Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: fixes?  (Read 3077 times)

Offline MaxConners

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« on: January 26, 2010, 07:46:29 AM »
i play as the soviets

ok now here we goo

1.have and engineer squad at start
2. have squads be able to pick up used wpns cause when they die they go to the enemy
3. reinforce time needs to increase...conscripts are reproduced every .5 seconds..
4.tanks = OP please tone them down...
5.faster repair times for the engineers...they dont seem like engineers at the moment
6.soviet mg?
7.mortar is fun but OP
8.abilities need cost...they are free demos charges arty ect.
9.sniper camo everywhere cause i seem to have trouble getting the camo on
10.comand squad should have the abilities at start not have to wait till it charges
11. have un-armed conscripts be able to punch when close enough
12. when i use the ability that kills 1 person in a conscript squad to charge no one dies...disappointing
13. soviets can make forward hq in a building at the cost of an outpost
14.why can conscripts kill an mg in a building so easily..
15. snipers are no use against the soviets...

thank you i hope these can be fixed

Offline jhc660

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Re: fixes?
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2010, 03:05:07 PM »
1.have and engineer squad at start
2. have squads be able to pick up used wpns cause when they die they go to the enemy
New factions cannot pick up weaps. COH bug.
3. reinforce time needs to increase...conscripts are reproduced every .5 seconds..
Fine. Concsripts reinforcements are quite expensive and slow. idk about the speed but prob cheaper considering....
4.tanks = OP please tone them down...
Mabye the IS2. But for the rest... No.
5.faster repair times for the engineers...they dont seem like engineers at the moment
Thats why you get mechanics.
6.soviet mg?
It is an early game weakness. But fine considering the other units Russia can get early game.
7.mortar is fun but OP
8.abilities need cost...they are free demos charges arty ect.
They already have very slow cooldown. IT is painfull watching the partisan demo cooldown.
9.sniper camo everywhere cause i seem to have trouble getting the camo on
bug? i dont use the snipers that often tbh. The sniper Ace is anotehr matter.
10.comand squad should have the abilities at start not have to wait till it charges
the arti is wayy to OP
to be available from the start. The Charge ability is alright i guess.
11. have un-armed conscripts be able to punch when close enough

LOL. no, melee would be hard to implement i bleieve. and real unarmed conscripts would not go as far as to punch people with guns.
12. when i use the ability that kills 1 person in a conscript squad to charge no one dies...disappointing
was it suppesed to kill one person?
13. soviets can make forward hq in a building at the cost of an outpost
not nessercary. Unless you want to make the engie rush easier?
14.why can conscripts kill an mg in a building so easily..
do they? how many conscripts did you have firing at that Mg?
15. snipers are no use against the soviets...
Side effect of having so many people in one squad? There is nothing to do, really, about that. Lowering the squad men will take away some of the flavor from the Soviets.

Offline MaxConners

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Re: fixes?
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2010, 03:22:14 PM »
well i tak about 2 squads of conscripts and flank it in a building and they kill it. and yes when you upgrade the conscripts is says "Kill one member of the squad to inspire the rest to move forward, their bullets are our bullets!!!"
« Last Edit: January 26, 2010, 03:40:01 PM by MaxConners »

Offline maddog0002

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Re: fixes?
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2010, 10:35:01 AM »
New factions cannot pick up weaps. COH bug.
Funny you should say that, because just today, I used an upgraded shock gaurd squad to pick up an axis PS.
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