Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: [] Returned to EF after nearly a year, good to see the USSR is still OP  (Read 7597 times)

Offline Gatorbate

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I was onboard with this mod in February 2010, around when the first version of EF came out. It was a lot of fun with the new units, but the Soviets were terribly OP. Sharpshooters massacring everything, enormous numbers of 1-pop NKVD Conscripts storming MGs and breaking suppression, Heavy Mortar howitzer rounds 1-shotting entire squads.

So now I returned to Company of Heroes this month, and found that many changes have been made to EF. But sadly, I fear not enough and the wrong changes have been made. After 10-12 skirmish matches against Hard German AI, and a 3-4 matches as Wehr vs Normal Soviet AI, it's clear to see this game still needs serious balancing.

I think the armory upgrades were better when they were Muni heavy instead of balanced with fuel, because they actually delayed upgrades longer for the Soviet player and made him seriously think how to use his 200 Munis.

The Command Squad global powers are definitely OP. IMO they need to be nerfed to just an area effect.

But the biggest problem is allowing the Soviets to retreat. The lack of a retreat option actually made vanilla EF more playable, because it forced the Soviet player to be careful where he sent his infantry. Now, the enormous Strekly waves can just be retreated the second adverse opposition is discovered, and then return after a minute or so to another area of the map. IMO, a good middle ground is allowing Soviet squads to retreat only if the Command Squad is present nearby.

And don't even get me started on the retreat to Medical Truck option, it is ridiculous. Simply stick it one screen length behind your front line of infantry and you are set. If they are going to leave in the option to retreat, at least take out the retreat to Med Truck ability.

Finally, not allowing the Soviets to capture MGs and crew weapons was part of their faction handicap. Removing this ability made the Soviets more OP from my experience.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2011, 10:12:02 PM by Gatorbate »

Offline RedGuard

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 :o :-X

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« Last Edit: April 24, 2011, 10:15:47 PM by REDcommissar »
Soviet is OP

Offline Zerstörer

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Before commenting on balance, please play vs human players, not comp stomp which doesn't represent balance by a long shot.
But the biggest problem is allowing the Soviets to retreat.The lack of a retreat option actually made vanilla EF more playable, because it forced the Soviet player to be careful where he sent his infantry

Finally, not allowing the Soviets to capture MGs and crew weapons was part of their faction handicap. Removing this ability made the Soviets more OP from my experience.
- You must be kidding.....or you're clueless.

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Offline jealco

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    But the biggest problem is allowing the Soviets to retreat.The lack of a retreat option actually made vanilla EF more playable, because it forced the Soviet player to be careful where he sent his infantry

    Finally, not allowing the Soviets to capture MGs and crew weapons was part of their faction handicap. Removing this ability made the Soviets more OP from my experience.

- You must be kidding.....or you're clueless.

i'm with zerstorer.

...10-12 skirmish matches against Hard German AI, and a 3-4 matches as Wehr vs Normal Soviet AI...

also, as an aside, and not to be rude, but comp stomping has never been considered useful in the discussion of balance.  just thought i'd give you a heads-up.

Offline Tico_1990

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I can beat 2 expert Soviets given the right map as the WM, does that make the WM OP?

Offline RedGuard

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I'm breaking my silence - this guys just trololollin 8)
Soviet is OP

Offline IJoe

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I'm breaking my silence - this guys just trololollin 8)
Why bother?
These guys (like the TS) are just another "Jehovah's Witnesses"...

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Offline Gatorbate

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I'm breaking my silence - this guys just trololollin 8)

No, I'm not. Good to see that you don't take people seriously here. I've looked at some other threads around this forum and there seems to be a clique of certain users who are highly sarcastic and trash other people on this forum.

I don't have reliable internet to allow online play against human players. But I feel a game should be balanced in all respects, including against the AI. The German AI never came to close to defeating me once in, as opposed to the original EF, which had excellent AI that could pose a challenge even on Normal. I would never consider EF's 1.0 AI to be a "comp stomp". Also, Soviet handicaps like no retreat and no crew weapons actually made their faction more challenging and offset their many, many advantages.

Anyway, just my opinions. Mock/ban me if you want, it won't affect my life.
« Last Edit: April 24, 2011, 10:35:52 PM by Gatorbate »

Offline IJoe

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I'm breaking my silence - this guys just trololollin 8)

No, I'm not. Good to see that you don't take people seriously here. I've looked at some other threads too and there seems to be a clique of certain users who are highly sarcastic and trash other people on this forum.

I don't have reliable internet to allow online play against human players. But I feel a game should be balanced in all respects, including against the AI. The German AI never came to close to defeating me once, as opposed to the original EF, which had excellent AI compared to vanilla CoH (I would never consider EF's 1.0 AI to be a "comp stomp"). Also, Soviet handicaps like no retreat and no crew weapons actually made their faction more challenging and offset their many, many advantages.

Anyway, just my opinions. Mock/ban me if you want, it won't affect my life.
I don't see any reason for your complaints,- download version 1.0 from moddb, install it, and play for your pleasure.

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Offline Zerstörer

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The German AI never came to close to defeating me once, as opposed to the original EF, which had excellent AI compared to vanilla CoH (I would never consider EF's 1.0 AI to be a "comp stomp")

If you don't play vs human, its a comp stomp. the AI is never anywhere nears as good as a human. It cheats to provide a challenge and its all about learning the cheap tricks of how to defeat it

That's cause the AI back then had a 50%+ income - Hence the 'challenge'. It doesn't have that now.
Speaking of AI, in the next patch it is a lot more 'brutal'
« Last Edit: April 24, 2011, 11:23:00 PM by Zerstörer »
R.I.P MrScruff - A genuine Good Guy and great artist
R.I.P Loran Korn - A very brave and talented guy

Offline GodlikeDennis

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The new AI beat me...

I was half asleep but to be beaten by an AI is a first for me in a looooooooong time. Robotnik certainly made it angry in the next patch.

OP, if you are seriously complaining about the lack of balance in a compstomp please refrain from posting in the balance forum again. You clearly don't know what you're doing if you think adding retreat and recrew are bad things and that the other Soviet changes haven't made the faction more balanced.

Go back to your bridge.
If you get into an argument with me, you're wrong.

Offline IJoe

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^^ Does that go for soviet AI, for axis AI, or for both of them?

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Offline Cranialwizard

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Go back to your bridge.


For christ sake AI's will never be a legitimate balance discussion topic EVER. They don't have the capacity to even match the capability of a player. Their output of gameplay is broken, I don't care how you slice it. To repair a vehicle they don't withdraw the vehicle to the engies/pios, they bring the Engies/Pios TO THE VEHICLE GETTING OWNED. (That's just one of the many examples of AI Stupidity)

Just like Vire River Valley isn't a balance discussion topic, nor is AIs.
"Balancers are 10 a penny"

Offline RedGuard

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Vire river is actually the only bridge map I like, and I use that term loosely.
Soviet is OP

Offline IJoe

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Personally, hate all bridge maps, 'cause bridges kill all the fun there is. Same goes for choke-points/bottlenecks.

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