I think you can fix the temp folder error doing this:
1)Go to Start Menu->Run->(or windows key + R)->temp
2)Delete all what you can.
3)Go to Start Menu->Run->(or windows key + R)->%temp%
4)Delete all what you can.
If you get the error again, try those steps again.
User ImperialKaskins found that.If you cannot delete some files, you can use
unlocker to see what process is keeping them away and to decide if unlock & delete or not.
Also you can try to increase the
Virtual Memory of your OS if your hard disk has some free space to spare.
Btw, the next time your match crashes, please upload the *.dmp (dump) file that is created on %temp% folder and your warnings.log file. Remember that old warnings.log are overwritten when starting any new RelicCoH instance.