Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: Ostheer Update 4: Schutzen War Camp  (Read 62785 times)

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Re: Ostheer Update 4: Schutzen War Camp
« Reply #135 on: January 19, 2011, 06:31:38 PM »
i'm not sure, but are riflegrenade squads / mortar pits / AVRE not effective vs trenches?

Rifle grenades are ok, but it would take them a while. I don't think AVRE is much good, and it's doctrinal and not early. And I don't think mortar pits are very good either (if anything I think trenches are maybe meant to be good against artillery?), and even if they were the poor Brits can't build mobile ones, so if you did set up a mortar, they'd just have to shift the trench back a bit.

I think this highlights well the problems Brits would have. You've got the croc coming far too late to help, commando grenades (?) which are also doctrinal and probably not great, or rifle grenade spam, which probably still wouldn't be great. All against something which only requires an upgrade on a non-doctrinal unit, and then no cost (if it's the same as Brit/Russian trenches).


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Re: Ostheer Update 4: Schutzen War Camp
« Reply #136 on: January 19, 2011, 06:38:11 PM »
Well, the Brits do have Snipers in their Recon squads... Although i've never used that ability on Trenches, i assume it would work...

Offline Analpirat

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Re: Ostheer Update 4: Schutzen War Camp
« Reply #137 on: January 19, 2011, 06:45:34 PM »
For 25muni a shot + cooldown? It'll take weeks to clear a trench  ;)


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Re: Ostheer Update 4: Schutzen War Camp
« Reply #138 on: January 19, 2011, 07:10:28 PM »
I thought it was 35? Maybe that was the upgrade... Anyway, yeah, not to mention the super-short range of the "Sniper"! Ludicrous!

Offline Raider217

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Re: Ostheer Update 4: Schutzen War Camp
« Reply #139 on: January 19, 2011, 07:49:51 PM »
Skipping off the "hot" topic of trenches for now has the teching been worked out yet if so please let it not be "build any building from the start" youve done it with Soviets and RMC  :-\, doing it with a third faction would be in a word... stale.

Oh and down with trench's I guess.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2011, 07:51:53 PM by Raider217 »

Offline Versedhorison

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Re: Ostheer Update 4: Schutzen War Camp
« Reply #140 on: January 20, 2011, 12:27:23 AM »
I agree with all the trench-opposed people here. Imho trenches completely screw CoHs gameplay mechanics and I think everyone clearly sees that. No clever use of cover, no maneuvering,no flanking, no real micro(just delete it when they come with flamers). Just pop a trench and hop in and you're done. It isn't even the model, it's the mechanic.

And even if it comes relatively late with the Ostheer, why even bother?
Does it really need them?
Or are you just giving it to them for the sake of historical accuracy? Because that argument just doesn't cut it. Like, at all. I don't think I even have to name any examples for historical inaccuracies in CoH because everyone in the know clearly sees that. What made CoH such a hit is balance>>>realism, and you should stick to that. Just think of what playstyle you're promoting with trenches and then weigh that vs what you think you gain with a little more historical correctness.

Furthermore, do you think it is public perception that the Eastern Front was more static than the Western Front? Will it matter to people? Can you picture someone at saying: "Well, EF also has trenches for the OH and the Soviets which is important because, while not many people might know about it, warfare on the Eastern Front was a lot more static than you might think"

My plea is: if you're adding a unit or a feature, then do it for the gameplays sake, not for historical accuracy.

>Trenches completely screws with CoH gameplay mechanics and i think everyone can clearly see that.

I for one do not share that opinion of yours and I'm sure many other people do not hold that view point.

> Imho trenches completely screw CoHs gameplay mechanics
> No clever use of cover, no maneuvering,no flanking, no real micro(just delete it when they come with flamers). Just pop a trench and hop in and you're done. It isn't even the model, it's the mechanic.

This is not much different to buildings really. You just hop in it and sit there and shoot the enemy until they literally burn you out. Buildings have been on CoH since the beginning. Therefore if trenches are very simmilar to buildings then this would imply that either buildings also screw CoH gameplay mechanics or that your statement is incorrect.

>Or are you just giving it to them for the sake of historical accuracy?
Perhaps the Dev's intend to give the ostheer a different feel and gameplay to that of the Whermacht and Panzer Elite factions and giving the Ostheer Trenches is one way to achieve that.

>Furthermore, do you think it is public perception that the Eastern Front was more static than the Western Front? Will it matter to people?
I'm sure people won't mind a small history lesson. It's not like people are gonna go; "zomg this mod isn't like what I though the Eastern Front was like, I'm gonna go play CoD world at war instead because its WAAAAYY more unrealistic than this."
TL;DR were not gonna lose players over this unless they are gonna boycott it over something as trivial as a couple more factions having slit trenches.

>My plea is: if you're adding a unit or a feature, then do it for the gameplays sake, not for historical accuracy.

Trenches are going in for gameplay reasons as I explained above.

Also in regards to Brits themselves not having enough anti-trench weapons they already do. They have plenty of Arty to kill trenches as well as other weapons like rifle grenades, Piats, Croc-Churchills ect. How do you think they manage to remove German troops from trenches that have been captured. However on another note I do believe that this alone is not enough as those weapons I have stated are not as effective at dealing with trenches as flame/incindiary weapons. However I have full confidince that the Dev's have identified this and will likely implement balance to deal with this.

