2v2 Tannenberg
BrainBoru(PE) (me)
Fun match, despite MIIB timing out near the end.
For me, this game exemplified the fundamental point about PE- they are a strike force, a "hit 'em hard, hit 'em fast" style of play.
You'll notice I lost the most units when I stalled in the middle, trying to hold it against the relentless Sov attacks.
The most effective Sov attacks were timed to their Arty/Katysuha attacks. At one point you'll see my entire front line drop back in fear of an incoming arty strike - I kept expecting a God Of War strike, which would have caused HUGE problems attacking through it!
I was waiting to reach Marder, so that I could deal with the Sov tanks. Their Katyushas kept nailing my inf, so I would not be able to rely on HT+PanzGren when I finally attacked.
The marder allowed me to beat off their tank(s), then blast my way in through the side of their base. A nice bonus was grabbing a killed AT gun inside the base and using that against the damned Kommies!
My attack worked despite the constant warfare to keep my supply line open - something the PE excel at: mobile, constantly attacking offensive groups.
The moment PE go def they start losing. Urban warfare in particular is a nightmare.
Comments welcome.