Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: Single player campaigns suggestions  (Read 19118 times)


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Re: Single player campaigns suggestions
« Reply #60 on: April 20, 2011, 08:44:44 PM »
[Just realized i misspelled 'Normandy'. :-[ So much for relying on the spell-checker. ::)]

Admittedly, the Tiger Ace campaign isn't too bad, but it's still very annoying having to use direct-fire in some parts. It's just not Company Of Heroes gameplay. :'(

I have played a few games in the past that try to combine real-time strategy with first/third-person shooting, and it NEVER works. Natural Selection 2 looks good though, but that's because it's about teamwork, and you can choose your role, but that's getting off topic...
« Last Edit: April 20, 2011, 11:45:14 PM by pariah »

Offline Mattdamon07

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Re: Single player campaigns suggestions
« Reply #61 on: April 20, 2011, 11:41:00 PM »
in the tiger ace campaign, people should be able control more than a super human tank, like on that mission where there is all that infantry dropped off by halftracks! >:(
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Re: Single player campaigns suggestions
« Reply #62 on: April 20, 2011, 11:46:42 PM »
in the tiger ace campaign, people should be able control more than a super human tank, like on that mission where there is all that infantry dropped off by halftracks! >:(
Exactly! (Well, except for that "super human tank" part, since tanks aren't exactly humans...)

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Re: Single player campaigns suggestions
« Reply #63 on: April 21, 2011, 01:33:33 AM »
The only interesting campaign in the entire CoH is the first one. The rest of 'em are absolutely annoying and kind o' "soap opera"-like. Too much irrelevant crap, too little action, too many scripted stuff - BORING!

Yeah, because the American campaign wasn´t a soap opera.




You probably liked the American campaign more simply because it was longer. Admitedly, the British and PE campaigns had some pretty damn cheesy lines too ("told the general to reinforce the hill!" and "what are we fighting for now my family´s home has been bombed?" stand out in my mind right now), but they also had pretty cool lines and scenes (like the one with the artwork of the dead radio officer in hill 112, and the "you got a brain, USE IT!" which was deliciously anti-macho and very smart... and came from a GERMAN officer).

Offline Sturmovik

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Re: Single player campaigns suggestions
« Reply #64 on: April 21, 2011, 04:49:01 AM »
well, frankly speaking, campaign which will cover years 1941-1945 will suck. Just because there's too many things which ppl want to inculde, and campaign can't be 20 missions long. I'd rather see campaign focusing about one offensive, or operation, like Stalingrad, Kursk battle, Bargration or Berlin.
No no. Not 20 missions. 10, or 5.
I wrote about 2 consepts.
First about historical battles consept.
Second, about historical battles of the 1st guard tank battalion.
Whats more interesting?

And ... If campaing will divide in historical years, or battles, it's make more detail possibility in missions. Player will await more campaigns about other battles or war years.
... and, campaigns must content new unusual events. Few things, more often include in every war soviet campaigns in every games. It to set smb's teeth on edge. Looks like western historicals does not biusy with that things.
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Re: Single player campaigns suggestions
« Reply #65 on: April 21, 2011, 12:19:06 PM »
Look at soviet equipment. What we have: t-34/76/85, Is-2, Su-85/100, Isu-52, T-90, T-70. Those are tanks produced since 1943 ( t-34 since 1940), we don't have BT series, T-26, KV-1, etc. Looks like current soviet equipment is designed to fit years 1943-1945. IF devs want to make 1941 and up campaign they need to make new units. Maybe as rewards, it's up to them. What I want to say is that if campaign will be stretched along those 4 years, we may get a feeling that it's going far too fast.

@Sturmovik - you are totally wrong, if you make campaign divide in years, those battles won't get especially detailed.
Good campaign mission takes about 50 minutes. How did you guys expect to make one battle, let's say Kursk, to fit in 50 minutes, while in RL this battle took a lot more time?

Taking example from 1st vCoH campaign in Normandy - we have 12 (? not sure) misions, including most spectacular battles ( D-Day, Carentan, St-Lo), some missions are surprising ( V2 bunker infiltration), however none of them is 100% historical pure. That's why campaign can't be 100% historical accurate, because it will be boring or just hardly playable ( talking about Pershing here ;) ). All Normandy campaign takes 12 missions and focuses 2 months of fighting. Who will say that this campaign was boring? I finished it twice, because it was this awesome.

