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Author Topic: Thank you USSR (A little about history)  (Read 54215 times)

Offline luz777

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Re: Thank you USSR (A little about history)
« Reply #60 on: January 24, 2010, 09:36:17 PM »
No not Blitzkrieg  :P so yeah you do seem quite ignorant of it.

Before the Americans came over to take part in Overlord I doubt Britain Launching an attack on Fortress Europe would have been very succesful at all.

Besides Britain was fighting in Africa and Asia right from the beggining of the War. Whilst Stalin and Hitler were busy buying time and making friends.


Offline spanishfly

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Re: Thank you USSR (A little about history)
« Reply #61 on: January 24, 2010, 09:55:42 PM »
"I hope you can read in Russian"

Nie - nie czytam po rosyjsku i nie widzę powodu, dla którego miałbym znać ten język.

First to roxxell:

Of course war is just another way of diplomacy. I don't see a problem with the fact that USSR attacked Poland. But murdering thousands of war prisoners, civilians just because the system say so - it's not diplomacy.

"You are think that WWII and Great Patriotic War is the same? In Russia we think other way. We have books about WWII. "

Such thing is only stated in russian I will stick with all the other countries in the world with the opinion that USSR fought in II WW.

And once again - I'm not talking about soldiers of the Soviet Union - I know that they paid for freedom with blood. I have respect for Soviet soldiers - Ukrainians, Russians, Bielarussians, Poles, people of Georgia, Mongolia etc..
I'm only refering to the system of the USSR.

"We can find thousands bad things about any country."

Are British, French, Italian or American famous of their bloody masacres all over the front lines? And if it goes to prisoners of war - even in German POV camps there was more humanity than in the Soviet Union ones.

To UeArtemis:

Am I saying that Poland should recieve it's eastern territory back? No - I'm not. I am aware that on these territories there were mostly Ukrainians, Bielarussians etc.
I am glad that novadays we have free Lithuania, Bielarussia and Ukraine. And once again I'm not talking about the military aspects of our history - I cannot blame Ukraine for it's battle for independence - I realise that those nations may see in Poland the same threat as we saw in Russia.

Maybe Poland deserved to be conquered by Hitler and Stalin. But we didn't deserved all those mass masacres which came after Soviet Union and Germany invaded our country.

AND THE LAST THING - I hope that everyone will agree with this opinion:

Glory for all the heroes of the II World War who sacraficed their lives for the sake of their motherlands. No matter of the nationality or army they fought in.

Rest in peace - for all who died and was murdered during the II World War.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2010, 10:25:55 PM by spanishfly »

Offline UeArtemis

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Re: Thank you USSR (A little about history)
« Reply #62 on: January 25, 2010, 11:53:14 AM »
I simply copied my quote. Words about the Russian language skills were not to the people of this forum.

Yes, I can understand Polish, if I read slowly. Slavic languages are very similar. I can understand even Bulgarian.
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Offline roxxell

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Re: Thank you USSR (A little about history)
« Reply #63 on: January 25, 2010, 09:32:13 PM »
Thanks for your opinion. I will read about russian-poland conflict more. Your point of view quite interesting.

Luz -
We cannot figure out now - if british attacks german in europe earlier. So, arguing in that is just a waste of time.
Buying time? Yes, it's wise choice. USSR have no even ammunition. So, there is no other way, in my opinion

Offline Bigpop

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Re: Thank you USSR (A little about history)
« Reply #64 on: January 26, 2010, 07:21:48 AM »
The Irony of Russians claiming US 'Propoganda' against the USSR is so thick i could smear it on toast and sell it.

Exactly! It's funny as hell. Funny how Russians forget, after the war was dying down and Hitler committed suicide, Stalin accused the Western Allies of harboring Hitler and hiding him away so that he didn't have to face Russia's wrath.

I mean, if that isn't laughable, what is?!

Then later they claimed they had found his body in his bunker and burned it. But Hitler's own guards claim THEY burned it.

lol Clearly this whole thing is US propaganda..... 8) :o ;D

Offline Paciat

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Re: Thank you USSR (A little about history)
« Reply #65 on: January 26, 2010, 11:47:39 AM »
[quote author=leo.civil.uefs Today we are about to play a Game mod created by Germans, Americans, British and other people... thats freedom, and today there is freedom because million of Soviets died in the past fighting for this freedom ,they deserve respect.
Im from Poland - a country occupied by the soviets untill 1989.
Thanks to soviets there was no freedom for Central Europe.

Offline Schuultz

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Re: Thank you USSR (A little about history)
« Reply #66 on: January 26, 2010, 11:00:56 PM »
Well, this might be completely off-topic, but a question to that Polish user:

It's interesting that Poland seems to consider itself Central Europe - everywhere else it is considered Eastern Europe, with Germany/Austria/Switzerland being considered the Center - everything West of it is Western Europe, South is Southern, North is Northern and East is Eastern Europe.

