In the event of a tie, the player who won the first game gets to choose his or her faction of choice.
[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: BULLSHIT[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: I'll eat a tree if this won't work now[CoH:EF-Dev]Rizz: ok[CoH:EF-Dev]Rizz: I'll hold you to it<10 minutes later>[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: I think I really gotta eat a tree...[CoH:EF-Dev]Walki: got a decent one?
Round 1Computerized Random Selection Chose Player 1 to take Wehrmacht first.Player 1=WehrmachtPlayer 2=SovietsPlayer 2 wins Round 1.Round 2Player 1=SovietsPlayer 2=WehrmachtPlayer 1 wins 2nd Round.Tiebreaker Round 3
Who in their right mind actually wants to use the PE for competitive play? As of this patch, PE is an excuse of a faction.