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Eastern Front Mod (Read-Only)
Campaign Structure
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Topic: Campaign Structure (Read 21361 times)
Posts: 34
Campaign Structure
February 09, 2010, 11:22:20 AM »
I don't know if our lovely developers have any ideas for EF campaign yet. So I have some ideas for the coming campaign and I hope you also like them.
The original campaign in CoH seem to not very epic, except some very first missions. I like to just command my troops through the war. Start with a HQ, building army, capturing points and then destroying enemies seem boring. Why don't we make a campaign that similar to the World in Conflict: Soviet Assault's one? No more base building, just come essential buildings for reinforcement, medical assistant and maybe repair station, some places where your troops can fall back and prepare for coming assaults. Units will be call in off-map and some special units will come from ambient building.
The main character in game should be in a middle rank, so that he is only responsible for just a small area of a big map. Allied computer controlled units, which are scripted well, will fight aside player's troops. Objectives can vary from capturing points, holding area, protecting VIP, rescuing endangered comrades... On some missions, player can act as artillery spotters, partisan leaders (officers who are sent behind enemy line to command local partisan), and some moments player's units will be put under computer's control when he is taking command of a downed comrade's units. Computer controlled units from both sides are also come from off-map and scripted to present only in adequate numbers, but with infinite reservation. The campaign will not be very difficult because your allied units will help you a lot but the battles will be very epic.
And I also suggest a view from both fronts. As the campaign begin with a hopeless defense of a Wehrmacht officer in Berlin. Seeing your comrades died in Soviet hand one by one (the last pockets of resistance in Berlin are clear one by one) and finally, your last moments come on, heavily injured, you lying unconscious on the ground, remembering your first steps on Soviet soil. And there's also a Soviet Officer, who struggle to lead his troops survived from the very first moments of the war. Soviet mission can be holding off the overwhelming German so your comrades can retreat, breaking through German encirclement to avoid certain termination... And at the end of the campaign is the last moments of the Soviet assault on Berlin.
I know that making a campaign like that requires heavy scripting but I will definitely more exciting than being a lonely commander.
Last Edit: February 22, 2010, 10:26:02 AM by redguardsoldier
Posts: 3
Re: Campaign Structure
Reply #1 on:
February 09, 2010, 11:55:49 AM »
Nice idea m8,hope their can set it up for all players.
Posts: 27
Angry Tank Rider
Re: Campaign Structure
Reply #2 on:
February 22, 2010, 11:46:39 AM »
The Berlin campaign should be the last, as it is the last major battle of The European theatre.
Instead of holding your ground, In the middle of the battle, your commanding officer (liuetenant or captain maybe) decides that this war is over and leads his men out of Berlin to try and surrender to the Western allies. In the escape of Berlin, You will have to avoid both Germans and Russians because german deserters in the battle of berlin were killed.
Then you will have to make your way to the Allied lines avoiding Russian patrols.
Also, a battle of prohkorovka mission will be nice, where you command a Tiger Ace and help your allied tanks fight the endless stream of russian tanks.
Posts: 34
Re: Campaign Structure
Reply #3 on:
February 22, 2010, 12:03:36 PM »
I mean 2 Berlin missions, the one that start the campaign in German view, maybe holding hopelessly or escaping (I like your idea, but as a Wehrmacht lover (pure Wehrmacht, no Nazi), I'm not very happy with it). The one that finish the campaign is on Soviet view, as you trying to take full control of Berlin. So, the campaign started in Berlin, flashback to the start of the war, and then finish in Berlin. It will really impress player.
