Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: Balance  (Read 13545 times)

Offline luz777

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Re: Balance
« Reply #15 on: January 15, 2010, 02:52:31 PM »
Heyhey, lets all calm down and embrace our mutual love for the EF mod  ;D

Voop: Just because the guy doesn't have a load of posts doesn't make his opinions less valid, postcount isn't a sign of maturity (just look at Loup :P) and worth.

Bigpop: The reason some people might get a bit hostile is because recently we seem to have had quite a few people coming here and moaning about percieved imbalance (both in reguar CoH and with EF, despite having not played it). And in a manner a lot less polite than yours.

Balancing will be going on right until the release, and with the autoinstaller/patcher that the mod comes with issues can be quickly addressed  :)
« Last Edit: January 15, 2010, 02:54:27 PM by luz777 »

Offline Bigpop

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Re: Balance
« Reply #16 on: January 15, 2010, 05:10:16 PM »
1st quote from "Bigpop"
"Well, I can clearly see you actually read my post and took it to heart. Along with that, you really put in some thought to your reply and really tried to take what I said and in a productive way, counter my argument. Glad to see constructive criticism and concerns are well received."
ok rather rude sense I said "no but I will be kinda mad" don't you agree?
ok and in agreement with me (not the puppies though) came in Mr.WartyX saying
"So, thanks for your thoughts, but I suggest you try the mod out before you accuse the Soviet faction of being 'vastly overpowered'."
ok well VERY nicely stated and I was going to say the EXACT BLOODY THING
2nd quote from "Bigpop" states in a response to Mr.WartyX
"No need to be rude. I'm disappointed that you (especially since you represent the forums and mod) seemed to take everything I said as an attack on this project instead of someone who wants the same things but is just concerned."
uhhh well then....
what does "no need to be rude" mean Bigpop? that you can but they can't? ???

Good to see a forum troll doing his best to get as many posts as possible  8)

My point was; I wasn't rude. Go back and read the OP. There wasn't an ounce of malice or rudeness in it.

You replied with a troll post that had NO constructive points about the subject that I posted. Your second post in this thread was also COMPLETELY irrelevant to the topic and previous posts in the thread. Everyone had moved on and was commenting constructively about their opinions/ideas/concerns, except you who continues to try and rub salt in the wound. Meanwhile, your ignorance is astounding and you continue to be rude, with NO cause other than to get a +1 and be a troll.

No, I don't think I am allowed to be rude and others have to be nice. But I didn't make pointless rude comments in a thread you created and put serious thought and effort into. Leave your e-peen adolescent attitude to your friends. If you want to contribute information to the thread by all means I would welcome it. But so far all you have done is act like a troll.
I could point out the EXTREME irony in that post ;D

This is your 3rd post in this thread. And you STILL haven't contributed even one SENTENCE of constructive, useful information about the issue in the original post. You are the definition of an forum troll.

To help clear it up, here is a definition since you don't get it:
A troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, or otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

Another for you:

An obnoxious user or member on a forum that goes out of their way to make pointless, offensive, or annoying posts and messages. Often these users are labeled as spammers and will post random off-topic junk in many sections of a forum.

A final one to make sure you get it:

1c. Noun
A member of an internet forum who continually harangues and harasses others. Someone with nothing worthwhile to add to a certain conversation, but rather continually threadjacks or changes the subject, as well.

I went ahead and took the liberty of bolding the parts of the definition which are what you have done since your 1st post in this thread. The general point is that you have contributed nothing, after the thread was going in the right direction you still interrupted and again with no USEFUL information. You have been the exact definition of a troll, regardless of if YOU think so or not. Read the definitions. It's clear enough. You haven't contributed one single thing to the original idea or point of this thread. Your posts are irrelevant and only serve to ruin this thread that has been otherwise, for constructive purposes.   
« Last Edit: January 15, 2010, 05:12:23 PM by Bigpop »

Offline Loupblanc

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Re: Balance
« Reply #17 on: January 15, 2010, 06:48:10 PM »

 He's got a point.
 Also, Luz777 and Poop_Bacon, while I do enjoy being
 inflammatory, I think I raised valid points in the past. I
 care very much about this mod, and am eager to get my
 hands on it, like we all do, I bet.