I wonder why Poland calls itself Central Europe - is it because of the Stigma attached to being "Eastern European"?
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Offline UeArtemis

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Re: Thank you USSR (A little about history)
« Reply #67 on: January 27, 2010, 12:48:38 AM »
Technically, the centre of Europe is in Ukraine :)
« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 12:51:31 AM by UeArtemis »
I believe in one thing only, the power of the human will. © Joseph Stalin

Offline CommissarGears

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Re: Thank you USSR (A little about history)
« Reply #68 on: January 27, 2010, 01:18:39 AM »
Wiki says that its pretty much open to debate.

"The understanding of the concept of Central Europe is an ongoing source of controversy[12], though the Visegrád Group constituents are generally included as de facto C.E. countries.[1] The region is usually considered to include:

    *  Austria
    *  Czech Republic
    *  Germany
    *  Hungary
    *  Liechtenstein
    *  Poland
    *  Slovakia
    *  Slovenia
    *  Switzerland"


Offline Schuultz

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Re: Thank you USSR (A little about history)
« Reply #69 on: January 27, 2010, 01:51:10 AM »
I guess this depends on a number of factors.

Purely geographically speaking (that is, including the European Russian territories), the Center would be among the axis of Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.
Politically speaking (that is only including EU countries), Germany would be the dead center of Europe.

Another factor could be ethnicity/ancient tribes: Latin Europe being the West and South, Germanic Europe the Center and North, and Slavic Europe the East.

The Iron Curtain obviously also did its part in classifying Center, East and West quite profoundly.
Germany became the Center, split in two between the Capitalist West and Communist East, and therefore, everything East of it was Eastern (aka Communist) Europe.

This, of course, explains the preference of many former USSR countries to consider themselves Central instead of Eastern - 'Eastern European' has become associated with Soviet Communism, Backwardness and Economic weakness, while 'Central European' is relatively neutral.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 01:52:54 AM by Schuultz »
The fundamental problem of Democracy is that the majority of voters are idiots fueled by uninformed rage - and the Politicians do everything to cater to them.

Offline guynumber7

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Re: Thank you USSR (A little about history)
« Reply #70 on: January 27, 2010, 03:16:49 AM »
so from what i get from this its japan's fault that germany lost the war. If germany didnt have that pact with japan and pearl harbor didnt happen, germany would have beat USSR.

Offline CommissarGears

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Re: Thank you USSR (A little about history)
« Reply #71 on: January 27, 2010, 03:19:28 AM »
you could also call it Hitlers fault for starting a war and trying to commit genocide?

Offline Schuultz

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Re: Thank you USSR (A little about history)
« Reply #72 on: January 27, 2010, 04:29:26 AM »
You could also call it the Ally's fault for defending themselves.

As Von Clausewitz said so nicely 200 years ago:

"A war doesn't start until the defender resists."
The fundamental problem of Democracy is that the majority of voters are idiots fueled by uninformed rage - and the Politicians do everything to cater to them.

Offline CommissarGears

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Re: Thank you USSR (A little about history)
« Reply #73 on: January 27, 2010, 05:06:55 AM »
No offence, but thats the most pathetic thing i'v ever read.  Its an interesting quote, and an interesting point of view, but the quote applied to World War 2 is just pathetic.

If resisting mass genocide is wrong, i dont want to be right.

Offline BlackDahliaMurder

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Re: Thank you USSR (A little about history)
« Reply #74 on: January 27, 2010, 09:08:47 AM »
The Soviets didn't fight against 3 Super powers supported by 50 other countries...

USSR could win because they were supported by USA and the other nations, 3. Reich couldnt use their full power against USSR. Stalin hadnt even enough boots for his soldiers.

At the beginning of the war the USA supplied the Russians with THOUSANDS of tanks, trucks, jeeps, planes, trains, boots, weapons and food!... It were the american half-trucks that mobilized soviet forces. without them russian soldiers would have walked by foot. Russians used horses to drag artilleries because they had no own trucks... Who designed the T34's suspension system? The American Walter Christie.

The forces of The UK took out the Cream of the Luftwaffe during 1940, defeated the Afrika Corps while the US was "getting ready" and in the Western European Theatre made sure of Victory so the US could take the Glory! the R.A.F. was pivotal in the defeat of Nazi Germany...
And again, America was England's life line against Nazi Germany and sent tons and tons and tons of, "guns and butter', to England, with thousands of American Merchant Marine sailors....

When you command unlimited suplies of men and material , and outnumber ur enemy 4,5,10 :1 ..its extremelly hard to lose , specially in that stage of the war. the Germans fought with what they had , they faced HUGE logistical and suply problems .... the Soviets had plenty of suplies , plenty of tanks , plenty of everything . German reinforcements were depleted and exhausted , outnumbered and without suplies . They were short on EVERYTHING all throughout the war

The Allies defeating Germany was only a matter of time . If you look at the force/suplly situation you can clearlly see that it was a miracle that the germans got that far as they did .

btw Russia was very well prepeared for WW2. Their armies were larger and their tanks were better (only at the beginning).

Germans wre totally outnumbered + they hadnt enough support, the enemies ALWAYS had supplies by their allies etc etc. USSR couldn't fight the nazis alone thats why the germans are fighting a two fronts the russians in the east usa in the west, if only the germans fighting a east front the nazis would have won.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 09:26:19 AM by BlackDahliaMurder »