Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: 11 points to balance russians  (Read 11121 times)

Offline Bauer

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11 points to balance russians
« on: January 27, 2010, 04:25:45 PM »
This will be my personal list of things to change the of balance.
1. Reduce power and accuracy mortar.
2. Limiting the number of sniper teams - 2
3. Artillery being summoned by the snipers should cost 150 ammo
4. Artillery being summoned by the command team should cost 50 ammo
5. Ace sniper should not be able to attack the tanks and should have more time to go back in hiding.
6 attack aircraft should cost 200 ammo.
7 god of war should cost 250 ammo
8. Infantry in charge should get more damage. It is known that a straight run to the front of the fire. Now known that the Russian attack will not stop no defense beyond the bunkers easily destroyed by artillery from the team headquarters.
9. Global improvement of the armory should be more expensive to fuel.
10. Unlocking the medium and heavy tanks should cost 100 men power or 50 fuel.
11. IS-2 should cost 700 men power - 160 fuel. Since the Russians can produce them in the building, and may have them a lot.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2010, 05:23:01 PM by Bauer »
Propably the next game of relic will be pong, but i'm not sure if they would be able to balance the sides.

Offline SauerKRAUT

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Re: My things about balance
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2010, 04:46:05 PM »
You are missing the whole point of the ruskies with arty, they already changed the mortars, IS-2s are being bitched about in another thread as we speak, and if you had not noticed conscripts die REALLY fast in front of a mg. The one thing that I agree on is that snipers really should not shoot at jeeps/motorads and tanks automatically its really suicide

Relic, the all powerful god of history and physics which can be bent to their every whim!!
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Offline Iglooman

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Re: My things about balance
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2010, 05:43:54 PM »
Nerf , nerf and nerf...

I have just had a game where russians were dominating me early game but then later, i go panthers + pak + v1 + nebels = total ownage. Plus my PE mate had flaks.

Ace sniper cost 750mp and I find it underpower. 2 motors for 360 mp owns it. A sniper can counter him with one shot, he is not resistant at all. And yea it shouldn't shot tanks.

The fact that abilities don't cost ammo is due to the fact that russians have developped a new gameplay. I don't want it to be "Wehr 2". Remember also that russians can't make observation posts so there will be a  very bad lack of ammo.
Same they can't recrew and they can't retreat. As soon as you know, apart from guards, it is very easy to counter russians infantery (mass mgs, move it when you see red flares, cover your mg by other mgs, don't hesitate to back. With flammers and a motorcyle, it is a very good strat).

The IS 2 is very strong but panthers + pak can destroy it. Remember that it cost 600 mp 150 fuel. It is the most expensive tank . I just think that maybe increase (a bit) the penetration of the panther against the IS 2 but the soviet tank should still be able to own the german tank.

Offline xenotype

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Re: My things about balance
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2010, 06:44:17 PM »
I love all the axis players that come on here and produce twelve item lists of heavy nerfs for the russians.  Finally a faction that can stand up to wehr late game.  The ONLY reasonable things are very small tweaks, like increasing sniper arty delay, and some russian stuff needs a slight buff(SU85).

Offline Arethin

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Re: My things about balance
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2010, 06:53:54 PM »
I totally agree with you Bauer.

Offline Bauer

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Re: My things about balance
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2010, 09:11:28 PM »
The fact that abilities don't cost ammo is due to the fact that russians have developped a new gameplay.

They did a completely new mode unfair to Germans. I wonder if they will do as ostherr is equally unfair for the Allies. Besides paying the Russians for support will be limited to the same development as that Germany must choose between the tanks and improvements. In the longer battles germany ultimately lose. In a few weeks you will see players playing the Russians will play against the PC. Since no one will want to play army, not having a chance to win.
Propably the next game of relic will be pong, but i'm not sure if they would be able to balance the sides.

