First - we must understand that both - Germany and the Soviet Union are both responsible for the II World War.
Even in ussr was not ever said that Stalin won the war. It is said that soviet people won Great Patriotic War.творится какаято ересь.
Since the rebirth of Poland after the WWI and until the WWII, Poles dreamed about the Great Poland, what would include Lithuania, Belarus and Ukraine. If in 1939 the USSR didn't unite western lands of Ukraine and Belarus with eastern lands, it still would be a part of Poland. Lands of "Eastern Poland", as it is known in the West, don't return to Poland, because it is not Polish lands.I do not want to hear about "poor Poles".
Do the Polish–Ukrainian War (1918-1919) and the Polish–Soviet War (1919-1921) say you nothing? So called "Eastern Poland" was concurred lands of the (Western) UNR and should become a part of UkrSSR after falling of the all UNR.Do you know have many wars was between Poles and Ruthenian nations?The intervention in the Kiev of 1015—1019The Battle of Zawichost (1205)The Galicia–Volhynia Wars (1340–1392)The Lithuanian Civil War of 1389–1392The Lithuanian Civil War of 1432–1438Cossack rebellions and wars of 1591—1593, 1594—1596, 1625, 1630, 1637, 1638, 1648 — 1657, 1655 — 1658, 1654 — 1667, 1666 — 1671, 1672 — 1676, 1702 — 1704, 1734, 1750, 1768, 1768;The Polish–Ukrainian War (1918-1919) was the last. And also was many Russo-Polish Wars.Poland grew and absorbed the neighbours: the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, lands of Ruthenian principalities. These Ruthenian lands all time rebelled and tried to be free, until they became free and founded a state what called as "the Hetmanate". Do not forget that Poland tried to capture even the Duchy of Moscow.Ruthenians demanded autonomy in Rzeczpospolita, but did not receive it. So do not tell me now about the Commonwealth of nations. Belarusians were lucky to be part of the liberal Lithuanian autonomy in the Commonwealth and they were not harassed, but the Ukrainian lands, which became part of Poland, were Catholicized and polonized. How was created the Greek-Catholic Church? It was a compromise between the Orthodox faith and the pressure of the Catholics.Ukraine had disappeared from the map, when the Ruthenian principalities, especially Galicia, which the Poles consider as their own, were conquered. Ukraine had disappeared from the map when Hetmanate was broken on the right-bank part and left-bank part, and then absorbed by the Empire Russia, Ukraine had disappeared from the map, when Poland invaded in our lands in the last war between our nations. And only in the USSR, Ukraine saved some sovereignty and was and still is a founder-member of the UN.You say these lands were not conquered? Who did ask Ukrainians, when Lithuanians created an union with Poles? Why the UPA fought against the friends-Poles before WWII? If a country is big, must it forget its historical ethnic lands and give this lands to neighbours? Ukraine is big, but it has never been an empire, like Russia or Poland. And Poland still have not polish East Prussia. Empires are always breaking down and their inhabitants are always complaining that they lost "their" territories.Since ancient times, Russia, Belarus and Ukraine already have their own "Commonwealth", as they were born from one Rus (Ruthenia).Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was a "very" liberal country, especially in the Polish part... As a result, most of Ruthenian Orthodox nobility went to the Zaporozhian Host and became commanders of cossacks. Many hetmans were Ruthenian nobles. And there "wasn't" a sectarian strife. Yes, there was colonization/Polonization. In the end, the Poles lived in cities, while native nations lived in villages.And so on.P.S. After WWI on the map of the world were many new and not so new states, which have militaristic leader who dreamed about glory for his country and about the Great [write his country]: Piłsudski, Mannerheim, Mussolini, Hitler, Atatürk... and other militarists. Some of them were fanatics and had the bad end Some not. The liberation of Western Belarus and Ukraine finally killed the imperialist dreams of this country and unite the nations. Nothing to complain about it.
Let's forget about the commiphobia now.My view is this: in 1939 was a natural rematch of the USSR and the Red Army liberated the Ruthenian lands from Polish rule. Do not forget that the OUN/UPA fought against Poland in Ukrainian lands before the war. So Poles can be regarded as occupiers in the "Eastern Poland".I hope you can read in Russian:11 ноября 1918 независимость Польши восстановлена в результате распада Российской и Австро-Венгерской империй.В 1919 разгорается Советско-польская война, которая идёт с переменным успехом. В начале поляки захватывают Минск и Киев и продвигаются вглубь Украины и Белоруссии, Красная армия переходит в контрнаступление и доходит до Вислы, но ей не удается взять хорошо укреплённые Львов и Варшаву. Происходит «чудо на Висле» — Красная армия терпит поражение, множество солдат попадает в плен к полякам, где в плену намеренно уничтожается по различным оценкам до 40 тысяч красноармейцев. Война фактически проигрывается Советской Россией, и по Рижскому мирному договору 1921 года западная часть украинских и белорусских земель отходит к Польше. В октябре 1920 г. польские войска захватывают часть Литвы с городом Вильно. В 1926 в Польше установлен националистический санационный режим во главе с Юзефом Пилсудским.4 ноября 1935 Польша и Германия подписывают Соглашение об экономическом сотрудничестве. Для подавления «диссидентов» во второй Речи Посполитой по инициативе министра внутренних дел при непосредственном консультировании немецких «специалистов» была создана сеть концлагерей. Эта сеть является примером типичного польско-нацистского сотрудничества. Один из первых таких лагерей был построен 12 июля в пяти километрах от городка Берёза-Картузская (нынешняя Брестская область ) как точная копия нацистского концлагеря Ориенбург: пять защитных рядов изгороди из колючей проволоки, широкий ров с водой, затем проволочная изгородь под высоковольтным напряжением, по углам ограды (высотой около 7 м ) сторожевые вышки с пулемётами, охраны с немецкими овчарками. Непосредственно за организацию лагеря отвечал польский воевода Костик Бернацкий.В 1938 Польша отобрала у Чехословакии Тешинскую область.21 марта 1939 Германия требует от Польши передать ей вольный город Данциг, вступить в Антикоминтерновский пакт и открыть для неё «польский коридор» (создан после Первой мировой войны для обеспечения выхода Польши к Балтийскому морю ). Польша отвергает все требования Германии.So in some ways, the war formally was caused by Poland itself. In fact, of course, the war would be, even if Poland fulfilled the requirements of Germany.But now I have focused on conquests of PolandI think in Poland under a rule of Nazis was worse than under a rule of Socialists. Besides, Stalin died in 1953 ... Soviet regime was "softer" after that.What would happen to Poland, if it is not "liberated" by the Red Army?
Even Churchill says: "If German will begin to win, we will start to help USSR. If USSR will begin to win - we will help to German"
Childrens of USA, or Uk haven't died at their homes. British haven't saw how fascist burn whole villages to the ashes.
Quote from: roxxell on January 23, 2010, 08:03:25 PMEven Churchill says: "If German will begin to win, we will start to help USSR. If USSR will begin to win - we will help to German"Yes, I´m sure Churchill really looked forward to getting friendly with the Germans while they bombed London. QuoteChildrens of USA, or Uk haven't died at their homes. British haven't saw how fascist burn whole villages to the ashes.I wonder what country you are from to be so ignorant of the Blitz.