 Sure, I got off the wall ironic humor, but I'd like to think
 I can have my moments of lucidity and maturity, no?
You know, there are many people in the country today who, through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane. Some of them became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like you and me who are out of our tiny little minds to try and help these people overcome their sanity

Offline luz777

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Re: Balance
« Reply #18 on: January 15, 2010, 07:36:02 PM »
Haha yeah I know I was only jesting, hence the  ":P"
But the internet doesnt really convey that sometimes.

No worries Mr Wolf, you've raised plenty of valid points about various things so far :)

Shall we get back on topic then?

Offline Loupblanc

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Re: Balance
« Reply #19 on: January 15, 2010, 08:24:56 PM »

 Sure :D
 Damn, I hate misunderstandings, sometimes.
 Yea, sometimes, I push them along, but it's mostly out of
 frustration that just can't do a thing about 'em. If can't beat
 'em, then join them. Sigh.

 I like Bigpop, though. It's chancellor that's the new troll :D

 Throws pie to the face of Bigpop : Wheee! :D

 Need mod soon before I go completely insane :D
You know, there are many people in the country today who, through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane. Some of them became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like you and me who are out of our tiny little minds to try and help these people overcome their sanity

Offline ford_prefect

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Re: Balance
« Reply #20 on: January 15, 2010, 08:43:04 PM »
"I went ahead and took the liberty of bolding the parts of the definition which are what you have done since your 1st post in this thread. The general point is that you have contributed nothing, after the thread was going in the right direction you still interrupted and again with no USEFUL information. You have been the exact definition of a troll, regardless of if YOU think so or not. Read the definitions. It's clear enough. You haven't contributed one single thing to the original idea or point of this thread. Your posts are irrelevant and only serve to ruin this thread that has been otherwise, for constructive purposes."
long weeks and break up do very bad things...
so to help get this thing rolling again I deleted every post I have put on here I suggest that delete any responses to those as well.
"Russian army is going to be vastly over powered and this shoutcast seems to prove my own points
I agreed with you when I first watched the shout cast fearing the worst. But I went through the videos a second time and did notice that all the fighting was concentrated in one place and green apple did not bother at all to flank Apex or take the main middle point when it was open. I think the shoutcast just as much of the videos are "propaganda" do you get what I'm saying?
"My first major concern is the lack of the retreat button" I did agree with this and after reading your whole post it does make sense. the MG'42 I guess would just need to be protected on the flanks rather simple solution.
"once the Ostheer IS out, it will be vastly OPed along with the Russians" could you please expand on this theory?
"The IS-2 seems to be a bit strong" yes I thought the same thing but after watching the video a 2nd time I noticed that the King Tiger's health bar was already half way gone when it first came into contact with the two IS-2s
"The "slow" start for the Russians doesn't seem very slow to me" I do agree with you there. You went off and off about the "slow" game play of the Wher. while this is true Green Apple brought this TO THE MAX. 15 minutes in he only had 2 buildings (not including HQ) no one should take that long. Also the Wher. get MG'42s in their first building which should be able to withstand a heavy Russian spam in the start. When do the Wher. win? good question depends on your style of game play
"various tiers" not sure what you mean. Do you mean experience? If so then it would be nice for you to know that the Russian infantry don't "gain" any experience.
"it makes MG42s obsolete for Wehrmacht"
WOW SLOW DOWN MATE. just because they can "unsuppressed" that does not mean that the MG is gone for good. For example if you look at the little hints at the bottom of a loading screen it says "an HMG should be supported by a infantry squad" if you follow that rule it should help and that mg is not "obsolete" anymore
also I would like to say I'm sorry to any of you who saw my "trolling" side as I said "long weeks and break ups are hard"

Offline Loupblanc

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Re: Balance
« Reply #21 on: January 15, 2010, 09:05:34 PM »

 ! - The GF that kept hitting you in the head and whose
 father you were working for... broke up ?? WTF dude?
 - KT vs 2x IS2's notice the Katyusha got in a few good
 hits in there. And one IS2 *STILL* bought the farm.
 I'm not changing my mind. Something ought to be done to
 limit IS2s so that T34 steal the show ;) (Limit of 2 is nice)
 - The OstHEER vastly OP... Er... Yea, it's a danger, but
 just like the Japanese, Italian and Brazilian will be vastly
 OP, yknow? :)
 - ** Soviets ** *MUST* be able to OP :p Balancing them
 based on non-OP means their strenght will explode drama-
 tically with US/British help. I like how the British +ressource
 only helps the British (Not the trucks, the engineer doc
 talent), for example.

