Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: Japenese representation in COH  (Read 19444 times)

Offline Happycat

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Re: Japenese representation in COH
« Reply #30 on: February 07, 2010, 11:38:52 PM »
about the Japanese, how about a mainly defensive and ambush gameplay? Like PE but in steroids, banzai charges and a call-in Kamikaze Zero that would act like the WH's V-1.

Offline SoccerSpartan

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Re: Japenese representation in COH
« Reply #31 on: February 08, 2010, 03:45:07 AM »
check the second post, there already is a mod that is in its early stages that probably will end up like the EF Mod but puts the japenese into COH.
the link again.. [nofollow]

It will use things like bonzi charges, ambushes and other unique tactics but it is still in development and probably wont be released for a while.

This is the Eastern front mod, meaning soviets and ostheer mostly, but the japenese would be a good idea, just not in this mod  ;D

Offline mystic-eye

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Re: Japenese representation in COH
« Reply #32 on: February 08, 2010, 04:11:32 AM »
Really ?

How many ?

One or two tanks?

Medium tank 40M Turan I - 285 or 279
Medium tank 40M Turan II - 139 or 180
Anti-aircraft tank 40M Nimrod - 135
Assault gun 40/43M Zrinyi II - 66
Armoured scout car 39M Csaba & 40M Csaba - 135
Light Tank 38M Toldi I,II,IIA,III - 202.

sorry...out of context... but I have to laugh that the example picture of the tank has a busted track..heheh

Offline gustavowizard

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Re: Japenese representation in COH
« Reply #33 on: February 09, 2010, 01:25:10 PM »
Finland had a more skilled army then Japan.. And they're not in the game (yet), how do you expect the Japanese to stand up against Russia?

In the entire war, out of every battle fought, the only country that embaressed Russia, that shocked them, that ripped them apart.. Was Finland.. Germany couldn't stand against them, no country could, except for Finland. A country with a force not even close to the size of Germany's, held off Russia.. If they're not in the game (yet), how do you expect Japan, a country that isn't even on the Eastern Front, to be included?

Japan pretended to be strong when they attacked America.. In all reality - they were one of the weaker Axis.

The Finnish infantry was the Elite, they were the best of the War.

Well maybe u are right but make no mistake; on a single wat bethen Japan and Finland, Japan would CRUSH finland, dont forgoet the japan manpower, navy (with carries, things witch just usa and england had too) and dam good airforce too.
Dude Japan was WAYYY more tuff than Italy witch was on Axis too, and they CRUSHED 1/2 of the USA Navy on Pearl Harbor, that was one of the most well sucessded attacks ever, Japan lost the war for 2 factors; overwhelming and to much islands to control. Japan conquered most of the Oceania islands.
Take Italy for example; after a brief conquer on Ethiophia (uhm uhm) they got their ass kicked by the Greeks! lol so think twice when saying Japan was the weaker of Axis, for your Info, there were other puppets countrys on axis too.. hehe
I love WW2 history
If you think this way take a look at the Brazilian Jungle Elite Force, they are one of the best infantary on World this days, just as tuff as the Mariners and the Swiss Snow Forces.

Post Merge: February 09, 2010, 05:30:35 AM
And dude, there are 1000 factors that made the Finland resist to Russians for a time; like nationalism.
Take Vietnam dude, why the americans lost it?
-Tunels, Militia, Guerrilha Tatics, Surprise Assault, Extreme Nationalism, etc.. So on war EVERYTHING is possible.
Just another info; the japaneses CRUSHED the russians on Naval Battles on the 20´s too dude, take a read on history for real... i agree the russians had a much more tuff army and tanks, but the japanese airforce was more than match and the Navy was much much much better than the russian :)
i got a 500 pages book of WW2 history, if u guys want to know any shit ask me :)

Post Merge: February 09, 2010, 05:35:09 AM
about the Japanese, how about a mainly defensive and ambush gameplay? Like PE but in steroids, banzai charges and a call-in Kamikaze Zero that would act like the WH's V-1.

That is a excelent idea for the Pacific Thunder mod, send a e-mail to them.. i already did offring myself to help build the models... Kamikaze Plane would be a nice Doutrine Power and Banzai Charge would be a nice Troop Hability.
I also would sugest a reaserch called Extreme Nationalism or something that would made then fight to the death and dont run; what REALLY happened in a lot of Oceanic islands when the americans were winning the war on the pacific, they didnt surrender and fought to the death with the americans.
Other cool power for the Japs would be Honor, that could give some bonus to attack and moral i dunno... ;)
« Last Edit: February 09, 2010, 01:39:29 PM by gustavowizard »

Offline Paciat

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Re: Japenese representation in COH
« Reply #34 on: February 09, 2010, 02:10:26 PM »
Finland had a more skilled army then Japan.. And they're not in the game (yet), how do you expect the Japanese to stand up against Russia?