Posts: 23
Re: Campaign Structure
Reply #4 on:
February 22, 2010, 11:17:53 PM »
coool idea. Yes lets use allied units more, like how about your a battalion sized unit, controlling a company, and the other companys are always around you, helping. I think there can be maybe like one base for your whole batalion, but watevas easiest. Also if you need some voice work done, record it yourselfs and use some voice editing tools, u will be supprised at how good it sounds, well sometimes :p at least its cheap,. just dont make it without any talking, that would be crap i played mods of campaigns in other games, and sometimes they even have amazing cinematics but never that gooda speech, usually just subtitles, Dull :p
im thinking a big map, 4 vs 4, osteer and wermach maybe pe too have like 2 big base areas, heavy defended on there side, then big fields in mid, with ruined city at one edge. maybe a small river too :p Huge tank battles already going on with your allies throughout, trying to hold them back. And you have to lead a company to flank, choose the side or mid, wateva, but u have to destroy the 2 big Hq's like big buildings :p or officers or both. and maybe all your reinforcements instead of come from base, come from train :p (ok maybe to hard to make) at least have like a huge defenceive russian wall of commisars manning outposts, mgs and at guns, like so russians dont mass retreat
Campaigns are brilliant
Posts: 130
Re: Campaign Structure
Reply #5 on:
February 23, 2010, 01:43:40 AM »
This sounds like the men of war campgain where a russian officer is swept up in the early part of ww2 by the german onslaught and has like all his men killed except they find a kV1 and rape everyone. He gets captured by germans, you help him escape, then he is put in a penal batallion. he then finds some valuable intel and joins SMERSH. He then joins special forces and causes havoc behind german lines, progressing throughout the war and slowly ranking up, up to a Major i think by the end.
However, i agree with you on many parts. Origional COH campgain was dull and i hated building up USA bases. Opposing Fronts campagins were much better done and even ToV's were fun, if short.
Posts: 34
Re: Campaign Structure
Reply #6 on:
February 23, 2010, 10:20:07 AM »
Since I just play game for fun, I found that all CoH campaigns are a little too heavy for me (except Tiger Ace and Causeway). It would be more fun that the campaign is easy but impressive since focusing only in battles (you only take a small part in a large scale battles) is eye candy.
Posts: 33
Re: Campaign Structure
Reply #7 on:
February 24, 2010, 03:47:15 PM »
I would also think about Missions with verry few units because WW2 wasnt always a large slaughter ground. Sometimes there were also battles of small squads thet were on patrol and got suprised by the Enemy. So that in those Campaigns u have to watch over every men, avoiding losses. It would be battle more focused on strategy and not like who has more and powerfull units.
Posts: 435
Re: Campaign Structure
Reply #8 on:
February 24, 2010, 07:40:29 PM »
Personally I would love to see an Epic Campaign, honestly the only one that was worth anything was the Normandy Campaign and maybe the British one, but other then that, I really didn't get immersed in it so I hope that they make an epic campaign not something like Causeway or Tiger Ace
Posts: 130
Re: Campaign Structure
Reply #9 on:
February 25, 2010, 12:15:47 AM »
You like the americian one?
i think it was way to repetitive and having to build up a base every damn game got really annoying.
Posts: 435
Re: Campaign Structure
Reply #10 on:
February 25, 2010, 01:02:42 AM »
But the battles where nice
Posts: 34
Re: Campaign Structure
Reply #11 on:
February 25, 2010, 08:25:55 AM »
No base building please, put us right into combat like World in Conflict. I finished WiC campaign with no hiccup but I always want to play it again. Just make objectives a little variety and make living character (your higher ranks officers, your staffs officers and some who has the same rank as you).
My Name Is Ante
Posts: 103
Please, my name is Ante not Dante
Re: Campaign Structure
Reply #12 on:
February 26, 2010, 03:26:53 PM »
I love the original campaign and find the ToV campaign pretty boring except Tiger Ace...
Maybe it just me...
Well, how about if there are 2 different campaign involved so people can just play campaign type they want (1 vCoH type campaign and 1 ToV type campaign)...
Or make it like CoD (In 1 mission you build base and attack, in next mission you play as a squad storming enemy base; 2 perspective and it will make the war more epic - at least that what I think)...
How about that
I am sorry for my bad
mike b
Posts: 7
Re: Campaign Structure
Reply #13 on:
February 26, 2010, 10:13:21 PM »
Campaign should be structured similar to the Coh OF campaign and be based on what actually happened.
Posts: 3
Re: Campaign Structure
Reply #14 on:
March 06, 2010, 10:39:39 PM »
I once had to make a 10 page summary of the battle at stalinrad. I have gained enough knowledge, that, including the operations before Stalinrad (Like operation barbarossa), there's plenty of material to atleast make a few missions for a russian campain.
My idea is like: It starts with something like a small skirmish, standing for the operation barbarossa. Second mission could be the first battle at Charkov, third one the second battle at charkov, and lastly a battle at Stalingrad. Other ideas for campain missions would be something with Kertsj or multiple battles in Stalinrad. Maybe add even some of the generals as elite officer units?
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Company of Heroes: Eastern Front
Eastern Front Mod (Read-Only)
Campaign Structure