"Could not locate RelicCoH.exe" OR "Game is up to date" OR "Nothing Happens" when clicking play.Your installation location is likely wrong, could also be directory in settings is wrong. Check these first. However the most common case for this is that you are using Steam Version, where it cannot auto select the install folder. Uninstall Eastern Front and then reinstall it. You must manually switch the install folder to CoH folder. Normally "C:/Program Files/Steam/Steamapps/Common/Company of Heroes" (Steam Version) or "C:/Program Files/THQ/Company of Heroes" (None-Steam Version). Remember to look at "C:/Program Files (x86)" if you use x64 OS.
It does not help, what solutions there are still some which folder workplace label triggering the Eastern FrontPost Merge: April 24, 2011, 06:32:51 AMmore precisely, about installing the game