Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: Realism or Balance??  (Read 6919 times)

Offline JSteger

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Realism or Balance??
« on: April 28, 2009, 10:16:51 PM »
I have spent several years playing games based on realism or at least trying to find one that does.
When i saw this mod i was happy to see the direction it was leaning towards.
I wanted to know if this mod would be more balanced (Panther = T34) or more realistic(Panther > T34)

As much as i respect all the soldiers that fought in world war 2. I must say that an important reason for the Allied victory, particularly the Russians was the strength in numbers. I believe that German Armor and Infantry were superior to there allied counter parts.

However, im not saying that the Russian units should suck but that they should rely more on numbers and of course be cheaper.

For example
1 Tiger = 3-5 T34s
1 Panther = 2-3 T34s
1 Panzer IV = 1-2 T34s

These numbers might seem a bit drastic but there actually not that accurate.
This may seem like a step too far but that was the reality of the Situation during WW2.
In reality a Tiger would be able to take out about 5-10 T34s.

Also another question i had was if this mod was rebuilding the damage settings of the whole game, or if it was just adding a new nation.

Again, Great Mod guys.

Offline WelshManDan

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Re: Realism or Balance??
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2009, 11:04:39 PM »
yeah, those numbers are pretty accurate. But the T-34 wsa built to destroy the Panzer IV, so I dont think a IV would take out 2. But then the Panther was developed to counter the T-34, and after Kursk (a disater for Panthers) so the panther could probably take out that many. And I read somewhere, that the Tiger wouldnt even be dented by a T-34 round, literally, not a dent. So that would be a lot, until the eventual weakening of the armour. But then again, a Sherman would not even dent a King Tiger, at point Blank range, and four of my shermans destroyed a KT earlier lol. I want this to be Balanced, for a fun game, but maybe a little realistic, Because I completely agree with you about the Soviets numbers.

A German General said after the war:  "We were like an elephant (German army) fighting Red Ants(Soviets), the elephant can stamp on them easily, but eventually they will consume him."

Offline Zerstörer

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Re: Realism or Balance??
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2009, 01:40:24 AM »
Balance comes before realism. After all, no vanilla faction is that realistic so the soviets will be as 'realistic' as the rest of the factions.
Remember COH is a small scale action(skirmish) with few units involved where everything is possible.
Eg. KT was indeed a combat monster and achieved high kill ratio in its combat history and was very rarely knocked out by enemy tanks in action but...the first time it was introduced to the Eastern front a single T34/85 knocked out 3 of them and lived to tell the tale...It's this sort of actions that COH represents...
« Last Edit: April 29, 2009, 01:42:31 AM by Zerstörer »
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Offline TheAllMihtyOne

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Re: Realism or Balance??
« Reply #3 on: April 29, 2009, 08:06:44 AM »
i'm not sure if this allready been suggested, thought about or even added but to have some sort of "group zeal" abillety or something that makes soviets better in numbers would be cool and probably make people use them in numbers. this shuld not be just for infatry but for all soviet units.
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Offline WelshManDan

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Re: Realism or Balance??
« Reply #4 on: April 29, 2009, 11:20:21 AM »
Balance comes before realism. After all, no vanilla faction is that realistic so the soviets will be as 'realistic' as the rest of the factions.
Remember COH is a small scale action(skirmish) with few units involved where everything is possible.
Eg. KT was indeed a combat monster and achieved high kill ratio in its combat history and was very rarely knocked out by enemy tanks in action but...the first time it was introduced to the Eastern front a single T34/85 knocked out 3 of them and lived to tell the tale...It's this sort of actions that COH represents...

Yeah, probably because the King Tigers were too heavy, the T-34/85 would of been able to get right behind it, because they all got bogged down. The KT should of only been used as an Emplacement type tank e.g on the main bank overlooking the attacking russian army.