life, it will affect you. (something which I hardly doubt). In other words, it isn't beneficial to me, so don't do it (and hey, who cares what other people's problems are), that, is selfish
You have this doomsday idea of the government and companies censoring everything and what not as if 1984 became a reality. This is not what they are doing with this measure, they are stopping child abusers. You, out of a simple, ungrounded fear, based on nothing but assumptions and a lack of knowledge of the subject are stopping a good and great thing. So please, next time something like these measures turn up, do some reading and informing as to the goals of these measures before you start shouting all kinds of nonsense.
Heck, while I'm semi lecturing: you could even argue that a good deed (helping a lady cross the street, giving back something you found, helping a friend move to a new house, to name but a few) are selfish acts. Yes, you help others, but firstly: you'll be more highly regarded by the people you help. Secondly: it gives you a good feeling and thirdly: you might even be able to get the something for it (a reward for returning the found item, helping hands when you need to move, etc.).


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« Reply #55 on: July 02, 2011, 05:09:02 PM »
I honestly can't see how censoring the Internet is EVER a good thing... Hasn't Nazi Germany taught us anything?!

Offline Tico_1990

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« Reply #56 on: July 02, 2011, 05:36:56 PM »
First of all: Nazy Germany censored the truth, what you are talking about here, is blocking the profits made by a terrible crime.
Second of all: there is a lot that we learned from Nazi Germany. Among others, something called: "ich habe es nicht gewüst" (sorry if the spelling is off). It means: "I didn't know". You are sticking your head in the sand, taken by some ungrounded fear that a few companies or the government will start to censor everything.
Third of all: censoring and misleading the people the way the nazi's did is hardly possible any more in western countries. For one: every Internetprovider, server, and connection would need to be shut down. Do you have even the slightest idea what that would take?


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« Reply #57 on: July 02, 2011, 05:39:35 PM »
Ever heard of fabricating lies? The Internet can come in quite handy for that...

Offline Tico_1990

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« Reply #58 on: July 02, 2011, 05:54:19 PM »
The internet? Please don't make me laugh.
Producing lies and such has been done since long before the internet and computers have existed. If you are really that fearful of companies and the government trying to control your freedom, then I have news for you. They do not need this thing for that, they can track you with your cellphone, they can see every website you visit, they can see every button you press on your keyboard. Don't be so naive and think that they can't already control and follow you if they would want to.
Get down from your little cloud up in the sky.
Also, when you are trying to debate something, how about you answer with more then just simple one-liners. I haven't heard you give one good counter argument to anything I've said so far.


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« Reply #59 on: July 02, 2011, 06:03:34 PM »

Third of all: censoring and misleading the people the way the nazi's did is hardly possible any more in western countries. For one: every Internetprovider, server, and connection would need to be shut down. Do you have even the slightest idea what that would take?
Why? If the government wants to mislead people, wouldn't the Internet help them achieve their goals?