Me109 cover (1CP) - radio our fighters to protect air over us for while- player active ability (100 Ammo), one swarm of Me109G-6 will cover us for a period of 2min., armed with powerful Rheinmetall-Borsig Mk108 30mm cannon destroys any plane trying to infiltrate our airspace
Thought we had already discuss such a doctrine ability One possible powerful doctrine slot for a ability which could be use just against US Airborn Doc, UK Commando Doc and SU Breakthrough - 3 of 9 possible enemy's doctrines and that for a price of 100 munition? That isnt a good trade...
Sorry I forgot to add that this ability will add ability to see on minimap and on radar the enemy vehicle units within a small radius of friendly units but in the fog of war - similar to Tank Awareness of PE-Tank busters doctr. This will apply only when Bf109s are deployed otherwise it will be not active. I will include it to text. I was writing it yesterday night so it's possible I made a mistake.
Jagd[tiger] is a buildable replacement for the Kettenkrad... It can cloak and cap points.
...for 100 munitions?! well, i wouldn't use 100 munitions on that...
[...]but what if this ability will uncover all vehicles on whole map for that period, not just close to my troops but to be able see all enemy vehicles (tanks, AT guns) on minimap and radar on whole map? For 2 minutes.
If the aircraft is armed with 30mm cannons, that´s enough to use it against other targets when there are no enemy airplanes around. It could attack light vehicles and infantry.
well, that sounds OP too, it's a 1 CP ability that can be chosen at the beginning. maybe it could work as a late game ability on the second/third doctrine spot. but i still would be too strong vs. airborne/etc. if it active for 2 mins.
I'd love to see a bombing run(assuming you mean a classic free fall run, not an angled strike)but its impossible to get 1000 mu in a game (So I've heard) and 800 may be aswell, lower it to about 350-400 and It'll get my vote.About the ME109G6, I think it should cost two points to kick it off but only provide vehicle sight on the mini&tac maps for say 1 min and cost 80mu
If you want to make an ability so powerful that it costs more than 200 munitions, it´s not the cost that needs to be addressed, BUT THE ABILITY. Nothing should be powerful enough to cost THAT MUCH.