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Offline GodlikeDennis

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Re: Ostheer Update 4: Schutzen War Camp
« Reply #141 on: January 20, 2011, 03:22:54 AM »
Building are placed by the mapper in specific places. They can't just be plopped down on a cutoff or inside someone's base. They can also actually be hurt by small arms and are annihilated by mortars, artillery and tanks. Trenches are almost invulnerable to all weapons except grenades and flame. Mortars, AVRE and artillery are NOT a counter to trenches. The only British units that can noticably damage the units inside are the recon snipe (which can actually miss due to trench modifiers), commando nades, commando det packs, croc churchill and riflenades. Obviously, none of these are actually a reliable counter to trenches since they either miss or require constant munitions spending, or are doctrinal (in a shit doctrine - churchills). Trenches in their British incarnation are bad for the game.

Also, this is false:
Skipping off the "hot" topic of trenches for now has the teching been worked out yet if so please let it not be "build any building from the start" youve done it with Soviets and RMC  :-\, doing it with a third faction would be in a word... stale.
RMC can't just build any building.
If you get into an argument with me, you're wrong.

Offline Raider217

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Re: Ostheer Update 4: Schutzen War Camp
« Reply #142 on: January 20, 2011, 03:55:20 AM »
False you say...
Buildings can now be built at any time; they do not require an officer anymore. Also, you acquire all units from all buildings without the need of an officer.

RMC can't just build any building.
Brits can call in (if youre going to be picky) from the start any base structure im not on about defenses. Simply saying I'd prefer teching of upgrading to new building (Wehr) or build a building to gain a building (PE and US). To another just build whatever then upgrade those buildings (Soviets).

« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 04:29:41 AM by Raider217 »

Offline GodlikeDennis

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Re: Ostheer Update 4: Schutzen War Camp
« Reply #143 on: January 20, 2011, 04:40:13 AM »
Don't argue with me mate. I just played 3 games as RMC. It has been changed since that update.
If you get into an argument with me, you're wrong.

Offline Raider217

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Re: Ostheer Update 4: Schutzen War Camp
« Reply #144 on: January 20, 2011, 06:08:28 AM »
Don't argue with me mate. I just played 3 games as RMC. It has been changed since that update.

Hey i'll accept defeat where it stands if it's changed im all good with that but in future I hope you don't just go False without explaining why as it sent the wrong message and not being a beta tester how was I supposed to know eh?

Offline GodlikeDennis

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Re: Ostheer Update 4: Schutzen War Camp
« Reply #145 on: January 20, 2011, 08:22:04 AM »
Fair enough. This is why it's difficult to provide information to you guys before it's finalised though. Things change if they're not good enough.
If you get into an argument with me, you're wrong.

Offline Analpirat

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Re: Ostheer Update 4: Schutzen War Camp
« Reply #146 on: January 20, 2011, 08:58:33 AM »
>Trenches completely screws with CoH gameplay mechanics and i think everyone can clearly see that.

I for one do not share that opinion of yours and I'm sure many other people do not hold that view point.
As you may have seen, GodlikeDennis already rebutted your post with great insight and detailled explanation. (Although I think already made these points in the post you wanted to adress)
As to your point on history lessons, I never said people wanted an unrealistic game. I said people don't primarily care about historical accuracy but about gameplay. So they won't appreciate the reference to an obscure historical detail that the trenches for the OH are. And if you still don't get why trenches are bad for the gameplay then I guess you won't ever get it.

Edit: Well, I'm gonna spell it out anyway(again). Buildings are placed in maps by the mappers. They make sure the placement of the buildings is balanced, i.e. both sides can benefit from them.Trenches can be placed wherever the player wants. Facing(unlike in buildings) is irrelevant with trenches because the units inside have a 360° field of fire. Furthermore, buildings can be occupied by both sides. While trenches theoretically can be as well, in practice they'll always be scuttled by a competent player. Furthermore, trenches offer BETTER cover than buildings. That alone is absurd. To top it off, units in buildings can be countered by a wide array of units, including tanks,mortars, at guns, grenades, flames, etc. Trenches however are nigh on indestructible. You won't harm them with tanks, nor with mortars, nor with artillery. The only way is to get up close and personal with grenades and flames.

And finally, compare the effort needed:
Trench player needs a unit to build a trench. Has to build a trench (no cost). Intellectual component: Has to not place it on the most retarded spot possible, other then that no effort required because trenches offer 360° field of fire with max protection from all sides. If shit hits the fan, has to select trench and press Del 2x.

Trench attacking player is restricted from movement in the area of the trench until he has a counter. He thusly looses ressources. He has to spend ressources to acquire a counter. He has to spend/ utilize ressources to protect his counter while that is attacking the trench. And even if this effort should succeed, there's nothing stopping the trench player from just popping a trench in no time again.
« Last Edit: January 20, 2011, 09:14:17 AM by Analpirat »

Offline Versedhorison

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Re: Ostheer Update 4: Schutzen War Camp
« Reply #147 on: January 20, 2011, 09:47:03 AM »
if your so worried about trenches early game then build a bike/jeep/bren carrier to stop units from building them. Otherwise deal with trenches accordingly as any player worth his grain of salt would.

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Offline Analpirat

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Re: Ostheer Update 4: Schutzen War Camp
« Reply #148 on: January 20, 2011, 09:52:26 AM »
if your so worried about trenches early game then build a bike/jeep/bren carrier to stop units from building them. Otherwise deal with trenches accordingly as any player worth his grain of salt would.
I'm sorry, is there an argument hidden in between the lines or are you just trying to say l2p? Because if that were your point you'd have completely missed GodlikeDennis' and my point.

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Re: Ostheer Update 4: Schutzen War Camp
« Reply #149 on: January 20, 2011, 10:37:35 AM »
I guess it may sound quite disturbing... but shouldn't we make a new topic, where we will argue about trenches?? Maybe some poll?? This was supposed to be about entire update thread, not the "how trench sucks" tread.