Let's think about making similiar campaign for Soviets. For example Kursk battle. 10 missions, some of them being historical batlles, like Prokhorovka, some of them being totally unrealistic but fun though, like Partisan infiltrating mission to blow bridges and railroads to slow down German advance whitout alarming strong enemy patrols. Sounds fun and challenging? And who said it's 100% historical?

To sum up:
Campaign can't be stretched in time and can't be 100% historical accurate. Just because it won't be fun to play it.


Offline IJoe

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Re: Single player campaigns suggestions
« Reply #66 on: April 21, 2011, 12:34:26 PM »
...To cut it short, I think, you're partially wrong about... pretty much everything you've listed:
1) In 1941 soviets already had T-34/76 ZiS2, PPSh, etc.
And conscripts don't fit 1942-44 as well.
2) Campaign can be stretched in time, since it's a campaign, not some free play, meaning a lot is done by scripts (i.e. some weapons, doctrines, etc. can be a bit different from MP/inaccessible at some point/in some particular mission.
3) Missions can get just as accurate as they can, so say, some "Carentan" mission in the US campaign, doesn't really mirror the exact events, nor should it. And yeah - there are scripts, if there's some need for them!

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Re: Single player campaigns suggestions
« Reply #67 on: April 21, 2011, 01:26:35 PM »
Is it possible to implement a armoured train in coh? Model and animation of course but code wise?

There were armoured trains in use by both sides. On german side to secure the railways and fight partisans.

In a mission for soviets a german train could be captured and used to repell a german counterattack.

Kolberg 1945 - German armoured train in action [nofollow]

Offline Sturmovik

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Re: Single player campaigns suggestions
« Reply #68 on: April 21, 2011, 02:45:15 PM »
Of course, game adaptation in most positions is unavoidable.
One of my concept is 1 big famous strategic battle. Like Kursk or Bagration.
I am not write about that, but i still thinking. Concept must be interesting to most players ... This is not a "frontline order", it's playing interest.
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Re: Single player campaigns suggestions
« Reply #69 on: April 21, 2011, 04:00:33 PM »
@Ijoe - conscripts will fit everywhere. They are just soliders who were recently forced to join army. This 4 rifles and men could be fixed with some scripts. or renaming them.
Ok, some of my points were partially wrong, but overall idea is the same: most of soviet units doesn't fit 1941-1942. To make gameplay in this years we would need units that EF don't have. Talking about BT series for instance here - no script can fix it for now.

Fun>historical accuracy

Offline IJoe

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Re: Single player campaigns suggestions
« Reply #70 on: April 21, 2011, 04:06:59 PM »
@Ijoe - conscripts will fit everywhere. They are just soliders who were recently forced to join army. This 4 rifles and men could be fixed with some scripts. or renaming them.
4 rifles to 8 men is:
A) a myth;
B) would look strange, when the war (with major offensive and defensive operations performed by both sides) stepped into 1942 (actually, it's autemn-winter 1941)
Fun>historical accuracy
To some extent, but not to make it marasmatically stupid, IMO

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Re: Single player campaigns suggestions
« Reply #71 on: April 21, 2011, 04:39:27 PM »
In a mission for soviets a german train could be captured and used to repell a german counterattack.

From faces of war? That mission is lame.
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Re: Single player campaigns suggestions
« Reply #72 on: April 21, 2011, 05:32:31 PM »
Just as a point not all missions should be the whole HQ counter defend objective scenarios one should be soley based on a partisan movement giving a different experience like the Vierville airdrop mission in vanilla CoH where you are somewhat limited in your units and must use the full range of their abilities, to me one of the best missions in all the franchises campaigns.

Offline cephalos

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Re: Single player campaigns suggestions
« Reply #73 on: April 21, 2011, 08:39:02 PM »
Just as a point not all missions should be the whole HQ counter defend objective scenarios one should be soley based on a partisan movement giving a different experience like the Vierville airdrop mission in vanilla CoH where you are somewhat limited in your units and must use the full range of their abilities, to me one of the best missions in all the franchises campaigns.


Offline Mattdamon07

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Re: Single player campaigns suggestions
« Reply #74 on: April 22, 2011, 04:29:17 AM »
i think the easternfront missions should be all massive full scale battles so lots of units and strategies, with about a quarter of the missions with team AI in it
Eviction [WIP]
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