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Hey (And a few questions)
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Topic: Hey (And a few questions) (Read 11663 times)
Posts: 425
Hey (And a few questions)
February 27, 2009, 07:15:08 PM »
First off hey and very nice work on the mod guys, I signed up about a year ago and had a look around, subsequently moved onto other games but recently come back to CoH and remembered this site, and its looking really, really impressive so far
I was just wondering about a few things...
What sort of style of play will the soviets be, will their tactics involve masses of cheap troops or a more armour orientated, mechanised style of play?
Are the BA-64 and the Maxim team going to be included, they arent in the unit list so the soviets would be lacking an MG and light vehicle?
What are the particular uses and abilities of partisans?
And finally how will the soviets gain veterancy. Will it be "bought" like the whermacht or "gained" like the panzer elite, or something different altogether?
I appreciate some of these things might not have been worked out yet.
Thanks for (hopefully) taking the time to read this and good luck finishing off the mod.
Cant wait to play it
In Soviet Union, FAQ reads you!
Dominic 'Dragon' Cassidy
Mr. Spam
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Re: Hey (And a few questions)
Reply #1 on:
February 27, 2009, 11:17:18 PM »
Because of the way the Russian get the next level of units, combined arms is encouraged and pretty much essential. This allows and also forces balanced play. For example, say you wanted to spam Soviet Guards at the enemy. This wouldn't be a great idea, due to the fact that by the time you can get Guards, the enemy will most likely have tanks/stronger units, and you would have all the pre-requisitions and most likely the resources to get your own powerful tanks. Guards would still be very useful, but "spamming" them, would not be extremely effective, especially if you met too many enemy tanks, or MGs.
The Maxim will be included once animated.
Veterancy is yet to be fully decided on and many interest and good ideas have been created and/or brought to our attention.
Thanks for your interest, and welcome to the forums
Cassidy Motto -> Frangas non flectes.....You can break me, but I'll never bend.
Posts: 425
Re: Hey (And a few questions)
Reply #2 on:
March 02, 2009, 01:29:51 AM »
Ok thanks, that all seems to make sense and encourage a good style of play
What about the BA-64?
And the purpose of partisans? Are they in an AT or elite infantry role?
For veterancy I think the "veterancy over time" idea someone else mentioned on here seemed a good fit for the soviets. Showing how the ones who werent instantly killed quickly learned how to survive and adapted to conditions on the front.
In Soviet Union, FAQ reads you!
Posts: 24
Re: Hey (And a few questions)
Reply #3 on:
May 26, 2009, 12:22:57 AM »
hello i too am new and my questions are a follow;
is there a tech tree somewhere i can look at? i have looked but can'tfind...
how do soviets vet and how does their base structure work?
are you building entirely new models or basing them on old ones?
will ask more later as i have to go. thanks
Poster of the Soviet Union
Posts: 2172
Dave got trolled! Trololol!
Re: Hey (And a few questions)
Reply #4 on:
May 26, 2009, 12:45:37 AM »
Partisans are infiltration and sabotage units. They camouflage and can blow up bridges, among other abilities. However, they are not particuarly strong in direct combat.
BA-64 won't be included as of now. Again, primarily due to animation issues.
Check out these
ModDB Pages
for the tech trees.
We have no set veterancy system yet, but we are opting for Vet promotions caused by time in the battle.
Base buildings are currently reskinned buildings from Vanilla CoH. There are four: HQ, Barracks, Weapons Support and Armour. Each building has three 'unit tiers', and each additional building you construct unlocks one of these 'unit tiers', thus encouraging combined-arms.
Posts: 24
Re: Hey (And a few questions)
Reply #5 on:
May 27, 2009, 12:24:53 AM »
awesome thanks for the speedy reply!
Poster of the Soviet Union
Posts: 2172
Dave got trolled! Trololol!
Re: Hey (And a few questions)
Reply #6 on:
May 27, 2009, 12:26:46 AM »
No problems
Posts: 24
Re: Hey (And a few questions)
Reply #7 on:
May 27, 2009, 01:09:06 AM »
sorry for double post, wont happen again...
-will god of war be able to destroy bases, because that will ruin the game if god of war could be called on a base and teching would have to restart...
-sniper ace? what are perks? is it a girl?
-how many men in an ingenery squad?
-will ml-20 be able to toggle between at fire and artillery fire?
-is sharpshooter team a group of sinpers?
