Company of Heroes: Eastern Front

Author Topic: KV 152  (Read 7708 times)

Offline ford_prefect

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Re: KV 152
« Reply #15 on: November 08, 2009, 06:45:46 AM »

 : That's exactly what it is shaping up to be as, so far.
 ISU152 = Jagpanther :( 152mm vs 88mm... identical.
 YES! I am for balance, but plenty of ways this can be
 achieved without making mismatched units identical.
 Don't have beta, so can't confirm but please, please,
 please don't let it be thus!
 : IS2. Same thing. I hope it won't be Panther stats with
 IS2 stats :p I got plenty of suggestions to make it
 balanced, equivalent, while rabidly different :)
 : hey, my usual name is Felinewolfie. I mind it being called
 the felinekiller ;) (Especially since it also was artillery,
 not a dedicated TFD)
 : Mouse, rat, racoon, uhuh.
 what about PUMA, then? :)

 Only germans gave pet animal names to their vehicles.
 Ohh, not true. M10 wolverine has a cute animal name.
 Yknow, like Pikacu... gotta collect them all ;)

 ... ok, we'Re not in Kansas anymore, toto...

 (Clicks ruby slippers)
whats a "usual name"?

Offline Loupblanc

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Re: KV 152
« Reply #16 on: November 08, 2009, 06:49:41 AM »

 Mein monicker. The usual surname I use to chat online
 /onforums with. I've written aplenty on modb as
 Felinewolfie... ;) Am faux-offended about the name
 Feline Killer is what it is :)
You know, there are many people in the country today who, through no fault of their own, are sane. Some of them were born sane. Some of them became sane later in their lives. It is up to people like you and me who are out of our tiny little minds to try and help these people overcome their sanity