Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: comments from experienced ww2 game lover: read this > comment this please!  (Read 6517 times)

Offline tim8552

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I have the following suggestion:
and i ve play a lot of mods

i will try to frequently (min: weekly) update the content so declare my opinion on this mod
need to make a campaign if possible esp for multiplayer working coorperatively
and it should be only adaptable to OF expansion with 2.31 or the newest version
make the summer and winter map different
and city fighting
even open flat green field

try to make uniform different
larger group in infanty even for engineer from 4, 6 units instead of 3-4
make armor more slow but better armored and if you can pay for price to have a machine-gun upgrade for every tank
also make the world war 3 possible if you can i mean : the fighting between US, british vs russia enable the us and british, do not delete them

russia should have 2 companies:
one is elite armor with cheap numerous infantry support

if tiger2 and jadapanther are the final units in germany
then is2 and isu152 or kaysta(the rocket launcher) should be great in russia
while relics make pershing and firefly are the final i think firefly is not that great if to make it great it should be cheaper
i think priest should be better when compare to firefly

try to evolved in more stage: for example:
1-stage can use >T-70 or weaker version of T28(but in fact T28 is quite strong and T34 is not that great... but just great in number, so for russia, i hope for the rocket launcher more) and other small tank like the scout armor car small tanks like...
(hehe, if possible make the Y100, which can come out only once as the secret weapon)
2-stage can use> T34 and its upgrade also T1s also rocket launcher
3-stage can use> IS1 IS2

please the whirl panzer more attractive in firing the weapon and
you can also make karl and kayshia(i forget the spelling for russia rocket launcher)

COH:OF and latter one is famous for fighting hot but no secretly and coldly so never rescue the prisoner

feel free to email me:

i love world war 2 games for 12 years, i played very much, from my naive life in panzer general... CC3 to ... oh i cannot remember all those games i play, but this year COH make me remarkable and to say so much, i also review the history and see world war 2 critize movie and although my english may not be that good i try and so i experienced with it

try to see the following mod:
battle of the bulge (good mod with combining and mixing well, although not balanced and slow some times)
DRLauncher.exe (so know that? if not try to down this one in google and you will love it)

again, feel free to email me:
« Last Edit: December 05, 2008, 04:07:53 PM by tim8552 »
It is there the eastern fronts, remains the name for ourselves, By the spring of 1944, we have been deploy to the western fronts... France!
Load APC round!
Target at 600 meter destroyed!
De shue geish! Qualish Ba Ba Lo!
                                                       ~Tales of Valor~

Offline vengefulnoob

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Re: comments from experienced ww2 game lover: read this > comment this please!
« Reply #1 on: December 22, 2008, 01:28:53 AM »
well ahead of u mate 8)

Another thing: don't compare the karl and katyusha: one has 48 rockets which   go all over the place the other has a gun which would take out anything in a single hit: even the indestructable bridges!
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