Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: axis and allies factions  (Read 12043 times)

Offline Blackbishop

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Re: axis and allies factions
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2010, 08:08:04 PM »
not all nations for godsake monkin is creating chinese and japanese while hellscream finnish and in ef russia and ostheer after all these mod projects end the should unite

Too much work :(...
You thouhgt I was refering to make all the factions? Even if they add a couple of those mods will be a lot of work, let alone the balance.

Thanks to Relic the engine is "overheated" every time someone creates a 4th and 5th faction. Hence, the random crashes, the requirement of more resources than ToV just with Eastern Front, imagine if you add all the others(japan army at the pacific, japan army inland, china resistance, us marines, Finish, another ally is missing)... the chaos will be unleashed.

And I didn't take in consideration the human resources, many Devs don't have enough time for this, they have their own agenda, they don't earn any profit besides self-satisfaction with this. Remember they're volunteers.

Looks like Relic won't help us soon, so many of these bugs will persist. You can play Hearts of Iron 3, is a good game and you can choose from a wide selection of nations.
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Offline Seeme

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Re: axis and allies factions
« Reply #16 on: September 12, 2010, 12:01:03 AM »
In HoI3 you play any nation you want.
The Russians think there sooo tough, wait till the Ostheer comes...

Coh Name: Seeme

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Re: axis and allies factions
« Reply #17 on: September 12, 2010, 03:29:17 AM »
In HoI3 you play any nation you want.
If the game was easier and made sense to my stupid brain I'd get it. I remember playing the HoI2 demo and Hitler kept ordering me to take some Dutch city even though I didn't know what to do and kept having all my guys killed.
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Offline cephalos

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Re: axis and allies factions
« Reply #18 on: September 12, 2010, 10:52:20 AM »
In HoI3 you play any nation you want.
If the game was easier and made sense to my stupid brain I'd get it. I remember playing the HoI2 demo and Hitler kept ordering me to take some Dutch city even though I didn't know what to do and kept having all my guys killed.
Are you sure that you've played Hearts of Iron 2? That was global strategy... so I don't get it how you get Hitler ordering you, if in HoI3 you are the main commander of whole country.
BTW, I love to play Hoi3, this game is awesome  ;D

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Re: axis and allies factions
« Reply #19 on: September 12, 2010, 10:55:44 AM »
In HoI3 you play any nation you want.
If the game was easier and made sense to my stupid brain I'd get it. I remember playing the HoI2 demo and Hitler kept ordering me to take some Dutch city even though I didn't know what to do and kept having all my guys killed.

Sact same thing happens to me on HoI2 Demo, i got each of my diivsions anihilate dion about 10 minutes.

Offline Paciat

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Re: axis and allies factions
« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2010, 11:51:37 AM »
In HoI3 you play any nation you want.
If the game was easier and made sense to my stupid brain I'd get it. I remember playing the HoI2 demo and Hitler kept ordering me to take some Dutch city even though I didn't know what to do and kept having all my guys killed.

Sact same thing happens to me on HoI2 Demo, i got each of my diivsions anihilate dion about 10 minutes.
While HOI 3 is more realistic I find HOI 2 with Doomsay+Armaggeddon expansion more fun and easier to play.
If you want to start playing dont choose a country with a large navy. To much to handle for e newbie player.

One more thing. If you dont know WWII history dont bother with it.

Offline Seeme

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Re: axis and allies factions
« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2010, 01:51:15 PM »
Lol. Don't choose Japan or America unless you a Professional. A good start country is Germany, due to lack of Navy and nice starting Divisions.
The Russians think there sooo tough, wait till the Ostheer comes...

Coh Name: Seeme

Offline Tico_1990

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Re: axis and allies factions
« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2010, 02:00:51 PM »
I'd say that Germany is the best starting nation, followed by the USA. USA has the advantage that they are relatively safe from harm, while having a good economy as well. Germany has the advantage of having a good economy and strong army. If you play your game well, you can have control of spain, portugal and the bottom half of Africa by 1940-41.


Minor edit: I only tried this once I started using "creative resource managment" (aka, using cheats to improve my resource balance), I guess it will be hard to do when you don't use cheats.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2010, 02:51:25 PM by Tico_1990 »

Offline Seeme

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Re: axis and allies factions
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2010, 05:11:42 PM »
By 1941 I had France, Netherlands, Begluim, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Litatua and those other country's up there, all South Eastern Europe, Spain, and England. Am about to launch "Operation Africa" and beat the rest of the Brits in Africa and launch some Airborne Missions in India. I didn't attack the Soviet Union since I only got 1 Million Men at the front, but they have very good equipment.
The Russians think there sooo tough, wait till the Ostheer comes...

Coh Name: Seeme

Offline Tico_1990

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Re: axis and allies factions
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2010, 05:18:06 PM »
What I mentioned were area's which I had on top of the area's which Germany historically had;)

Offline smeagolthevile

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Re: axis and allies factions
« Reply #25 on: September 13, 2010, 02:18:48 AM »
The Chinese would be a very interesting faction to play as.  They had received training and equipment from the British French Americans Soviets AND Germans.  Alot of Chinese unitforms were direct copies of German ones.

This leaves some cool options, especially since there were diffrent chinese groups in the war.  Mix of weapons for the soldiers, infantry groups with Karbiners and BARs.

You could have a Communist Chinese doctrine that leans on soviet technologies with call in units that wear the padded blue uniforms of the communist chinese and uses geurilla tatics, cheap traps and mines, ambushing etc

You could an Allied aid doctrine that, for defense, that uses british defensive fortifications like the big guns that defended singapore and call in troops from the AZNAC and Indian corps.  and for the right tree uses the USA support That emphasises the main army of the National Chinese army, stronger divisions using american weapons with larger numbers and call in from pacific fleet air/naval support (naval cannons, helldiver tank busters, etc. (also see doolittle raids)

And you can have a third that takes advantages of the Axis influences, giving them german and itallian light tanks and APCs.

Would also be interesting instead of making them call ins make it 'unlock' the units from the barracks so you can build them instead of call them in.

Offline Seeme

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Re: axis and allies factions
« Reply #26 on: September 14, 2010, 12:49:19 AM »
Click on this wonderful blue link under my post to get a nice surprise ;)
The Russians think there sooo tough, wait till the Ostheer comes...

Coh Name: Seeme

Offline Akalonor

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Re: axis and allies factions
« Reply #27 on: September 23, 2010, 04:30:13 AM »
Too bad its not Blue.....
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Any typos found may be given to Seeme.

Offline Blackbishop

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Re: axis and allies factions
« Reply #28 on: September 23, 2010, 05:04:14 AM »

You should add something like that to your signature ;).

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Mors Indecepta

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Offline Skykid93

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Re: axis and allies factions
« Reply #29 on: September 23, 2010, 01:47:55 PM »
By 1941 I had France, Netherlands, Begluim, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Litatua and those other country's up there, all South Eastern Europe, Spain, and England. Am about to launch "Operation Africa" and beat the rest of the Brits in Africa and launch some Airborne Missions in India. I didn't attack the Soviet Union since I only got 1 Million Men at the front, but they have very good equipment.

Someone ones took over half of the US as Mexico, at least that was until they pulled back divisions from the war in europe and pwned Mexico  ::)