Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: video and/or strats for usa, brits and germans  (Read 5016 times)

Offline aztec11us

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video and/or strats for usa, brits and germans
« on: February 24, 2010, 05:01:09 PM »

i ve been looking for a way to defeat the red army with usa, but it seems i m just post-poning the inevitable, before i m drowned in a red sea :(

what is a good general build order as usa vs russia ?
same for uk and germany ...

feel free to exemplify with maps, but please be so kind as to explain some abreviations....

neither is enghlish my native tongue, nor m i that familiar with C.O.H. - E.F. abreviations

there are few reasons for asking this:
 1) saw another thread with a guy asking for help and his thread really didnt go anywhere, cause even on easy, within 60 secs, russia kinda caps 80 % of just about any map, then starts flooding the enemy with scores of men

 2) couldnt find a thread with detailed tacs for usa and uk vs russia

 3) the makers of EF automaticly assume all should become PROs over night, forgetting how frustrating can be for begginers, cause of the next point i m about to show ....

 4) ...did 5 maps, so far, as 1 v 1 (didnt felt like going please keep the ,,ffs! go 2 v 2 with a friend online'' crap for yourselves) and on 3 of these maps, i even managed to strangle the russians, dominating 70 % of map ...
  but here is the weird part, no one wants to explain and here is where the attitutude of E.F. makers sux ....
  when strangling the russian A.I., and building up my army, at a sudden, i m effectevly overtaken with a zerg mass of both men and 3 - 4 armored russian units, flowing from their small red territories
  AND YES...I PLAY 1.04 !!!!

 some questions i asked, but E.F. makers refuse to answer, or at least, as is decent, provide COMPLETE guide to weaknesses or tacs
  - how the heck, with at most 30% map, russians can make 2 x the number of units (men and machine) i can, in a very very short time ?!
  - add to this, that some of their units are anything but weak !  they are both many and good !
  - after 3 hours of watching my own replays and trying to mimic the A.I., i m amazed to see i didnt had the resources to spew off as many men and armored units like russian A.I.
  - i believe the makers of E.F. greatly increased the russian A.I.'s rate of resource tricle

 it flies in the face of logic, to strangle someone (A.I. or not) and barely leave them with a tiny teritory, and then, 2 minutes later, see a wave of divisions + 3 - 4 large armor come your way, while you barely cringe, trying to make 4 armored units, nevermind men !!!

 considering 4 regular tanks are arround 800 man power at least !, and then seeing russian A.I. with barely 3 teritories, come against me with 4 - 5 men teams + 3 - 4 normal armor tanks (not heavy, but still...), one can only calculate fast that the A.I. must have AT LEAST 2 k manpower + 500 gasoline !  BUT FROm WHERE ?!?

 considering others have pointed to this before me, i d like the makers of E.F. to answer my question, and NOT to avoid it with tauting like ,,you suck n00b'', ,,l2p'', ,,play with a human''  ---- where does the A.I. get such high ammount of resources from, if they barely have 30% of a map with no heavy points ?!?!    manpower + gas especially !

to the others....please point me to a thread to see USA build vs red army, uk build, german etc
i didnt saw any USA vs Russia build order or videos

Offline WartyX

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Re: video and/or strats for usa, brits and germans
« Reply #1 on: February 24, 2010, 06:05:52 PM »
some questions i asked, but E.F. makers refuse to answer, or at least, as is decent, provide COMPLETE guide to weaknesses or tacs

EF Developers have never refused to answer anything. And please refer us to any mod which provided a COMPLETE guide to weaknesses or tactics. That is your job as the player to find out.

Offline 8doczzz1

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Re: video and/or strats for usa, brits and germans
« Reply #2 on: February 24, 2010, 07:32:47 PM »



Calm down, type like a rational and mature person, and stop whining.  There is a reason no one wants to help you.
Absit invidia.

Offline IEatBolsheviks

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Re: video and/or strats for usa, brits and germans
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2010, 07:58:28 PM »



Calm down, type like a rational and mature person, and stop whining.  There is a reason no one wants to help you.

How can one play US or CW vs SU?

AI gets a resource bonus even on normal to compensate for their brain malus.

Regarding your whining in "A.I. changes to original C.O.H. ": You know you can still have the old CoH AI if you don't start the game via EF Launcher but the normal way?

