So umm. Whats still lacking? Idea for units? ( Not talking bout models yet )
Bonus unit? doctrine?
So Allied side got what nations?
evil site got what nations? just i want to rethink of it.
Give the TAN the Cult. a doctrine. They are somehow like the Nazi symbol but this is the W version. Look closely at the arm at the driver been blow to bits and the doctor holding the arm.
Army Men II - Act IV (Ending)Editted 1.2
I make my Offensive Doctrine . take it if u want.
Left side
-TAN No Mercy!-
~All Tan units fight fiercely and without fear against the Green Army.
-TAN General Plastro Rally-
`Raise Morale and fight harder
-TAN Mass Destruction -
~ Plane simple bomb targets! - ( watch ARMY MEN SARGE'S HEROES intro, There is a plane bombing a barn where there is a cow nodding )
Right side
~Nothing, Just to unlock 2nd 1.
-The Cult-
~TAN special army ( Sometime have a hitler symbol but is a W )
-TAN Super waepons-
~TAN Tank with a magnifying glass behind.
TAN Deffensive Doctrine
Left side
-TAN Aware of Surroundings-
~Surronding of all units Radius increase by 25%
-TAN Alert-
~All Tan units radius increase by 30 %
-TAN Tannerberg-
~2nd in command of the TAN army, He is good in deffendsive, Can model slightly from Axis Officers. ( Seen in ARMY MEN SARGE"S HEROES 2 and OMEGA )
Right side
-TAN Dug in-
~Abilities to build Trenches, Sandbags, Anti Tank Traps,AA Gun and mines
-TAN intelligents-
~Blue Spy including Bridgi ( Forget how to spell The female blue spy that want Hawk, can be seen in ARMY MEN SARGE'S HEROES 2 and Portal Runner)
-TAN air support-
~ Call in air units at the specific location to keep bombing it
TAN Horror Doctrine
Left side
-TAN Mortar-
~Mortar strike bombard an area.
-TAN Paratroopers-
~Land paratroopers ( Also can be seen in ARMY MEN SARGE"S HEROES intro )
-TAN Baron Von Barge-
~destroy all ground units at a specific area
Right side
-TAN Air Recon-
-TAN Back from the Dead-
~DR.Madd Summon all dead soldiers
-TAN Air Full Air Support-
~Sky's full of plane raining down HELL
Green ARMY
Right Side
-Green Brave Soldiers-
~Green Soldiers are more brave, move faster and not to be very caution
-Green Advance Training-
~Well Train Infantry with do more damage and more health
-Green new super Weapon
Left side
-Green Flag-
~Remember what we fight for! Morale raise
-Green Heroes-
~Sargent hawk enters the field, Morale Raise.
-Green Bravo Squad-
~All Sarge's Heroes enters the fields ( Only from ARMY MEN SARGE'S Heroes 1 )
Green Deffensive
Left side
-Green dug in-
~Abilities to Build trenches,Bunkers, Anti-Tank traps and etc
-Green Air support-
~ Rain down support on the incoming enemy
-Green Inteligents spy-
~Can detect enemy movements ( Units that do not move cant be detected )
right side
-Green Awareness-
~Aware of surronding , sight radius increase 25%
-Green Alert-
~Sight increase 30%
-Green Fortification-
~All structures been reinforce as well as sandbags have more health
Green Hell Doctrine
Left side
-Green Recon-
~ recon
-Green Mortar-
-Green Blue Army resistance-
~Blue army coming to help
Right side
-Green Air superior-
~All air units have slightly more armor
-Green Alpha Wolf Top Secret-
~Captain Blade Huey
-Green Alpha Wolf Top Secret Weapon-
~Captain Blade and his Apache pawn some TAN
The reason why i dont place OMEGA is he is too over balance, 1 man army take down the entire TAnnerberg ARMY