i have to write my opinion.
for 500mp u get a jagdpanther, that you can use ONCE (well if you have a bergstiger you can repair it if you have the time). now, it is a strong tank, it makes plenty of damage, and can take a few hits, BUT! it dont have a turning tower. so to flank it is easy. The tank is slow, and clumbsy(like all axis tanks^^). compared to the russians tanks, they are really fast, and they can be build in infinet numbers. yes the jagdpanther will will against a IS-2 but it will tanke alot of damage, and if there is two IS-2 or any other tank, that are abel to flank the jagdpanther, its pritty much done for. now, the Tiger crew. when the jagdpanther dies (or gets destoryd) 2 men walks out of the wreck. they have a few abilitys, they can call in a barage(150muniton)(the only barage PE haves! if they dont use hotchkiss, or hummels. i know they have a mortor, witch is fantastic, but its range is short) use budel-grenades (50munition), go in cammoflauge(with reduced speed, they walk really slovly bydefult so to use cammo on them makes it almost imposible for them to move at all. and then they cant use the bundel-freandes), they can sprint and uppgrade panzerchreck and MG but due to you need uppgreades from WH you cant upgrade them. but they can still pickup one weapon. Now, the russians can use free arty. and have alot of it aswell, even the us have some sort of arty(howitzers and callipolies and so on.. red smoke abiletys) WH have some, but PE have non. hotchkiss is not the greatest arty, but in despret times it works. The Hummel is amazing, but then you need to have scorched earth, witch dont give somuch else IMO, well the sector atilery is quite useful sometimes, but the bombs falls so random, they hardly do any damge at all. my point is this, is it really the end of the world to give PE some form of arty? they are like stormtroopers exept they cant kill infary that well, and there is only two of them. is it worth the time of fix, when no-one seam so think thats a problem, just plain awsome? the russans can callin a tank with soldiers on it, this is not really that diffret. when a "infatery transporing vehicle" gets destroyd, some soilders in it survives and are ready to fight. just like the jagdpanther, two brave crewmen survives and crawls back to fight. I really think it would be easyer for you, and more fun to us, if you would add like 100mp to the cost of the jagdpanther, so it will be worth the extra 2 inf, and the arty.
please exuse my lousy spelling!