Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: Ostheer "Doctrine" suggestions  (Read 2948 times)

Offline ScreamingStukas

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Ostheer "Doctrine" suggestions
« on: February 17, 2010, 03:33:11 AM »
Okay, I thought it through alittle and was able to come up with an idea for the names of the 3 Ostheer Doctrine command selections:

- Tactical Measures

- We must use our superior tactics and planning to get the best of the Red Army. The Red Army may have us greatly outnumbered but they are commanded by inexperienced minds when compared to us. Against an offensive force or defensive force, we will be able to utilize our superior tactics to thwart the enemy's war effort. The Soviets have numbers but we have tactics, we will show them what that can help us achieve over them.

- Vengeful Measures

- How dare the Bolshevik scums challenge Axis dominance. One complete army was surrounded and destroyed at Stalingrad in their effort to capture the city for our worthy cause, we will not let their sacrifice be in vain. The Soviets believe that with that one victory, though it be decisive, that our defeat is imminent. Well they shall be proven wrong, that one victory they achieved was won out of pure luck. Our depleted formations have been rebuilt with fresh Wehrmacht troops, Waffen SS fanatics, and new equipment. The Red Army has yet to see the full might of the Third Reich...but they will now.

- Desperate Measures

- The Soviets threaten the Fatherland as they come closer and closer to the west. They continue their advance and the morale of our people continues to diminish. We must not let the advancing Red Army cross the border into Germany and we must not let the morale of our people continue to fall. We can no longer advance, we must muster all we can to defend the last of our territory and make the Allies bleed heavily for it.

Also, heres some ideas on what abilities could come with with each commander selection. I haven't come up with a faction structure concept to correlate with my ideas but I just thought I go ahead and get the commander tree name suggestions out there to see what people thought.

Tactical Measures

Infantry tactics

1. Element of surprise - All infantry units can use a camouflage ability only when in cover (camo can't be activated on the open road). Additionally, all infantry units obtain a greater sense of awareness which allows them to detect enemy units at longer range before they detect them. This tactic can be utilized to protect sector points, tricking enemy units into thinking they are taking seemingly deserted points. (1 CP point required)

2. Ambush methods - Our infantry can now use a variety of ambush methods to help decimate enemy formations. Ostheer Grenadier squads can be upgraded with a squad leader. Ostheer Grenadier units with squad leader can tag other infantry squads and actions performed by the unit w/ the squad leader can be performed simultaneously by the tagged squads. While hiding and an enemy squad passes by, the unit w/ the squad leader can instruct itself and tagged squads to fire at the enemy unit all at the same time for great effect. In addition, Ostheer squads have the ability the throw 4x grenades at a time (1x grenade from each squad member) and while hiding and Ostheer Grenadier squads tagged by a unit w/ a squad leader have increased fighting ability (group zeal kind of ability). (3 CP points required)

3. Selective targeting - Sniper units/Recon squads can tag enemy units and can choose to call in a light howitzer bombardment on that target (even if the target is in the fog of war). Note: A light howitzer bombardment can not be called in on a tagged enemy unit in the fog of war in it's own command territory. Cost is 100 munitions and cooldown times is 30 seconds. (2 CP points required)

Tank tactics

1. Tank ambush - All tanks can use a camouflage ability to ambush enemy units, Axis tanks must be in cover and not on the road to utilize this action. (2 CP points required)

2. Command tank - Call in one tank of your choice (Either it be Pz III, IV, Panther, or Tiger I) to command as many as 4 tanks. When selected, a tank is commanding other tanks, the commanding tank's followers will perform the exact same actions as the commanding tank. If you instruct the commanding tank to move in a certain direction it's following tanks will do the same and if you instruct the commanding tank to fire on a certain enemy unit it's followers will fire on the same unit. This can be used in correlation with the ambush action in which a command tank can authorize the order to attack. Cost to call in command tank varies, 300 for Pz III, 420 for Pz IV, 650 for Panther, 700 for Tiger I. (3 CP points required) 

3. Tactical communication - A command tank can instruct following tanks to move around and flank a target that the command tank is targeting. A nice manuever when confronted with an Allied tank that is too heavily armored in the front to be destroyed so easily. (2 CP points required)

Vengeful Measures

Waffen SS Support

1. Waffen SS Panzer Grenadier Support Group- SS Grenadiers and arrive in an SS "Hanomag" halftrack equipped with machine guns that remain active even when not garrisoned. These troops arrive ready to aid the Wehrmacht in their advance into enemy territory. SS troops are die hard fanatics of the Nazi Party, they come at an expensive price but will fail not to impress. The SS Panzer Grenadiers also gain a offensive and defensive boost when around SS Panzers. Cost to call in is 400 MP and population space of 10 (6 for the SS Grenadiers and 4 for the SS halftrack). (2 CP points required) 

2. Waffen SS Panzer Support Group - Call in a Waffen SS Tiger I tank along with two other SS Panzer tanks chosen at random (It be a SS Pz III, Pz IV, or Panther tank...but it will never be two Panther tanks). Cost of 1000 MP to call in and population space of 24. (4 CP points required)

3. Waffen SS Tactics - SS Panzer Grenadiers gain a big offensive and defensive bonus when around SS Panzers and also obtain a "Charge!" abilitiy that can be used in conjunction with the SS Panzer tanks "rush" ability. Additionally, your 3 SS Panzer tanks can now move together in one single unit if you want them to. When in one single unit, your 3 SS Panzers can use an ability that increases speed for a short amount of time and can also all fire on one specific target if instructed to do so. (3 CP points required)

