okay. yh the man was a fantastic general. the best german general. the man lost to bernard montgomery. so who is the better general. the man who fought in the open desert or the man who won in the open desert. rommel was an all round general though. hitler liked him. of course after rommel became a traitor and tried to make peace with the allied forces hitler had him burnt alive in hot oil or sometin. anyways. Montogomery alll the way. the brains behind Overlord. the overalll commander of the british forces. he was a field marshall. the highes rank of the highest. he was the supreme allied commander of WW2. thats why he is the gr8est
Zhukov, that's simple. Because he's the winner and he's the one who captured Berlin and did it with lower casualties than the enemy (which is almost impossible to make). End of story.
personally any general who can't keep his soldiers under control enough to stop wholesale rape and murder of a conquered populace doesn't get my respect to begin with. Nearly the entire female population of berlin was raped, some dozens of times.