And you know the old CoH AI gets not only a resource bonus but their units take less damage, too? Ofc thats because it's not as smart as the EF AI.

For build orders check the strat forums here and on

Offline hgghg4

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Re: video and/or strats for usa, brits and germans
« Reply #4 on: February 24, 2010, 08:01:37 PM »
This fool does know you can't play against the Russians as Americans or British right????? Only  as PE and Wehrmacht.... this guy isn't for real right? OK person who has hissy fits over stupid shit, instead of calling people stupid or dumbasses or saying that the moderators suck, be a little more friendly and less "Dumbassed" with your questions... Before you post here again please take your Meds then think before typing...thank you and have a nice.... screw it.. go away

Offline aztec11us

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Re: video and/or strats for usa, brits and germans
« Reply #5 on: February 24, 2010, 09:06:26 PM »

so there is a resource bonus to A.I ?!
one more thing the devs for E.F. kept hidden from us ...
wonder how many more were kept hidden ...

and yes...there is a way to play other nations vs RUS via a mod

a word to the devs...guys ....C.O.H. consists of a few sides that are over 70 % identical !!!
  they got SAME kinds of units, with little different stats...

 take a queue from Starcraft !
 3 TOTALLY different civs....yet so carefully balanced, a Zen master would be gelous !
  dont even dare say things like ,,you cant compare COH to starcraft''....yes you can !!!
 BOTH are RTS, BOTH involve largely same mechanics in base, unit management, even some micros are the same....

 actually, any decent creator of RTS games would take Starcraft as a balance target, and try to approach its level of

 what any game creator would do, is to ensure that at any level, both human and A.I. compete on same level!

 and you re having problem balancing some civilazations that are over 70 % identical :D .... go figure!
 just be glad COH wasnt a game with alien civs as well ...

  retorical question --- how do i learn to play, thus to improve myself before going full online, if i get beaten round the clock by an A.I. that was clearly MADE TO CHEAT ?!

 when i learned starcraft (even played some regionals in it), i first began like any normal human would.... train myself against the PC, so i would learn units, weaknesses, tacs etc
  THEN and ONLY then, i go against real people....

  some ,,experts'' might ask: why the heck dont  you play against other humans from the start ?!
  a very logic and simple reason ---
  if i go online with a more experienced player who wont have the patience to baby-sit me, he'll prolly curse and swear at me, then leave or kick me out of the game !  ---PERIOD---
 try learning now, if you can ...

 as someone suggested, i should go back, play the original, then play E.F.
  this may sound like a reasonable suggestion IF it hadnt been for one tiny (but major) detail --- all the learning is USELESS against an A.I. that cheats !!!
  this is no better than if the player cheats !!!
  whats the use in spending hours upon hours learning micro management, units bla bla bla..... only to see that is ALL in vain, cause the enemy suddenly goes ,,SHOWMETHEMONEY'' ?!  (starcraft single player cheat that gives the player 10.000 of each resource)

  and why has the A.I. to be compensated for its thinking deficiency ?!
 ....are you worried about its feelings ?!?!?!?!?!?!?! 

  YES!  the A.I., at least on Easy, SHOULD roll over and die, so i can LEARN !!
  the A.I. (on easy at least...) SHOULD be my guinea pig !
  THEN i can progress to NORMAL, HARD, humans etc !

  its hard to try and learn using a ,,guinea pig'' that pwns my arse 24/7, cause he gets resources out of thin air !
  the normal chain of learning is broken ....

  what if - when you went to school in first grade, you teacher would have told you:
   ,,awww! hello there young pupil!  to make learning more fun, we ve decided to skip basics, like learning to write, calculate etc and go directly to integrals, derivates and binary math !''
 get my point now ?

to DEVS:  if you wont add the chek marker for allow/ disallow original A.I. modification, at least, REMOVE the huge bonus in resources the A.I, gets, and KEEP the ,,easy'' level abit challenging....
 and please dont ,,compensate'' the AI with anything else!
 at least on easy, let people play on SAME FOOTING, so we can friggin learn ><

PS: sorry...but its very frustrating to try and learn, only to find out i wasted 5 hours over nothing....and that it isnt me that sucks that bad as to lose with 70% of map controlled, but the A.I. getting ,,divine aid''
« Last Edit: February 24, 2010, 09:21:20 PM by aztec11us »

Offline Zerstörer

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Re: video and/or strats for usa, brits and germans
« Reply #6 on: February 24, 2010, 09:27:34 PM »
Dude, honestly....I can sort of understand you're saying you're a total noob and having a problem....