Weapon Superiority

1. Superior Fire Arms - Munitions gets a boost! With this ability activated weapon upgrades for all units requiring munitions are 25% less of the original cost. Perfect to use when you need to quickly arm a formation w/ superior fire power quickly for a task that can't wait to be done. No cost to activate, Cooldown is 180 seconds. (2 CP points required)

2. Long Range AT Support - Call in a Nashorn long range TD to support groups fighting armor from a distance. The Nashorn has light armor but a powerful 88mm PaK 43 L/71 AT gun, the same gun mounted on the Jagdpanther. The Nashorn has the range and spotting of a PaK 38 AT gun but in locked down position it's range increases to that of a FlaK 88. Cost to call in is 700 MP, only two Nashorns can be in the battlefield at the same time. (3 CP points required)

3. Softening Them Up - Heavy Artillery barrage bombards an enemy position followed by a strafing and bombing run by a pair of Stuka dive bombers. Performing this action on an position and following up with a well prepared Panzer group w/ infantry assault is ideal and can punch a hole in enemy lines, allowing units to pour through the hole and harrass the enemy from behind, capturing/cutting off territory or damaging the enemy HQs which will undoubtedly hamper the enemy's war effort. Cost to use this ability is 200 munitions, cooldown time is 180 seconds. (4 CP points required)

Desperate Measures

Morale boosters

1. The People's Army - The people of Germany answer to the Fatherland's call for help, Volkgrenadiers and Volksturmm can be called in to aid the Wehrmacht in it's efforts. Volkgrenadiers can be produced in the Ostheer Quarters at a cost of 250 MP and 5 population space and Volksturmm can be called in at a cost of 220 MP and 5 population space (BTW, Ostheer Grenadiers would cost like 300 MP and population space of 4). Neither of these groups are well-trained and should only be used in support of better trained Wehrmacht troops, the Volksgrenadiers are better vs. infantry with their automatic weapons and the Volksturmm are better vs. armor with their Pzfausts. Volksturmm can fire 2 Pzfausts at a time, 3 Pzfausts w/ an upgrade . (2 CP points required)

2. Propaganda Aid - Propaganda inspires those reluctant to join the war effort to think otherwise. The manpower cost decreases for producing Volksgrenadiers (180 MP) + calling in Volksturmm (150 MP) for a solid 20 seconds, so be sure to produce as much as you can in that time range in order to get more resistance to the front if required. Ideal to use in case the enemy has overwhelmed a certain position and is capable of freely roaming in our territory without opposition. Ability has no cost to activate. Cooldown is 180 seconds. (3 CP points)

3. Reinforced Determination - With this ability active, all units disregard any previous thoughts of imminent defeat. All units fight more fiercely, additionally no infantry units will scream through communications that they are being destroyed (Ex. Infantry units yelling "We are being destroooyyyeeddd....!", "Man down!!!! Man down!!!!", or "We lost another man!!!!!" while fighting) through the comm when engaged by a larger group of enemy troops or vehicles) indicating they show little or no fear when opposed by superior numbers. Ability cost nothing to activate and it stays active for 90 seconds. Cooldown is 120 seconds. (3 CP Points required)

Desperate Defense

1. "The Red Storm is Coming!" - Ostheer Pioneers can build defense much faster than usual, Ostheer grenadiers can aid them in building while this ability is active. Cost to activate is 50 munitions and it remains active for 45 seconds. Cooldown time is 60 seconds. (1 CP point required)

2. Prepared Defense - Allow Ostheer Pioneers to create trenches for infantry and buildable cover for MG gunners, AT guns, mortar crews and tanks to create a better, more dug-in defense that will be more resistance against bombing runs/artillery and mortar strikes. Additionally, Ostheer Pioneers are also able to reinforce all Axis bunkers and buildable emplacements to make them more resistance to enemy fire. (3 CP points required)

3. Behemoth - Call in the slow but terribly deadly Jagdtiger heavy tank destroyer. Built on the chassis of a King Tiger, mounting the new deadly 128mm PaK 44 L/55, and weighing more than any other AFV to ever enter service during the war, the Jagdtiger will make a perfect AT weapon against the might of any Allied armored assault. The Jagdtiger's 128mm cannon can knock out an Allied heavy tank such as an Soviet IS-2 in two hits and is gauranteed to destroy the main gun or destroy the engine of any other Allied AFV. The Jagdtiger however, has limited gun transverse and sluggish speed which make it virtually a sitting duck, so it is best used in supporting defense. This vehicle is not the most mechanically reliable but in times of desperation, all of that must be put aside. Only one Jagdtiger can be called in so use it wisely, once it's gone it's gone. Upgrades for the Jagdtiger include ability to hull down and spotting scope. Cost is 500 MP and population space is 16. (5 CP points required)

So what do you guys think? At least about the 3 commander selection names and the ideas behind them?

« Last Edit: February 17, 2010, 03:39:49 AM by ScreamingStukas »

Offline hgghg4

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Re: Ostheer "Doctrine" suggestions
« Reply #1 on: February 17, 2010, 03:45:40 AM »
The only thing I really disagree with is the Jagdtiger, use the Ferdinand instead, it did see fighting on the EF while the Jagdtiger did not