"With the co-operation of are brave Allies the Third Reich will last for a 1000 Years" ... Ernie Schiklgruber
I'm an Italian and I think even 2 units of Italians is over doing it.Many countries participated on the axis side, not just Finns and Italians, even if they were the primaries. If you're going to include one or two foreign units, you're stuck providing a foreign unit corresponding to nearly everyone's wants due to patriotism.
^^ What's the point? If you're so inclined, get yourself one of gazillion various skins to replace any one, that will be in the game, or make one, if you can/have a lot of spare time.Besides that, I don't think, that doctrines, based on the army groups' names, are that much of a good idea,- after all an army group is supposed to be (and was in fact) somewhat universal.It's not like all that some particular AG did was tank operations/airstrike/artillery. Not even roughly that, unless you plan to go down to stereotypes.