Though I'm getting the distinct feeling this is like a prank call from a radio station.

Alas, I'll try and be polite about this for one last time...

In vanila COH AI, the AI gets BOTH HEALTH AND RESOURCE BONUSES. Our AI only gives pretty much  the same RESOURCE bonus, BUT NOT the health ones. It also acts a hell of alot better.

If you're a noob/shit at the game, don't complain and ask us to lower the level/quality because of it.
Either keep playing Easy(which you find a challenge), uninstall and be on your way or learn to play like a fucking average player.

End of story. Anything else isn't gonna happen! Shush! go play Starcraftttt
« Last Edit: February 24, 2010, 09:34:03 PM by Zerstörer »
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Offline luz777

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Re: video and/or strats for usa, brits and germans
« Reply #7 on: February 24, 2010, 09:29:06 PM »
The word "godieinabighorriblefire" comes to mind...

Offline aztec11us

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Re: video and/or strats for usa, brits and germans
« Reply #8 on: February 24, 2010, 10:11:33 PM »
it still doesnt fit :(

just had another game, on same small map for 2 (the first one in the list)

same story....i ,,strangled'' the AI for allmost entire game (me ove 70% of map controlled, 2 out of 3 victory points) , then out of the blue, he just pops up with 5 squads (3 from the front and 2 from the side) + 4 armored and ofcourse, wreaks havoc on me!

i would gladly trust the devs's own words, if it werent for the practical happening.

and the dev still didnt aswered my question ....  how can someone, with barely any teritory, suddenly pull an entire friggin attack force litteraly, out of the proverbial magician's hat ?!

dunno about the health bonus in original COH...
to be honest, havent noticed it...
maybe there is one,
but because the so-called resource bonus to AI is so small, and that the AI is alot less challenging, makes it totally not noticable ...
thus BALANCED --- ai gets bonus, but is also dummer

Relic, unlike the devs of E.F., did thought of those just getting started....hence why their AI on easy is dum, so any begginer n00b can learn at his pace, then graduate and move on

what i do see, is another thread, just 3 - 4 thread below mine on the same page, from a guy named ,,ford'' something.... he has same issue, with AI acting all out on easy even taking everything, but he too gets no real answer for 1 v 1....
he even seems to have abandoned his thread, as for the last couple of days at least, i see no  advancing on it whatsoever...

in fact, reading your Strategy tab, i see 99 % of topics are for large battle aka 2 v 2, but most often larger than that.

just a question..... if challenging is what E.F. aimed for....
why not DELETE all levels and replace easy, normal and hard with ONE level called ,,Insane'' where A.I. starts with 300% resources, 200% trickle rate, 100% less build time and cds.... 

i have yet to see one single coherent tac, from start to end, for at least germans (either version) ...a build order... video etc, that gives me a great chance to defeat A.I. in 1 v1 on ANY map

allmost ALL focus on 2 v 2 or more!

 i tell you what dear devs....
 you are leaving me no choice!

 i ll make a new account for relic... get the best of hacks (have a friend who...well...lets say he knows a thing or two about hacking into games), then play online and give myself uber bonuses to resource and trickle rates!

 then when some will finally figure out i cheated on live servers, they will ofc whine, but i ll just tell them they need to l2p, its balanced cause ,,i made the fight more challenging''
 i assure you..i ll do this ONLY against russian players.
 will take me about 1 - 2 weeks to set up the hacks and so on

 i dont care about ratings !
 just want to give these guys a taste of their own medicine!
 i REGRET having to resort to such lame actions...but its the only way to make them understand how it feels to fight vs an enmy who cheats, be it human or AI
« Last Edit: February 24, 2010, 10:13:46 PM by aztec11us »

Offline WartyX

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Re: video and/or strats for usa, brits and germans
« Reply #9 on: February 24, 2010, 10:21:27 PM »
This thread is just a joke. Aztec, we aren't going to change the AI which tens of thousands of people enjoy just because you can't beat it. I suggest you don't make any more pointless topics with the sole aim of getting attention. Locked.