See hypersniper, hes a good comrade Am promoting him to The 2nd highest honer in the seeme empire, Leader Machs.
Ok, so the only enemy left is Toorstain > First things first, hes on his last leg. What I need is 2 Airborne divisions will be dropping 12 miles east of his key city, distracting his forces from the city itself, while we launch a surprise attack. We get regular Infantry to charge the city making the enemy face one side, then our mechanized division to Quickly circle the city so cut of supplys and not let the other divisions in again. Then we get our regular Infantry to circle the city and wait and get resupplied. While this is happening, I want our top commandos to sneak into the city and blow up major supply depots and dress up like the enemy to rise havoc and terror into them. We wait another few days to let them run out of supply's, then we attack the city with our inf and tanks and our mechanized divisions save there airborne. (P.S, dont forget to get the bridge)Neos, get our troops and generals ready and make sure this plan works out. Dismissed.
Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa, am a fascist leader?