-how does heavy mortar team differ from mortar team?
-with su-76, heavy mortar, zis-2, ml-20, katusha and doctrine artillery units, russians will have most artillery in the game by far, what is the point in this many units that cover such a similar role? brits have 3, usa have 3, germans have 3 and panzer elite have 2-3 depending on weather or not the choose hotchkiss. and these all include doctrine specific units...
-will soviets get swappable units like t-17, staghound, hotchkiss etc?
wow that was a lot of questions! thanks for ur time
Poster of the Soviet Union
Posts: 2172
Dave got trolled! Trololol!
Re: Hey (And a few questions)
Reply #8 on:
May 27, 2009, 01:25:34 PM »
1. Even 57mm AT guns can destroy bases in Vanilla CoH. There is no reason for God of War to lack the ability.
2. Sniper Ace is not a girl. It is similar to the American/Wehrmacht Sniper, but can run while cloaked. One-shot-kills all infantry, including Officers and Knights Cross Holders.
3. Four men in an Ingenery squad.
4. We decided to remove the specific name of the medium artillery for sake of argument. It can only fire salvos like other artillery in the game.
5. Sharpshooter team is two men; one sniper and one rifleman. They cannot move while cloaked (like Fallschirmjagers or Sapper PIAT Teams).
6. Heavy Mortars fire slower, are less accurate, but considerably more powerful. Four-men-squads.
7. SU-76 is a simple anti-tank gun, similar to the Marder III.
Heavy Mortar is just a strong mortar.
ZiS-2 is an AT Gun, like American 57mm.
ML-20 is like British Artillery, just a bit weaker.
Katyusha is a doctrine unit like a weak Sherman Calliope (or even like Halftrack Stuka).
I count three artillery units, each one is very different.
8. We have looked into swapping units. However, even if we can do that, they are extra units which the vast majority without ToV cannot use.
Posts: 24
Re: Hey (And a few questions)
Reply #9 on:
May 28, 2009, 02:07:42 AM »
fair enough... thanks
Posts: 425
Re: Hey (And a few questions)
Reply #10 on:
May 28, 2009, 03:11:36 AM »
Seems the questions are coming in and getting answered I figured I might put a couple more in if ya dont mind.
From looking at the unit list on ModDB, it looks like in the first release the Maxim Squad, T-90 and the BA-64 are going to turn up after the first release? Seems like just about everything is going to be in 1.0
Also could soviet style buildings without animations be put in to the first release?
Maybe this isn't possible but the tyranid mod for DoW did this in the first few releases.
An original, albeit static model is preferable to a re-skin methinks
Although if none have been fully modeled etc then I guess its not worth the time right now
In Soviet Union, FAQ reads you!
Posts: 425
Re: Hey (And a few questions)
Reply #11 on:
June 18, 2009, 04:04:20 PM »
Was also just wondering, how many maps will be coming with Eastern Front in the initial release?
Also, ever thought of doing an FAQ about the mod to put on the forums? I've got quite abit of spare time from about a week onwards so would be happy to write one up if you want
In Soviet Union, FAQ reads you!
Poster of the Soviet Union
Posts: 2172
Dave got trolled! Trololol!
Re: Hey (And a few questions)
Reply #12 on:
June 18, 2009, 05:15:38 PM »
Maxim, T-90 and BA-64 currently have no plans to be included. May change after first release.
Reskins of Relic's base buildings are fine for now. They don't feel too American, and people would rather see fancy tanks than fancy base buildings. There have been a few concepts flying around, so it is a 'maybe' for a future release.
Although there are currently around 10 Eastern Front maps in the beta, they are all of high quality and thoroughly tested. We will have more by the time of public release, and there are plenty of oppertunities for expanding the playlist in future updates.
We are writing a FAQ and a game guide. Both could be live before release.
Posts: 281
Re: Hey (And a few questions)
Reply #13 on:
June 18, 2009, 07:58:35 PM »
We have to have ToV to play the game ? (sorry for my english
Poster of the Soviet Union
Posts: 2172
Dave got trolled! Trololol!
Re: Hey (And a few questions)
Reply #14 on:
June 18, 2009, 08:12:48 PM »
No worries, that English was perfect.
Eastern Front works with any combination of Company of Heroes and its expansions, providing you have the latest patch installed (currently v2.600).
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Company of Heroes: Eastern Front
Eastern Front Mod (Read-Only)
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Hey (And a few questions)