In the entire war, out of every battle fought, the only country that embaressed Russia, that shocked them, that ripped them apart.. Was Finland.. Germany couldn't stand against them, no country could, except for Finland. A country with a force not even close to the size of Germany's, held off Russia.. If they're not in the game (yet), how do you expect Japan, a country that isn't even on the Eastern Front, to be included?

Japan pretended to be strong when they attacked America.. In all reality - they were one of the weaker Axis.

The Finnish infantry was the Elite, they were the best of the War.
Did you forgot that Finland lost both WWII wars with USRR?
There were too little Finns to make a big difference.

Offline WartyX

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Re: Japenese representation in COH
« Reply #35 on: February 09, 2010, 06:16:51 PM »
Finland was not stronger than Japan. That is an almost laughable concept.

Offline 8doczzz1

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Re: Japenese representation in COH
« Reply #36 on: February 09, 2010, 07:50:45 PM »
Finland had a more skilled army then Japan.. And they're not in the game (yet), how do you expect the Japanese to stand up against Russia?

In the entire war, out of every battle fought, the only country that embaressed Russia, that shocked them, that ripped them apart.. Was Finland..

Only country that embarrassed Russia?  You've clearly never heard of the Russo-Japanese war.
Absit invidia.

Offline spanishfly

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Re: Japenese representation in COH
« Reply #37 on: February 10, 2010, 12:42:05 AM »
Only country that embarrassed Russia?  You've clearly never heard of the Russo-Japanese war.

It's not the topic about kicking bolsheviks ass, ok? :P (Although topic is very close to my heart - polish -bolshevik war 1920 ;p)

If it goes to Finland...well...they had their moment during the war with Soviets...but after all they were rather a weak country before and during the II WW.

 In my opinion the most powerful countries in Europe at the beggining of the war were:

1. Germany
2. France
3. Soviet Union
4. Poland
5. Italy
6. Great Britain

And I think that only the first 3 countries could compete with Japan at that time.

Offline Jagged

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Re: Japenese representation in COH
« Reply #38 on: February 10, 2010, 04:13:44 AM »
If Sea power was represented in COH I would see the logic of including Japan. But as it is, I would surmise a Merge of Italy, Romania, Hungary?

Perhaps they can call in a expert Panther that is AI controlled :P

Offline spanishfly

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Re: Japenese representation in COH
« Reply #39 on: February 10, 2010, 09:41:39 AM »
In my opinion it doesn't have sense. If we would count all the nations who were a part of the Soviet Army we would have like 666 different factions.

Offline Paciat

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Re: Japenese representation in COH
« Reply #40 on: February 10, 2010, 10:35:16 AM »
Only country that embarrassed Russia?  You've clearly never heard of the Russo-Japanese war.

It's not the topic about kicking bolsheviks ass, ok? :P (Although topic is very close to my heart - polish -bolshevik war 1920 ;p)

If it goes to Finland...well...they had their moment during the war with Soviets...but after all they were rather a weak country before and during the II WW.

 In my opinion the most powerful countries in Europe at the beggining of the war were:

1. Germany
2. France
3. Soviet Union
4. Poland
5. Italy
6. Great Britain

And I think that only the first 3 countries could compete with Japan at that time.
"at that time" (1941) UK (and all of commonwealth) was fighting a war with III reich and Italy.
All the best equpment (Spitfires, Matilda tanks, aircraft carriers) was send to N Africa or to defend England.

Theres no China on the list? It was more powerfull than Poland.

...tak czy owak miło zobaczyć post rodaka, na tym forum.

Offline Bauer

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Re: Japenese representation in COH
« Reply #41 on: February 10, 2010, 12:16:41 PM »
Jest nas więcej. Jestem zdecydowanie przeciwny japończykom w tym modzie.
It is more of us. I am strongly opposed to the Japanese in this mod.
Propably the next game of relic will be pong, but i'm not sure if they would be able to balance the sides.

Offline spanishfly

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Re: Japenese representation in COH
« Reply #42 on: February 10, 2010, 10:47:39 PM »
Last time i checked it...China was not in Europe. I was aiming at the "Finland" argument ;p

To be honest - for me it would be a lot more interesting to play a game about the beggining of the war. In my opinion II WW from 1942-1945 is just too boring after all those movies, games etc. etc.

And I'm not talking just about Poland...but about France or Finland from 1939 - 1940.

If it goes to the Japanese. I would rather see a game about Japanese-Chinese conflict than another shit about the Pacific ;p It's just boring.
Paciat, pisałem o Europie :D Chociaż czy ruskie były mocniejsze od nas to też cholera wie (poza tym, że mogli nas "przykryć czapkami") - w Finlandii zbyt wiele nie pokazali ;p
« Last Edit: February 10, 2010, 10:51:19 PM by spanishfly »