Well Ford thats clearly because you enjoy unsafe sex with people... Seriously Loups ability to take a normal topic and turn it into some Final Destination-stylee pile up of a thread is almost admirable....almost
Loup go to a little web site called "making history.com" its an old game that I enjoy any who look at the two ww1 mods one is an exe "deadlock" the other is not "great war" if you look the "deadlock" mod got a **** load more downloads it was almost the same exact mod I have them both they are almost the same so that is my point more people download exe.'s then they do other things its kind of the American way you get some one to do it for you!
If they don't know how to open a damn bag of chips, then how can you expect to play the damn mod??! Much less the vanilla game
I think it's illegal to roll up bags of chips to smoke them