I've noticed that this mod has overall a much improved skirmish AI over the vanilla game, and while it is still no match for a human player, it gives a decent challenge when one can't find an EF match.
Or at least, every faction but the British does.
It seems that no matter how high I set the AI difficulty, the British AI is absolutely insane and stupid regarding its own care for its Command Trucks. It usually seems to play decently early in the game, but it fails completely to defend them, and when any of them gets destroyed the AI will call them back and place them at the most reckless point of the map possible, sometimes driving them right through your massive army, unaware of how stupid this move is.
Is there a way this can be fixed? I remember vCoH having the same problem with regard to Brits, and I'm left wondering if the AI imbecility regarding its most important units is a hardcoded and impossible to solve problem or if someone has figured out a way to stop them Brits from behaving like morons and actually taking care of their trucks.
If such is the case, is there any possibility of this being included in the next EF patch? I know the mod is balanced for online play, but with how difficult it is to find a match sometimes, and the fact the vanilla factions have new content in the mod, its a bit of a shame that if I want to take my Jagdpanzer IVs against British cromwells my only options are either dealing with the dumbest AI in the mod or spending hours looking for a match.