ISU-152 like Jag Panther - can fire only direct , so any tank can cruise around and kick ISU-152 assBut, you can compare IC2, ISU-152,Jag Panther,SU-85,SU-100,King Tiger
The ISU-152 is massively OP imho.I know its a doctrinal endtree unit like pershing, tiger, jagd and kt and costs 1000MP to callin.But what you get is insane. That thing has the best armor of the game (jagdpanther) 200 more hitpoints than a jagd longest tank range of the game (like firefly 55 range) and does incredible 300damage (KT/Jagd 150dmg) with penetrating everything (due to 10 penetration modifier at each range) and has the biggest splash damage of the game (tiger splash range with 300 damage) and is not limited to one per gamei know that its not as fast as a jagd and has a long reload but with all that stuff i mentioned above its completely out of balance imhocomments?
e.g. the ISU-152 combines the most strong tank abilities with almost no weakness- best armor- one of the most hitpoints- highest gun range- highest penetration- highest splash- highest damagewithout much weaknessits like grabbing the best stats of some units and throw them togethermy suggestion to balance that:1. hardcap to one per game since its a supertank like jagd and KT2. lower its range to 40 like Tiger and Pershing3. remove that 10x penetration modifier at all rangesthe high damage is ok since it has a long reloadmaybe decrease its HP from 1800 to 1600 and when it keeps that splash make its armortype to a new armor type and increase pak38 penetration against it
Other Discussions -> Eastern Front Here you can talk about history if you really feel so inclined.
thats the balancing sectionif you want to discuss reallife values go to offtopic sectionQuoteOther Discussions -> Eastern Front Here you can talk about history if you really feel so inclined.thx
ISU-152, IS2 should be like Jag Panther & KT
Quote from: kabak on January 26, 2010, 03:19:12 PMISU-152, IS2 should be like Jag Panther & KTthe ISU-152 is exact like the Jagdpanther (same fire power and armor)
Did you make this test with tanks positioned head on ?meaning, 4 T34`s would all shoot KT`s frontal armor, right?in gameplay, 3 out of 4 T34`s would micro to the flanks and rear ...