Offline hgghg4

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Re: My things about balance
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2010, 09:48:27 PM »
1) Agreed on Power
2) Disagree
3) I disagree make it 100
4) I disagree make it 75
5) Disagree
6) Sturmavik Run should cost muni 150
7) God of war Should cost muni 125 (its in accurate as hell and isnt that powerful)
8) Agreed on the Damage increase with the Charge... I stated this in another Thread
9) Disagree
10) What are you getting at? Having to research the T34, SU85 and IS2?? then be able to start build them?  If so I disagree
11) Disagree

Offline Bauer

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Re: My things about balance
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2010, 10:33:07 AM »
Do not seem to be no more response in this topic. Russian army well be OP to death of this mod. (jak ktoś rozumie to powiem że do samej usranej śmierci tego moda)

Mod needs a general change. Cooperation with Relic can not benefit because Relic is doing worse and worse games. Relic dont do Games for Windows now Relic producing Games for Idiots.

« Last Edit: January 28, 2010, 10:39:46 AM by Bauer »
Propably the next game of relic will be pong, but i'm not sure if they would be able to balance the sides.

Offline Jozz

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Re: My things about balance
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2010, 12:13:47 PM »
The Factions are quite fine right now, only minor stuff needed to change. (like conscript squads unretrievable my british and american medics)

Let the slow people realize, axis are still powerful, if you know how to play with them.

Offline Bauer

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Re: My things about balance
« Reply #9 on: January 28, 2010, 12:56:31 PM »
99% of people who say that balance doesnt need a general change are the guys who play as russians. People who play as axis cant do anything with that issue because the players of russian side afraid of their OP army
Propably the next game of relic will be pong, but i'm not sure if they would be able to balance the sides.

Offline Iglooman

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Re: My things about balance
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2010, 01:52:50 PM »
99% of people who say that balance doesnt need a general change are the guys who play as russians. People who play as axis cant do anything with that issue because the players of russian side afraid of their OP army

I can say that 99% who cry saying that russians are overpowered are only wehr player.

I play as much wehr as russians and trust me im not too bad with wehr (lvl 15 ranked 2vs2 with many accounts and 13 1vs1) and the game is globally balance.

If maps have a lot of fuel, this means that russians will get IS 2. you go  T1 T2 T4  2mg + moto+ pioflammers + pak + spam panthers and you start "improvement" as you say (I understand it as vetting) only when you have many panthers => remember that russians can't really vet (getting bonus). Then generally i tech back to T3 to get nebels if ennemis spam inf or I get also ostwing.

Soviet at capabilities are very weak, you only need to fear the IS 2 and with pak + panther bye bye IS 2. The SU are powerful but weak, the inf at is not that good, at gun get some power only when improved and even with that, it is not that good and it is too weak.

On low fuel maps, soviets won't get tank fastly and they will prefer a strat of T1 T2, get mgs pak and vet 2 pioflammers, maybe you can go T3 getting nebel and gessie or getting tank. Remember also that you can make obersvation post.

Offline Bauer

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Re: My things about balance
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2010, 02:00:46 PM »
Get paks, pios, mortars and nebels. hehe And wait for snipers wcho send you foo arty :)
Propably the next game of relic will be pong, but i'm not sure if they would be able to balance the sides.

Offline pR1sm

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Re: My things about balance
« Reply #12 on: January 28, 2010, 02:25:22 PM »
havent lost a single game to sovjets after the first patch with my mate...

dunno why everyone bitches about sovjets srsly....

only thing that needs to be changed is the accuracy of those mortars and the sniper-teams shooting bikes like np

Offline Iglooman

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Re: My things about balance
« Reply #13 on: January 28, 2010, 02:54:14 PM »
Get paks, pios, mortars and nebels. hehe And wait for snipers wcho send you foo arty :)

So back or recrew pak, they can't take your pak so you can let it and take it back after. Nebels shouldn't be too close to the front.

I guess if you want to fix the arty of snipers make it like the US arty not like the brit arty : without the first shot, but if you have infantery just back. And btw, pak can't be detected if in camo so don't let your shot snipers.
So it is actually not a real matter if you have a good micro skill. Next problem?

Offline Bauer

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Re: My things about balance
« Reply #14 on: January 28, 2010, 04:34:23 PM »
Its arty for free! Super snajpers using great artylery. They dont have a hoice what do artylery? inf upgrade? throw granade? They dont have this they no need so many ammo to get it. Tac is not a problem, problem is a cost of it.
Propably the next game of relic will be pong, but i'm not sure if they would be able to balance the sides.