Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: Soviets Sniper Team, can anyone explain me how it works?  (Read 3256 times)

Offline Germane

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Soviets Sniper Team, can anyone explain me how it works?
« on: February 16, 2010, 11:57:37 AM »
Hello Fans from EF,

First a big thx to the Modder of the awesome work, the soviets are my Lovely-Nation at the momemt.. :)

So, i have now registered and try to find a solution for my Problems, but i find no explain of the soviet sniper team how its correct to handle it..

At the Moment, the sniper team of the soviets have the abillitys to camouflage and to use the binocular to incerased the sight range, also to use an Arti-impact..

The Sniper team can only camouflage if is in green cover, then i camouflage and the team - sometimes shoot, sometimes not? Why?
The same with the binoculars, in German forum one guy said, if i use Binocu. the sniper cannot shoot because it similated the observer position..
But - here too, sometimes shoot, sometimes not?
I mean the sniper can only fromself shoot if the team stands with a 180 deegree angle to his own sight, but if the enemys flanks they dont turn from itsself to shoot the enemys behind?

With the SniperACE, theres no Problem, they shoot on each angle, but with the sniper team i can observe that i dont really know how is the right handle with it..

Can anyone give me a Link where i can read it, or can anyone say to me whats the different from SniperAce or the Sniper others Fraction??

Thx a lot for read and thx a lot for a answer..

Greetings Germane

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Re: Soviets Sniper Team, can anyone explain me how it works?
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2010, 06:07:09 PM »
I believe, what happens is that when you go on observer mode the sniper locks down. Mewning he'll only ever shoot if something is directly in front of hims, like a cloaked Hetzer
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Offline bSword

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Re: Soviets Sniper Team, can anyone explain me how it works?
« Reply #2 on: February 17, 2010, 04:36:43 AM »
I think sometimes if you put the sniper team behind some cover, like a tree, and cloak them, they will have some of their shots blocked and won't be able to fire in front of them.  If this happens I usually take them out of cloak and have them take the shot, then try to move them away.  I think a low wall or sandbags are better to use as cover so they don't get blocked.

I find the sniper team is pretty useless against Wehrmacht AI because they'll just counter snipe you or swarm you with Volksgrenadiers, also if one sniper guy dies, it's 110 manpower to get him back which is a lot.  They're pretty useful against Panzer Elite though since they only have 3 man teams.  I like putting them in a building or trench to keep PE infantry away from my Victory Points or fuel.