Hello friends!
As I announced when I closed the thread of my previous mapping project for EF, there will be and is a new project I am working on, since yesterday when I started working on it I reached a progress of ca. 50%.
The maps name is, as you can see in the subject, yet unknown, I'm relying on the communities fantasy here. Its size is 224x448 and I'm not sure if it will be a 2p or 4p map (testing will tell). Enough facts for now, here comes a short story that came up when I had the idea of the map:
It's mid-1941. The Wehrmacht progresses with its Blitzkrieg tactics and Soviet retreat is a pure chaos. However, trying to delay the German march onto [insert important Soviet city here], the Red Army keeps constructing improvised defenses and falls back when the enemy starts to overrun these in-a-hurry constructed defensive lines. The last drawback led the Red Army into the once beautiful village [insert maps name here], that suffered heavy bombing by both Luftwaffe and German Artillery. In the east of the city, the Red Army regroups, supported by a tank battalion that arrived on the flight. They will use their improvised defenses again to let the Wehrmacht find it a hard nut to crack and strike back afterwards with the full strenght of the tank battalion.
There are not many roads on this map but a railroad that leads from east to west (I'll probably use this as supply line for one of the teams).
Additionally, I plan to use this map for my EF artwork..
Enough the words, here are some screenshots:
Update no. 1Map overview
Area near starting position 1
View from straing position 1
View down from on of the VP hills (western hill)
Market and train station
The towns pond near the central square
Some wheat fields
Most of the village
View on the western VP hill
A small shed next to one of the remaining 'islands' of the pine forest
The western VP hill (unfinished)
The main street leading into the village
One of the numerous farms
A little channel leading away from the pond with a bridge connecting two farms
Update no. 275% done.
Yes, another farm (because you just can't get enough of them
View from Starting Position 2 (meant to be the Axis')
The railroad. Damned, you see something unfinished there..
Some private graves. Rest in peace, comrades.
Fields, fields. fields..
Country roads... take me home...
I decided to let the main road continue past the train station
Todays progress from above...
...and from the side (western VP hill)
Update no. 3100% done.
You need to cross that ford in order to get to the lumbermill.. At least by car..
The eastern VP hill, featuring a little ruin. Old glory..
Huh? Yet another farm?
The lumbermill. If you wondered where all the lumbered wood has gone..
There's also wood harvest on this hill. Comrade Stalin needs it!
"Vasili! Load that wood up!"
Dense grass. Actually, it's been a long time since someone lived there..
"Hauptmann, ze train haz arrived to bring us replacements!"
Final update - no. 4Sector Layout
Strelky rushing the train station
T-34 Tank Rider assault!
"Waiting for the Axis, to march into the trap..."
"20 more and fire!"
"Artillery is the god of war!"
Loading screen.
Have fun playing my map!