 I suggest Zis6 trucks capping/locking, or, easier,
 BUNKER-CaPPING just like the PE scout cars do, no?

 Make it a munition global upgrade if you want to :)

 - Yes, I like to rant :)
 - Makes MG42s obsolete?... Hmm, yup. Just like
 Conscripts are made obsolete when they face (alone)
 3x StuH42/105's... :p

 2x Conscript squads : 400 MP. 3x : 600 MP.
 1x MG42 = 260 MP.

 This mod is a failure because 400-600 MP (+200 muni)
 or +500 MP (command squad) beats 260 MP. Yup.

 Mutual supporting MG42 squads based on tier defense
 fixes problem :)
You know, there are many people in the country today who, through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane. Some of them became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like you and me who are out of our tiny little minds to try and help these people overcome their sanity

Offline ford_prefect

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Re: Balance
« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2010, 09:14:45 PM »
! - The GF that kept hitting you in the head and whose
 father you were working for... broke up ?? WTF dude?

rather not talk about it NOW TO WHAT ELSE HE SAID
"The OstHEER vastly OP... Er... Yea, it's a danger" yeah its a "danger" in the same sense that you can be hit by a badger in a car saying "that's for my uncle!"
"I suggest Zis6 trucks capping/locking"
I like it
"Mutual supporting MG42 squads based on tier defense
 fixes problem"
What I said right? I think?

Offline Loupblanc

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Re: Balance
« Reply #23 on: January 15, 2010, 09:39:39 PM »

 - Tell me more about why GF broke up? You guys
 were almost promised :p
 - Actually, there is more chance of OstHeer being OP
 than of being hit by a car-driving badger screaming 'That's
 for my uncle!'.
 - Zis6/Bunkers capping/locking : I like it too.
 - MG42 tier support : Well, yea. I mean crying because
 500+400 (900 MP) can defeat 260 MP is, like, bleh.

 I'm certain game would be more balanced if 260 MP could
 stop 3000 MP cold :)

 I like Schledt where 3 mortars and 2-3MGs will destroy
 like 10x-30x times their worth in Expert AI zombies ;)
You know, there are many people in the country today who, through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane. Some of them became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like you and me who are out of our tiny little minds to try and help these people overcome their sanity

Offline Loupblanc

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Re: Balance
« Reply #24 on: January 15, 2010, 09:46:16 PM »

 Tell me, man. There can be no balance until we all know :(
You know, there are many people in the country today who, through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane. Some of them became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like you and me who are out of our tiny little minds to try and help these people overcome their sanity

Offline ford_prefect

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Re: Balance
« Reply #25 on: January 15, 2010, 09:50:43 PM »

 Well, I'm really hungry and about to go to work...
 For Breakfast, I had sex and 2x Toasts with blueberry
 jam. What about you? :)

 I had a tall glass of home made Orange Juice with a lot of
 Pulp, as well as some peppermint candies :)
delete your posts like i did

Offline Loupblanc

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Re: Balance
« Reply #26 on: January 15, 2010, 10:02:38 PM »

 ? What are talking about, mate?
You know, there are many people in the country today who, through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane. Some of them became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like you and me who are out of our tiny little minds to try and help these people overcome their sanity

Offline ford_prefect

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Re: Balance
« Reply #27 on: January 15, 2010, 10:23:36 PM »

 ? What are talking about, mate?
the button with the red X

Offline Blue

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Re: Balance
« Reply #28 on: January 16, 2010, 08:09:46 AM »
Um, didn't anyone else notice that in the shoutcast the German player wasn't trying to hard anyways? I'm assuming they wanted to show cast the mod- He didn't even vet his troops until like halfway through. While I do enjoy seeing you come up with constructive criticism, you haven't:

1) Played the mod

Claiming ANYTHING is OPed is plain wrong, especially from viewing a SINGLE match between 2 players, whose CoH skills are unknown to you. Not trying to bag you man, but wait until it is released, then start calling things OPed. :D
"War does not determine who is right - only who is left."

Offline Voop_Bakon

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Re: Balance
« Reply #29 on: January 16, 2010, 10:02:08 AM »
Claiming ANYTHING is OPed is plain wrong, especially from viewing a SINGLE match between 2 players, whose CoH skills are unknown to you. Not trying to bag you man, but wait until it is released, then start calling things OPed. :D

Thank you, I am glad at least some people understand this idea.