there NOT changing the old many times does it have to be said
The Developers have already admitted that they changed the limit of doctrine call in units you can have at the one time
Eg, A US player can call in a max of three Airborne Paratrooper squads at one time etc.
A PE player can have a max of 2 hummels on the field at the same time etc.
So they have clearly in a way changed the old factions
No, that was an unfortunate side effect of the modified AI that we weren't aware of. And no, we're not rebalancing/fixing or whatever you want to call it the other factions. Never.
So what was your point again? That we shouldn't expected at least barely balanced game at the release date? Partly because it's free right? If you think that the things could be bugged/broken because they're free look at the open source. It was you who told us that the mod will be balanced and that there were beta tests etc. (yeah I'm aware of "conditions" back then and I don't blame you) there is no point of multi player game release without a balance (right, relic did it). I really do appreciate all the time the dev team spend on it but tbh 1.0 was a joke although 1.04 looks promising and what's important came out fast.
plz try to cooperate with respective players, there are plenty of them on the community sites like
I'd like to get some facts accross and maybe you'll understand my frustration a bit more with the ''community''.
First of all I wasn't in charge of the beta and the individual that was in charge at the time was rubish at it. In fact I didn't have anything to do with it at the time.
But, I did try to help and involve the GR community. I emailed several high level players asking their help including sepha,koda,Charles D etc. I got zero response apart from Koda, who at the time unfortunately didn't have a PC and wasn't playing any games.
To his credit he said and agreed to get 5-6 ArX clan guys to do beta testing. And that's why I was saying and hoping we'd get good balance.
Now beta testing is a laborious work(and many times boring work) if you are to do it right. I know cause I had done it in a few highly successful mods in DoW and i was the lead tester for good reason.
All we got from these guys was that they played about 10-15 games, 2 balance posts from only 2 guys and then they disappeared. Why?.... because people don't quite realize how damn difficult and time consuming it is to do beta testing and ,being competitive gamers, would rather spend the time getting ranked games.
So community support despite our efforts to get it was actually a big pile of crap!!
We then got over 50 random beta testers whose only real useful feedback was bug reporting rather than actual balance, most of them never posting anything after obtaining the first beta.
So, after all that we do the public release as a form of open beta really and unfortunately once again our former 'glorious leader' fucks things up and leaves in the build times for unit bug testing(where you want to build everything fast and check graphics bugs etc)
From the GR community we then get flooded by stupid, smart ass idiotic,bullshit comments like 'did they ever beta test? My dog can do better' and all that shit, In fact ,as usual, every numbwit like that does the same thing...sit back in the armchair play one game and come back to the forums to post bullshit(cause he wants to look like a 'balance expert') and moan, then discard the mod and go back to posting same old shit 'when is relic bringing something new out so we can get something new to bitch about and say how they destroyed the beautiful game'.
Three fucking years of balance patches and there is 2+ threads for
every single fucking coh unit in GR either being OP or UP. Everyone assuming they're balance experts and arguing.
And that 'community' gets a free new race and instead of focusing/helping so THEY can get a better experience....didn't help to begging with and most of them just gone back to the same old shit after posting 3 dumbass comments.
So yeah, it does make me question why I spend shit loads of hours trying to sort things out so that numbwitts like that can then maybe go back and have fun with our hard work for free.
He ain't doing shit apart from sit back and be of no use, make stupid ass 'yeah I know best, should have listened to me cause i'm so fucking wise and great at this' ,and then go on to enjoy for FREE the fruits of our labour
Thankfully, the open release allowed us to get in contact with a few really good players which contacted us and have been providing genuine help. the accumulated result being patches 2-5