I came from GR.org after reading a post there asking people's opinions.The basic gist of most of the replies there was that Brits and PE are basically broken for different reasons in comparison to US and Wehr factions, so why even ask about replacing them to get the functionality the dev team wants from the factions. (Seriously... read the replies there, I'm not exaggerating.)Might I suggest making a true poll there, as there is a large skilled playerbase there mostly aware of the design and balance issues that exist in the current version of CoH, but they might not be motivated enough to come here and register to vote...
I have an idea!AT guns are like, 300 mp, right? Well in the support barracks you could buy JUST a weapon crew for like 100 mp. They are the same stats as mechanics and forces on recerwing motels, AT guns, and mg. If not the enemy's, at least our own.
If the fucking house collapses in the process, you can't say we didn't try.
We were rank 11, now 8 in moddb. That shows a certain interest still exists thankfully, but people are still not playing it. They're waiting for things to get fixed and that's what we're trying to do.
High crash rate.
Players not patched to the same level, preventing play between them.
Lack of ranking for Soviets.
We're trying to fix what's broken based on the majority feedback, to make the mod more successful and MOST importantly more fun for alot more people.Hanging our head down and accepting defeat isn't what we do, especially when we CAN fix the issues. Ignoring the feedback and keeping down the road which has proven usuccessful would be idiotic of us. The fact remains some people aren't bothered by the fact that the faction is indeed broken. Don't much care about balance either(cause balance is bad when a faction is broken) because the gaming experience for them is still fun. Some people on the other hand would prefer the factions to work perfectly even if that means the limitation of not being able to have all 6 in the same match at the same time. For them a better balance game with complete features increases the experience ten fold.And that is what the poll is about.Responding to the majority feedback can never be a mistake!Fixing the root cause of the problems isn't causing more problems. Its making the job alot easier when it comes to fixing what problems are left.